thirty eight

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chapter 38 ~ ivy

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chapter 38 ~ ivy

The courtyard at Auradon Prep is bathed in the warm glow of the afternoon sun as Phina sits on a stone bench under a large oak tree, engrossed in another re read of the book about her father.

She had just turned a page when a shadow falls across her. Glancing up, she finds herself face-to-face with Jack.

He is leaning casually against the trunk of the oak, his usual smirk plastered across his face. His dark eyes scanned her face with an unsettling familiarity, one that immediately puts her on edge.

"Phia," Jack drawls, his voice dripping with false charm. "Fancy seeing you here, all by your lonesome."

Phina's fingers tighten around the edge of her book. She hadn't seen Jack much since that night in the studio where she heart her ankle, or rather he did.

"Jack," she replies, her tone cool and distant eyes returning to the page of her book "It's Philomena" she turns a page "What do you want?"

Jack chuckles, pushing himself off the tree and taking a step closer. "Come on, don't be like that. I just thought we could catch up, maybe spend some time together." He tilts his head slightly, eyes glinting with a familiar, unnerving confidence. "be friends?"

The way he says 'friends' unsettles her and she resists the urge to scoff. She feels her pulse quickening, a mix of irritation and unease bubbling up inside her.

"Jack," she begins, trying to keep her voice steady, "I thought I made it clear that I'm not interested."

His smirk falters, just for a moment, before he masked it with a lazy grin. "Oh, come on, Phina. Don't be so cold. I sent you roses, did you get them?"

Phina standa, closing her book with a sharp snap. She was done with his games. "I did and to put it quite frankly it was a complete invasion of my privacy and my safety. You had no good intentions. You meant to scare me, i know that so do not dare pretend otherwise" She takes a shaky breath. "Stay away from me, and Malina and all of my other friends. I will not tell you again"

Jack's eyes darken, his smirk finally fading as his expression hardens. He takes another step closer, closing the distance between them. "You know, Phia, I'm not someone you can just brush off. I don't think you realize who you're dealing with."

Phina's heart pounds, but she refuses to back down. She knew that showing fear would only encourage him. "I know exactly who I'm dealing with, Jack. And I'm telling you, for the last time, I'm not interested in you, or your friendship or your schemes. Leave me alone."

For a moment, it seemed like Jack might push further, his eyes narrowing as if he were calculating his next move. But then, before he could say anything else, a familiar voice cuts through the tension like a blade.

"Is there a problem here, Love?"

Phina feels an immense wave of relief wash over her as she turns to see Harry approaching, his usual swagger tempered by a dark, protective look in his eyes. He moves to stand beside her, his presence a wall of reassurance that immediately makes Jack tense up. She feels like she could just collapse into his arms of relief.

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