thirty six

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chapter 36 ~ Him and I

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chapter 36 ~ Him and I

After breakfast Evie catches up to Phina as they leave the dining hall, when she does she leans closer to talk to Phina quietly.

"Somethings changed" Her eyes are narrowed and she has a smirk playing at the corner of her immaculately red painted lips.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Phina says indifferently looking straight ahead clutching her folder tighter to her chest whilst she none too subtlety refuses to look at her friend. she cannot help the flush from creeping up her neck.

Evie gasps "Something did happen. Did he finally tell you how he feels?" she gasps again and Phina has to shush her so that Harry or any of her other friends catch wind of the conversation

"Did you kiss!" Evie's grin is contagious and Phina finds herself nodding just to keep the girl quiet and inconspicuous.

"Yes alright? we kissed but you can't tell anyone. We have barely even spoke about it. I don't know if he wants anyone to know" She admits as she fiddles with a corner of the folder in her arms.

Evie agrees and tones it down but she is still a never ending fountain of questions all throughout their walk to class.

Phina eventually finds it quite nice to talk about it with Evie as they giggle and shush each other the whole way to class.


Through it the next few days Harry stays true to his word and does not let her go from within a 2 meter radius of him. She doesn't mind it though secretly. She likes his protective nature. She feels safe and secure for the first time in a while.

She also learns that he has to be constantly touching her some way or other, whether that be holding her hand, a hand on her thigh in class or simply an arm around her shoulder. Which, unfortunately for Phina, means that 90% of the time she is fighting to keep the blush off of her face. Fortunately though, she has, in her opinion, the most handsome guy in Auradon at her side at all times which is not something she minds at all.

Harry does not seem to mind being seen with her. at all. Any insecurities about herself or their relationship, whatever that may be, squashed the moment he gives her his usual lopsided smirk and takes her hand.

Phina wanders through the aisles of the library as she thinks, the scent of old books and polished wood filling the air, her fingers trail along the spines of the volumes as she moves.

She is halfway through one of the less-traveled rows when she hears the soft sound of footsteps behind her. Before she can even turn around, an arm slips around her waist, and she is gently pulled back against a warm and quite frankly very firm chest.

"Looking for something, pixie?" Harry's voice is a low murmur in her ear, that sends a shiver down her spine.

Phina smiles, her heart skipping a beat as she relaxes into his embrace. "Maybe," she replies, her voice just as quiet. "But I think I found it."

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