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Chapter 46 ~ sweet disposition

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Chapter 46 ~ sweet disposition

The afternoon sun casts a warm glow over the rolling flower fields, the air full with the scent of lavender and wild daisies. A gentle breeze stirs the tall grass, carrying with it the soft rustle of leaves and the distant hum of bees buzzing about. It is a perfect day—calm, serene, and peaceful.

Phina lays on her back in the middle of the field, her head propped up slightly on her folded arms. A well-worn book sits in her lap, pages gently fluttering with the breeze. She is fully engrossed in the story, eyes moving rapidly over the words, lips slightly parted in concentration. For Phina, moments like this were pure bliss. The quiet, the flowers, the warm sun—it was all she needed.

Harry Hook, however, was not so easily satisfied by peace and quiet.

He lays beside her on the soft grass, his arms crossed behind his head, his eyes closed, but his mind far from restful. At first, he'd been content just to lay beside her, to feel the warmth of the sun and the closeness of her presence. But now... now he was bored.

The seconds felt like minutes, and the minutes like hours. He could hear her soft breaths as she read, the occasional turn of a page, and it was driving him mad. Finally, with an exasperated sigh, Harry opens his eyes and turns his head to look at her.

"Phina," he drawls lazily, trying to catch her attention. "You've been buried in that book for hours. Ye even remember I'm here?"

She hums absentmindedly, her eyes still glued to the page. "I remember," she replies, her voice light and distracted. "I just really want to finish this chapter."

Harry groans and shifts onto his side, propping himself up on one elbow as he glances at the book. "What could possibly be more interestin' than me, lass?"

Phina smirks but doesn't look up. "Oh, plenty of things," she teases. "But you're definitely up there."

Harry narrows his eyes playfully. "Is that so?"

Before Phina can react, Harry shoots out his hand and snatches the book from her lap, holding it high above his head. Phina lets out a startled yelp, immediately sitting up and turning to face him.

"Harry!" she protests, reaching for the book. "Give that back!"

He grins mischievously, holding the book just out of her reach. "I dunno, love," he says, enjoying her frustration. "Ye seem awfully fond of this thing. Maybe I should see what all the fuss is about."

Phina lunges toward him, but Harry easily rolls out of her way, laughing as he does. "Harry!" she huffs, trying not to laugh herself as she makes another attempt to grab the book. "Give it back, you pirate!"

"Not until ye pay me some attention!" Harry teases, rolling onto his back and holding the book even farther away.

Phina narrows her eyes at him, her lips curving into a mischievous smile of her own. "Oh, you want my attention?" she says sweetly, crawling toward him on her hands and knees. "Is that it?"

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