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Time skip two weeks-Wednesday
Aria gets up and gets ready for the day

both her siblings having already left without her since their parents dropped them off she grabs the keys to the car and drives to school "Ari you'll never believe it"her sister says running up to her enthusiastically "Whats up"aria asks "I got a ...

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both her siblings having already left without her since their parents dropped them off she grabs the keys to the car and drives to school
"Ari you'll never believe it"her sister says running up to her enthusiastically
"Whats up"aria asks
"I got a role in this show called arrow playing the  main characters younger sister Thea"she says
"No way that's amazing congratulations "aria says hugging her sister
"Thank you"Allison says
"How about I take you and Asher out tonight after work and we will go and eat to celebrate"aria says
"That sounds amazing"she says
"Where are we going"Asher asks walking up to the duo
"Up to Allison it's her day"aria says walking away from the two letting them argue about where they wanna go
"Hey babe"Eric says walking to arias locker
"Hey Eric how would you like to come out to dinner with me asher and Allison tonight "she says kissing him
"I would love to babe but I can't I'm busy with practice"Eric says
"Oh okay no problem maybe I can get Grant to go or something"aria says
"Yeah sounds like a good idea"Eric  says his time changing
"Well I'll see you after class i guess"aria says
"Yup"Eric says kissing her head when Eric and aria first started dating  their sophomore year they constantly made time for each other and talked for hours it never mattered to Eric  that Grant is arias best friend but it seemed lately all they would do is have plans without eachother always have something going on if not they would just argue about anything and everything the honeymoon phase disappeared
Grant meets up with aria in the hallway
"Hello Ari"he says
"Hey T"she says as he puts his arm around her shoulders
"Did you tell Natalie  about glee"she asks
"Not yet"he says
The pair walk to class little do they know a pair of eyes is watching them
Aria walks to her first period sitting next to Grant
"Did you of last nights homework"aria asks
"Yeah you didn't"he says
"No I was at work till late"she says
"Here let me see"he says taking her paper and handing her his
She erases his name from the top and puts hers
The teacher walks in as the bell rings aria mouths a thank you to Grant as he nods
they go to their next three periods
She nods focusing back on the lesson the bell rings and they head to  lunch
Aria sits down with Emily   Hanna ,Allison and Camila and Grant Natalie  sits next to Grant they have all known Natalie  since junior high but none of them have ever been close especially because she used to tease Hanna
Eric comes and sits on arias other side putting his arm over her shoulders
"Hey when does cheer practice start"aria asks looking at Hanna
"Today after school"she says
"I'm gonna have to get someone to take my shift at work"aria says
They finish lunch and  right as aria is about to leave she gets grabbed by the shoulder
"Listen stay away from Grant alright he is my boyfriend" Natalie says
"What the hell are you talking about we have been best friend since birth"aria says turning to face Natalie
"Well I'm telling you to stay away from him"she says
"Look you have a problem with me fine but let Grant decide if he still wants to be my friend just because your jealous"aria says
"Fine you'll see"she says walking out aria scoffs walking to her last period
Aria walks to her locker and Grant own his next to hers
"Hey are you alright T you're being weird" aria asks him
"I don't think we should see eachother or be friends anymore"he says looking at aria
"What why"she asks
"Because Natalie says we spend a lot of time together"he says
"We're friends of course we spend time together I'm not with you everyday you have your life I have mine"she says
"Yeah but still she just doesn't want us spending so much time together"he says
"Ahh I see this isn't Thomas speaking to me this is Natalie  speaking well guess what your girlfriend doesn't have to worry anymore"she says
"Ari"he starts
"Don't I never thought you would let a girl come between us actually you know what I don't care we don't have to be friends anymore alright but only if you want not what your girlfriend wants say the word and I'm gone"she says looking at him
"Ari I don't wanna be friends anymore"he says not making eye contact
"Alright fine don't call me Ari anymore by the way Grant"she says slamming her locker shut
and walks away she walk to the girls locker room and changes with tears streaming down her face
She wipes her face and walks out
"What was that with Grant in the hallway"Allison asks
"I don't know he doesn't wanna be my friend anymore I don't care I really don't need his attitude I'll see you later for dinner alright" she says going to the rest of the cheerleaders
"Ari I saw what happened in the hallway you know that wasn't him talking right it was Natalie "Hanna says
"I know but still it hurt Han he looked so serious"she says
"I know but he is an actor you guys will be best friends again soon"she says
"I hope your right"aria says doing her cheers
Hanna and aria finish and walk out to Spencer car who is giving them rides home
Aria goes home and changes into normal clothes and walks down the steps
"Ready to go"aria asks her siblings
"Yeah you sure you wanna go"Asher asks
"Yes guys I'm fine I promised and we are going"aria says
"Well we just didn't know because of Grant"Alison says
"Look it's not like we were dating I'm fine"she says
"You might as well have been"Asher whispers
"What was that"aria asks looking at him
"Nothing"he says quickly making Alison laugh
"Mom dad we will be back later"Alison calls out
"Alright sweethearts"their mom says
They walk to the car as Allison drives this time and aria sits in the passenger seat
They get to the restaurant and get a table
"How was practice"aria asks Asher
"We didn't have practice today"Asher says
"Oh"aria says
The two siblings give each other looks and shrug
They all eat and head back home aria lays in bed going to sleep with a knot in her chest

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