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Chapter 40 ~ skyfall

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Chapter 40 ~ skyfall

It seems he is not done with their rather one sided conversation on the ship. He keeps her there, pinned down in the deck as he speaks.

"We could have done this the easy way" He snarls "i tried to be your friend you know? But every fucking time that guard dog of yours was there, it's like you go nowhere without him"

"He is my boyfriend" she snarls right back, defiant.

"Did i tell you to speak?" Jack shouts making her jump, a cold wave of fear washes over her.

"And then the roses, I thought they might have scared you into being more vulnerable. Maybe you'd forget all about that lovely necklace and leave it laying about somewhere. I was wrong. The only thing it did was push you and your necklace closer to that pirate of yours" He scoffs as if the thought of it disgusts him.

She feels sorry for him. For not ever finding security and comfort in a person. The fact he has never been loved is clear and for that Phina cannot help but view him as a lonely boy grasping at power and glory wherever he can find it.

"So now Phia" he uses the nickname she knows Harry hates him using, to mock him she thinks. It is cowardly to mock someone who is not even there to defend themselves but she supposes he is if nothing but a weak, moral-less boy. "i have no choice but to do this the hard way"

"It's Philomena" She spits

A spiteful glean appears in Jacks eyes. Like he knows she won't stand for him mocking Harry.

"Your big scary boyfriend isn't here to defend you now" He pouts "shame, i'd like to see the look on his face right about now"

"He'll kill you" her teeth are gritted, trying desperately to claw at him. She knows he's currently outweighing her in strength, but she thinks she might be able to hurt him enough if only she wasn't pinned down.

He just throws his head back and laughs. She pays him no mind as he rambles on about something or other. Concentrating on making sure she breathes steadily. If she doesn't she knows she will end up having a panick attack which is not something that would help her situation at all

The claw like grip on her wrists becomes tighter, nails digging into her skin.

Tears well in her eyes at the pain but she refuses to let them fall. Refuses to give the boy any satisfaction of seeing her in pain.

"Give me the necklace..." He says, and then in an unexpected motion he releases his grip on her and moves it to her hair, using it to pull her up from the ground and onto her feet before dragging her to the docks edge as she scrambles in an attempt to get away to no avail. "or you drown and i take it anyway"

"Never" She spits through gritted teeth.

He tuts "wrong answer" He reaches up with the hand that is not fisted in her hair to take the necklace off of her and in a moment of pure inmpusle to keep the necklace safe she rears back her head and slams it into his nose.

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