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Time skip two months march

aria gets up from her spot on top of grants chest since she slept over last night and the night before and every night for the past week because her and grant have been trying to hang out together before he leaves.

grant gets up as soon as aria moves from her spot off of him

"where are you going"he asks groggily

"im gonna shower and get ready for the day"aria says

"lay back down with me"he says

"grant babe you should be packing for your flight later"aria says he rolls his eyes aria walks to the shower and washes herself she gets out of the shower and changes into a T shirt and jogging pants
Her phone rings she grabs her phone and walks out of the bathroom to grants room
"Hey kid what's up"she asks
"Aria I did something and mom and dad are gonna kill me aria I'm so scared"Asher says rushing through the phone
"Hey woah slow down what's the matter"aria says Grant looks at her confused leaning against the dresser
"I really don't wanna tell you over the phone aria I'm so scared"he says
"Alright I'm gonna drop G off at the airport wanna meet at the beach or something"aria asks
"Could you just meet me at my apartment mady won't be home till later"Asher says
"Yeah is she okay"aria asks
"Yeah..."Asher says
"Alright I'll see you after"aria says Madelyn moved in with Asher a month after her and Asher started daiting she works in acting as well but at the same time works at an office when she isn't acting
Aria puts her phone down stressing over her brother
"What's wrong"Grant asks walking over
"I don't know he sounded scared and anxious"aria says looking at Grant
"What do you think it is"Grant asks
"I don't know im meeting him at his and madys apartment after I drop you off"aria says
Grant nods he pulls her into a hug and throws her onto the bed
"Grant"she says laughing
He starts to tickle her sides and she starts to laugh so hard she can't catch her breathe
"Grant stop"she says laughing
"Never"Grant says laughing she laughs harder holding his arms
"Grant please I'm gonna pee"aria says laughing harder he stops tickling her
She lays on the bed trying to catch her breathe
He chuckles laying on top of her
"Ummph Grant your heavy"aria says
"I am not"he says
"Did you pack"aria asks
"Yes I did while you were in the shower"Grant says
"Jeez did I take that long"aria says laughing
"Yeah you did"he says laughing aria rolls her eyes sitting up
"Im gonna miss you"Grant says
"I'm gonna miss you to"aria asks
"I love you"Grant says
Aria looks at him
"I love you too"aria says smiling at him
Grant kisses her and pulls her onto his lap to straddle him
"grant your gonna be late"aria mumbles into the kiss
"I'll grab Jett"Grant says aria nods  she walks out to the car Grant gets in. After her
she drives him to the airport
"I love you call me when you land"aria says
"I will babe I love you too"grant says kissing her he goes into the airport
Aria gets in her car and heads to Asher apartment
She opens the door
"Hey kid"aria says he runs to her hugging her she stumbles backwards and catches herself
"Aria"Asher says having tears in his eyes
"Woah Asher what's wrong"aria says hugging him tighter
"Maddie is pregnant"Asher says
"What!"aria says surprised
"Yeah she found out today and I'm freaking out and so is she what am I gonna say to mom and dad and Ali they are gonna be so mad"he says
"Asher breathe it's gonna be okay alright look you know you can always count on me and Grant I'll back you up when you talk to mom and dad"aria says
"Your serious"Asher asks
"Of course I am ash I'm your older sister and I always will be I will always back you up on things okay"aria says
"You have no clue how much better that makes me feel"Asher says
Aria smiles hugging him again the door opens and Madelyn walks in
"Omg aria"Madelyn says running towards her and hugging her
"Maddie"aria says her and Maddie got close over the short span of time but it's like another little sister for aria
"How do you feel"aria asks
"I'm okay just nervous"she says
"That's normal"aria says Madelyn lets her go
"When do mom and dad get in"aria ask
"Tomorrow night"Asher says
"You gonna tell them tomorrow"aria asks
"Yeah after dinner"Asher says Maddie looks nervous
"Want me here to help or are you gonna be okay"aria asks
"Please be here to be my emotional support"Madelyn says
Aria smiles at her and nods
"I'll see you guys tomorrow then okay"aria says
They both nod
"Love you guys"she says walking towards the door
"Love you to Ari"Asher says she leaves and heads back. To her apartment
She walks in and lays on the couch
"How did today go"Hanna asks walking in
"It went okay"aria says smiling
"What do you want for dinner"Hanna asks
"I don't know whatever is easiest"aria says
"So left overs"she says laughing aria. Nod they heat up left overs and eat they go to bed early

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