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Aria gets up early to grab her suitcases and bags since she has to fly from jfk because they are still in New York
Grant is knocked out and aria debates waking him up but know if she doesn't he is gonna be upset he couldn't say bye
She walks over to the bed
"Hey babe "she says shaking him slightly he opens his eyes and mumbles
"Yeah are you okay"he asks concerned
"No I'm leaving I wanted to say bye"aria says
"Oh bye babe be safe and text me when you land "he says groggily
"I love you"she says
"I love you too"Grant says kissing her pulling her close
"I'm gonna miss you"aria says as he leans his forehead against hers
"I'll miss you too call me when you are at yours and Hanna place"Grant says
"I will"aria says she walks out seeing her brother and sister outside with their friends since max and Alison have a different flight then them
"Be safe I love you if you need me call me alright"aria says
"I will don't worry okay I promise I love you too"max says
"You too be safe call me"aria says
"I will alright don't worry"Alison says hugging her they leave and aria puts her bags in the car
"Ready to go"Ari Emily says
"Yeah I am"aria says getting in Caleb's car they all squish in
They finally arrive to the airport all the girls decided to live with eachother so Emily and Spencer have a rental together and then aria and Hanna do and Caleb and Toby are sharing
They all check there bags in and sit until their plane gets called they board
Aria falls asleep the entire flight waking up when Spencer shakes her arm
"Come on aria we landed"she says looking tired herself
"Alright I'm going"aria says getting up and grabs her carry on getting off
She follows her friends through the airport so she doesn't get lost since she is still half asleep she feels someone grabs her hand and sees Emily
"This way Ari"she says laughing aria gives her a smile and follows grabbing her luggage
Toby comes over grabbing her luggage
"I got it Ari"Toby says
"Thanks Toby"aria says
"And I'll help you"Caleb says holding aria since she feels like passing out on the floor
"Thanks Cale"she says leaning on him he chuckles his other hand holding Hanna's
They walk through the airport when aria phone rings
"Hello"she says answering it
"Hey babe you land okay"Grant asks
Aria perks up at grants voice
"Yeah I did we are fine walking to the car now"aria says
"Alright good I have a question"Grant asks
"Yeah what's up"aria says
"Why didn't you wake me up to say bye"he asks
"What are you talking about"she says
"Yeah my mom told me you left when I got up to look for you"he says
"Grant babe I woke you up and said babe I'm leaving and you said and I quote okay babe be safe text me when you get there call me when you land love you"aria says Caleb chuckles
"Oh I thought I was dreaming"Grant says
"Of course you did but I'll call you when I'm settled in"aria says
"Okay"Grant says
Aria gets into the car Caleb drop her and Hanna off at the house they bring in their bags aria plops down in a room on the bed
"This one's mine I'm not moving"aria says Hanna laughs
"I mean you got the bigger one"Hanna says aria looks around
"Oh yeah look at that"she says Hanna laughs walking into the other room
Aria lays in bed closing her eyes and falling asleep

Waiting for Superman -Grant GustinWhere stories live. Discover now