new york

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Time skip two days
Aria and Grant are back for there trip and both their families are in New York
Aria gets out of the taxi grabbing her bag and paying the guy
She takes a look for a second looking at Broadway and time square she walks to the rental they are in
She walks in
"Hello"she says
"Aria"Hanna says running and hugging her
"Hanna omg what are doing here"aria says
"Your mom invited us thought it would be a fun surprise"Emily says walking in with Naya
Aria walks over giving them both hugs
"Where are the guys"aria asks
"I don't know they all disappeared something about a surprise"Alison says walking in hugging her sister
"Where could they all have possibly gone the day before new years in my question"Spencer says hugging aria from behind
"I have no clue"Emily says
"Have you talked to Grant"Alison asks
"Nope I haven't seen him since we got back Wednesday I haven't really gotten the chance to talk to him"aria says
The door opens and all the guys walk in
"Speak of the devils"Spencer says making the girls laugh
"Hey Ari"Grant says bear hugging her
"Hey"she mumbles her face in his chest he lets her go she gives everyone else hugs
asher walks into the kitchen
"Hey asher"Alison says max just mumbles something in return Alison gives aria a look she just shrugs
"So where did you guys run off to"Hanna asks looking at Caleb
"That is a surprise"he says they all roll their eyes asher walks out of the kitchen completely ignoring aria
"What's up with him"she asks
"No clue"Hanna says
Aria looks at the guys seeing the look on all of the guys faces
"You two know something"Alison says looking at them
"We can't tell you"Tyler says
"Oh your telling us"Hanna says getting over protective they all are of Asher they have known each other since they were so little it became like there little brother too
"Well umm we might have given asher a beer"Grant starts aria and Alison look at him like he has three heads
"Or two"Caleb says
"What is wrong with you guys"Spencer says looking at them
"Why the fuck would you let him have beer he is 12"Alison says
"He is 17 Ali"Toby says
"That's not the point the point is you let their 17 year old brother have beers like it was another Thursday"Emily says holding Naya shoulders
"Your the oldest out of all of them your twenty and you two barely turned twenty one you watched this happen one of you shouldn't have even been drinking"aria says looking at all the guys
"Aria relax he was with us"Toby says
"That makes me feel so much better because I can trust you with my little brother"aria says more mad than Alison who looks like she is trying to calm down
" hold He is old enough no one was holding a gun to his head"Tyler says
"That's the thing he isn't he is 17 he does whatever you guys do"Spencer says
"Don't start with me if it was Grant or Gracie and somone did that you would've ripped them a knew one"aria says raising her voice
Tyler doesn't say anything
"Alright let's take a breathe"Caleb says
"Don't tell us to take a breathe"Hanna says shooting him a look
"Look babe" Grant says touching aria shoulder
"Don't fucking touch me"aria says Grant moves his hand looking her in the eyes
"Okay aria come on we are sorry"Caleb says
"Don't"Hanna snaps
The door opens and they all hear laughing
"What happened in here it looks like a war is gonna break out"Tina says
"Nothing"Tyler says aria walks out putting her hand on grants chest he places his hand over hers she moves her hand not realizing her ring slipped off she walks out Grant makes his hand a fist holding what she put on his chest to scared to look
He stands in the kitchen until their parents leave
"What was that"Hanna asks
"Her-her...r-ring"Grant says fighting back tears they all look at him feeling sorry for him he leaves the apartment
Aria walks to max room sitting on his bed
"What's up"he says
"Could ask you the same you have been hiding in here the entire time"aria says
"Nothing is up"max says
"Asher"aria says sitting on the bed
"fine i broke up with Mackenzie alright more like she broke up with me"
"oh Asher"
"its different i thought she was the one aria i really did"
"Asher your still young you are gonna have so many more girlfriends if you really think Mackenzie is the one then you will find your way back to each other"
"i Know but with you and grant god he knew you were the one since fifth grade and you knew it in middle school"
"is that what he said"aria says looking at Asher
"mhmm last night i was telling them about Mackenzie and love came up and that one just like Caleb new hanna was the one when he met her"asher says
"well we all knew that but the guys also told me about the beer"aria says
"i umm well dont be mad at them it was my idea"asher says
"and they co signed"aria says
"yes cause i convinced them"Asher says
"well its a little late to not get mad at them all the girls did too"aria says
"well you guys might wanna apologize"asher says
"yeah and remember Dile al amor"aria says making Asher laugh she looks at her hand and realizes her ring is gone
she gets up looking
"fuck asher i cant find my ring its gone"she says
"what do you mean gone"he says jumping off of the bed
"i mean one second i had it now i don't "aria says they look all over the room aria starts to panic she runs to the living room that is in the big open concept kitchen she starts to move things and so does Asher she walks to the living room where everyone is sitting and starts to throw things off of the couch
"hey whats wrong"naya asks and doesnt get a response as aria starts to get anxiety and almost starts crying
"aria"alison says
"i cant find it i just need to find it"aria says they all look at each other she starts to throw the pillows and cushions off and starts to cry
"god i can't find i need to find it"she says
"aria what is it"toby asks
she doesnt listen and keeps throwing things until she is crying
"woah hey"caleb says cathing her from falling to her knees and puts her head in his chest
"breathe ari"he says kissing her head something he has always done to help her calm down
"i cant find my ring caleb i cant find it"she says
they all look at each other confused
"aria grant has your ring"tyler says
"why"aria says her breathing calming down as she becomes confused
"when you were mad it mustve slipped off"spencer says
"where is grant"aria asks
"we dont know he walked out maybe twenty minutes ago"toby says
aria racks her brain
"tyler i need your keys"she says
"what"tyler says
"your keys give them to her"alison says smacking his arm
He tosses his keys to aria she runs out and runs all the way to Tyler's place which only takes three minutes she opens the door and walks in shutting it and locking it behind her
"T"aria says walking in fully taking off her shoes
She walks around the apartment seeing Grant sitting against the wall his head in on his knees
Aria sits beside him rubbing his back he looks over at her his eyes puffy
"I'm really sorry I didn't mean to get mad I just I don't know I have been stressed and I just took it out on all of you"aria says
He nods not saying anything she kneels in front of him moving his head
"Grant I love you okay and I really am sorry about yelling"aria says
"It's not about the yelling you had every right too it's this"he says opening his hand showing her the ring
"Omg thank god I really thought I lost it"aria says putting it on her finger
"So you didn't hand it to me on purpose"Grant says
Aria looks at him
"No why would I give it to you on purpose"aria says
"I thought you are calling it off"Grant says she moves and straddles him
"Grant if we had a fight that big and I called it off trust me it wouldn't be over my brother and beer okay I love you too much for that"aria says
"I love you a lot aria you don't understand I can't loose you"Grant says
"Grant babe your not gonna loose me ever okay I promise you no matter what I will always be here okay by your side every step of the way"aria says
"You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say that"Grant says pulling her into a hug hiding his face in her neck
She giggles
"Come on we should get back so our parents aren't worried"aria says standing up
"Yeah come on"he says grabbing aria hand and pulling her
They get back and walk in
"Oh your back"Gracie says
"Yeah"aria says
"Oh go get ready I have a surprise"Grant says looking at aria she looks at him confused
"All of you should"Tyler says
They all look at eachother but go to get ready
Hanna walks in aria room as she looks for something to wear
"You look so pretty I need something to wear"aria says looking at Hanna who has on a dress
"Well I'll help you just sit down"Hanna says aria laughs sitting down

r-ring"Grant says fighting back tears they all look at him feeling sorry for him he leaves the apartment Aria walks to max room sitting on his bed "What's up"he says "Could ask you the same you have been hiding in here the entire time"aria says "N...

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Aria walks out of the room
"We're exactly are we going"Spencer asks looking at Emily who knows
"That is a surprise"she says they all roll their eyes walking back to the guys
They all leave and walk they finally arrive at the theater
"Surprise"they all say all the girls turn around all smiling seeing the theater
"You got theater tickets"Hanna says smiling
"Mhmm"Caleb says pulling her into a hug aria hugs Grant and gives him a kiss
They walk in all sitting down aria hold grants hand as the show starts Grant looks over at aria who is so into the show it's like no one is around her
It's what got her into acting the always warning to be in a Broadway show which always seems like such a far fetched dream to her
The show ends and they walk out
"You like it"Grant asks
"Yeah I did"aria says smiling
"You guys hungry"Caleb asks
"Yeah"Spencer says they all walk over to juniors that right across the street they eat and head back. To the rental
They all go to bed aria and Grant walk to their room
"Goodnight babe I love you"Grant says
"Love you too"aria says kissing him

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