thirty four

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Chapter 34~ Are we still friends?

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Chapter 34~ Are we still friends?

It is a few days later when she receives the first rose. There is no note nor indication of who might have left it, simply a single red rose left outside of her dormitory.

She assumes it might be for Uma so she doesn't mention it, simply picks it up and places it in a jar of water.

The next day she finds one in her bag. It is strange she thinks and definitely a violation of her personal space, that someone had been that close to her and neither she nor anyone else had noticed.

She brings it up to her friends at lunch but none of them confess to know anything about it. They all agree it is odd, secret admirer or not.

Harry is of course not best pleased. She had at one point assumed it must have been Harry, so she had brought it up with him.

It turned out Harry definitely had no part in it and to quote was "going to make fucking sure whoever it is will know the consequences of being such a fucking creep"

She learns that Harry swears a lot more than usual when he is angry/ concerned.

She pushes open the door of her dormitory the next evening, flicking on the light switch, and her heart skips a beat.

There, lying on her pillow, is another single red rose. It is beautiful like the rest of them, its petals velvety and perfect, but she feels a shiver run down her spine at the violation of her safe space.

She carefully picks it up, avoiding its thorns while examining it, as if it might hold some clue. The longer she stares at it, the more uneasy she feels. Her thoughts race. Who and why?

Unable to shake off the discomfort, she grabs the rose and rushes out of her room, heading straight for the boys' dormitory. She knows she will find Harry there. She's doesn't stop to think why her feet take her to Harry, she just goes to where she feels most safe.

It is a funny thought, she will think later, for your safest place to be the one person you are supposed to hate.

When she reaches Harry's room, she knocks urgently. The door swings open moments later, revealing Harry, who looks surprised to see her so flustered.

"Phina? What's wrong?" he asks, concern lacing his voice.

She holds up the rose, her expression troubled. "I found this on my pillow. I still don't know who left it there or why, Harry it's really creeping me out now."

Harry's eyes narrow as he takes the rose from her, examining it closely. "No note or anything?"

Phina shakes her head. "Nothing. Just the rose like the last times."

Harry's jaw tightens. He can sense her fear, and it makes his blood boil. "You're not staying in your room tonight. Whoever did this might come back."

Phina's eyes widen. "But where will I go?"

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