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Time skip a month
Aria walks to her class and sits in her normal seat next to Leela and Adam Kyle sits behind her
"Got anything special today"Leela asks
"Yeah bunch of homework for my other two classes"aria says
"I have to go to hockey practice"Kyle says
"Same"Adam says
"I won't be back till late I have basketball practice"Leela says
"So I'll be by myself"aria says
"Have Grant go over"Kyle says
"Grant has a thing for work doesn't he"Adam says
Aria nods
"Go over our place that way watch tv and chill at least you'll have something to do"Kyle says
"I might"aria says
The bell rings and they leave the class
"Alright I'll see you later"Leela says walking toward the gym
Kyle and Adam grab their keys
"Want us to walk out with you so you aren't by yourself"Adam asks
"Sure"aria says walking to the parking lot with them they walk her to her car
"Thank you guys"aria says they nod she gets in her car and goes to the supermarket before going to Grant off campus house
She gets out of her car with the bags and walks in she puts everything in their fridge and walks to put her stuff at the table the boys have practice till six and it's currently 4:30 aria starts to make the lasagna and popping it in the oven finishing at around 5:00
She sits at the table with her homework getting around half way through
When the door shuts
"Hello"she hears Grant call
"In here"she says he walks in
"Hey babe I wasn't expecting to see you here"Grant says
"Yeah Kyle and Adam said I shouldn't just come here because Leela won't be home till later If that doesn't bug you"aria says
"Of course it doesn't"he says kissing her head throwing down his keys
"This essay is as long as my arm"aria says looking at it
"What this arm"Grant says lifting her arm and trailing kisses up it going towards her neck
"Baby"she says he continues
"That's not helping me"she says
"Alright I'll give you your arm back"Grant says
"Thank you"she says smiling and going back to writing
"I'll take your neck"he says whispering kissing her neck she rests her forehead against her leg her breathing becoming ragged
"Grant"she says in a breathy tone grabbing his arms "I have a lot of work to do seriously if your not gonna help you need to go and sit quietly on the couch and read your book"
He groans and walks toward the couch grabbing his book
She looks over at him finishing her essay
"That's not helping me either"she says he looks over at her
"What I'm doing what you said and reading my book"he says she gets up
"Exactly"she says straddling him she leans down kissing him he puts down the book wrapping his arms around her waist he lays her down on the couch still kissing her she wraps her legs around his waist they hear keys jingle in the door Grant gets up groaning making aria laugh as she gets up walking back to the table
"Wow something smells delicious"Kyle says walking in
"Oh yeah I made you guys lasagna"aria says
"You are the best"Adam says Kyle hugs her tightly making her laugh
"Do you guys not eat"she says
"No I mean eating out and eating somone cooking is a lot different"Adam says making Grant chuckles he gets up grabbing the lasagna out of the oven
"I mean Grant can cook"aria says
"Oh can he now"Adam says Grant just shakes his head
"I always forget you can you should cook for us"Kyle says
"Yeah cause we are always home"Grant says rolling his eyes
Kyle grabs plates and everyone gets their food they all sit and talk
"You doing cheer this year"Kyle asks
"Yeah most likely"aria says
"That's what I was gonna tell you there is a bunch of stuff saying tryouts are tomorrow"Grant says
Aria nods getting up and cleaning her plate she clears up her books and back pack
"I have to get back to the dorm I'll see you guys tomorrow"aria says
"Bye Aria"Adam and Kyle say
Grant gets up walking outside with her they walk to her car
"Bye babe"he says
"Bye t"she says he leans down kissing her his hands going to his waist and her arms wrapping around his neck
"I love you"he says leaning his forehead against her smiling
"I love you to"she says smiling at him she unlocks her car
And goes to her dorm she lays in bed falling asleep as soon as her head hits the pillow

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