twenty eight

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Chapter 28 ~ Labyrinth

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Chapter 28 ~ Labyrinth

Harry and Uma strolled into the 'magical history' classroom just as the professor was about to shut the door to begin the lesson. As they slipped into their usual seats at the back of the class, Philomena couldn't help looking over her shoulder.

While Uma was placing what looked like nail polish and a nail file on their desk, Harry just sat down and crossed his legs. He looked at her and winked, a playful little smile just teasing the edge of his lips.

Phina gave him a slight frown, then turned back around and focused on the professor as he began his lesson. They were discussing different types of magic. There was of course many. The professor didn't hold much of Phinas interest at all until he began to discuss fairy magic, or more importantly to her pixie dust. He went on to explain how it was very difficult to ethically source unless of course one was on good terms with a fairy who was willing to provide it by their own free will.

His eyes darted to Phina as he made an example of her father and tinkerbells friendship, or rather infatuation on tinkerbells behalf from what she'd read.

She looked over her shoulder – just briefly – to check that Harry was still there, though she really had no idea how or why he might have left in the middle of a lesson.

She checked on him again about ten minutes later.

And then again.

He smirked, pointed at his eyes with his index and middle fingers, then pointed them to the front of the classroom, indicating that's where she should be looking.

He was right, of course.

She blushed, and turned her attention back to the lesson.

The professor was, unfortunately, not nearly as interesting to look at as Harry. She pinched the skin of the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger, forcing herself to pay attention. Fighting the urge to look over her shoulder again.

It occurred to her she'd never actually had this problem before. Never in all her years at Auradon had she been distracted in class because of a boy – or rather, a man.

It was all very new to her. Rather vexing, really, but also kind of fun. The butterflies in her stomach were equal parts anxiety and excitement – the fluttering of anticipation.

For the rest of the lecture, Phina tried desperately to focus and keep herself facing forward. Her knee bounced at a constant and rapid pace. Her eyes squinted in concentration. Her hands were covered in ink smudges from her sloppy, distractedly scribbled notes.

When the class finally came to an end, she sighed in relief. She looked at Evie whom she was sat next to, who just shook her head in exasperation with a cheeky smile across her red painted lips.

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