thirty seven

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chapter 37 ~ softcore

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chapter 37 ~ softcore

A week passes and Philomena Pan alongside Malina Dunbroch and the VKs amongst other auradon prep students gather on the Auradon side of the bridge to the Isle of the Lost for their day of integration.

Fairy Godmother stands at the front of the large group, giving them a final briefing.

"Remember, today is about building bridges and understanding. Be respectful and keep an open mind. You'll be guided by some of the Isle students. Have a wonderful time!" Her usual chipper voice enhanced by magic to make her louder echoes out over the gathered students.

Phina exchanges nervous glances with Malina who looks equally apprehensive. She had been to the isle of course but she had heard the opening of the barrier didn't do much to quell the overall unpleasantness of the city. Mal, Evie, and Carlos, being former Isle residents, seem more composed but still alert. Harry and Uma of course look totally at ease as usual. Harry, if anything, looks jittery with excitement.

"Just stick together and we'll all be fine" Mal says seemingly sensing the general discomfort amongst her friends.

Evie nods "And remember, we're here to learn and make friends"

Phina is not entirely sure if Evie means to remind everyone of the fact or reassure herself that they are there for a reason. Phina knows Evie's fears of being stuck back on the island so she assumes it's probably the latter.

They reach the isle quicker than Phina was prepared for. She takes a deep breath as they fully step into the now permanently open gates of the isle. Harry is at her side, brushing his thumb back and forth over her knuckles as he holds her hand.

They begin their tour, walking through the bustling streets of the Isle. It is impossible not to notice how the atmosphere is vastly different from Auradon, with its darker, grittier vibe.

Residents of the Isle watch the group with curiosity and suspicion. Harry does not let go of Phinas hand and she notices once or twice how he glares at people who look at them for too long.

As they walk, Phina takes in the sights and sounds of the Isle. They pass by shops selling dubious wares and children in raggedy clothes playing boisterously in the streets. Despite the rough exterior, there's a sense of community here that Phina finds intriguing.

Malina who is walking at Phinas side looking around with wide eyes leans closer to her to whisper: "It's so different from Auradon, isn't it?"

Phina nods "definitely"

They arrive at the marketplace, where Uma stops to speak with a group of Isle kids she must know.

She feels hair brush her cheek as Harry leans down over her shoulder "You're doing great, Love. It's a lot to take in when you haven't got a mission like last time, but you'll get used to it" his tone is soft.

PAN ~ Harry Hook Where stories live. Discover now