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Time skip three months
Aria lays on her bed on her laptop with boxes for college sitting right in front of her for when she leaves
Her parents are at work and her brother is back. To school shopping
Alison walks into aria's room
"I'm gonna go buy coffee you want anything"Alison asks
"Yeah please you know what I like"aria says
"Alright I'll be back later"Alison says making aria nod
Alison leaves
"Whiskey"aria calls the now full grown Australian Shepard runs in jumping on her bed
Her phone rings she answers
"Hello"she says
"Hey what you doing"Grant asks
"Nothing laying in bed just finished packing to leave"aria says
"I did too it's so quiet over here Gracie is out buying stuff for school and Tyler and my mom are at work"Grant says
"Same here to Ali went to get coffee and asher is shopping you should come over"Aria says
"Sure you want me to bring anything"grant asks
"Nope just yourself"Aria says he chuckles
"Alright I'll see you in a few"Grant says
"Okay"Aria says hanging up she looks at her computer again pushing up her glasses she scrolls through her schedule he major being bfa in musical theater since she has always loved theater ever since her trip to New York with her mom when she was little
She hears the door open and footsteps coming upstairs
"Hey Ari"Grant says walking into her room
"Hey Grant"she says fixing her glasses
He lays down with his head on arias stomach as she fixes her computer and wit her free hand she continues looking at her computer
"What are you staring at" Grant asks
"Schedule and classes"aria says
"When are you leaving to go to your dorm"Grant asks
"Three hours it's still early"aria says
"Same"Grant says aria continues running her fingers through Grant hair as the door to the room opens again
"Here Aria"Alison says
"Thanks Ali come sit"Aria says Ali sits on the chair
"So you ready for school"Alison asks
"Nope not 100% ready for college"Aria says
"I mean I'm not ready to go back to LA to film season two"Alison says
"I know your gonna be all lonely"aria says
"I know it's gonna. Stink"Alison says
"Well I men phone calls and FaceTime me and Tyler and asher "aria says
"Yeah true"Alison says
Grants phone starts to ring
"Ari can you grab that I don't wanna move"Grant says aria roll her eyes grabbing grants phone
"Hi Tina"Aria says
"Ari so that's where Grant disappeared to"she says
"Yeah he did"aria says laughing
"Can you just do me a favor and ask him where Tyler is"she says
"Yeah one sec"aria says
She nudges Grant who groan
"Yeah"he says
"Where is Ty your mom wants to know"aria asks
"He said he was going to work"Grant says
Aria nods putting the phone back to her ear
"He says Tyler went to work"aria says
"That's strange I called him and he didn't answer I called his job they said Tyler never showed up for work"she says
"Yeah really weird"Aria says looking back at Grant and Alison
"Tyler never went to work today"Aria says looking at them
"What"Alison says confused
"What do you mean"Grant asks confused
"If we hear from him I'll have Grant tell you"aria says
"Okay thank you"Tina says hanging up
"Alright I have known you two your entire lives acting might be your jobs but it won't work around me so where is Tyler"aria says annoyed sitting up
"I seriously have no clue"Alison says they look over at Grant
"He is in New York looking at an apartment"Grant says
"He's what"Alison says
"Yeah he's done with school literally and he wants to do photography"Grant says
"He didn't say anything to me or your mom"Alison says aria watches the interaction
"Okay so call your mom and tell her cause she is worried"aria says
"I will"Grant says getting up and walking to the hallway
"I can't believe he would do that he didn't tell me"Alison says
"Maybe he was just nervous and trying to figure how to tell you"aria says Grant walks back into the room
"Still"Alison says
"Did you talk to your mom"aria asks
"Yeah she is gonna try to get a hold of him again"Grant says
Aria nods
"Why wouldn't you tell me he was going to New York"Alison says looking at Grant
"It kinda slipped my mind"Grant says looking at Alison giving her a half smile
She picks up a throw pillow chucking at him
"Yeah cause stuff like that slips everyone's mind"Alison says Grant chucks the pillow back a her and suddenly there is a pillow war in aria's room
"Guys"aria says looking at the two
"I swear I would've told you it just slipped my mind"Grant says blocking the pillows with his arm
Alison rolls her eyes throwing another pillow
"One of you is gonna get hurt and get pissed so"aria says
"No we won't"grant says throwing a pillow and it hits Alison face
"Oh god"aria says
"Your so dead"Alison says
"I'm leaving"Grant says getting up and grabbing his stuff Alison chucks a pillow hitting him in the back
Aria rolls her eyes knowing she told the two to stop
"Bye Ari"Grant says leaving down kissing her he gets hit in the head by a pillow
He runs to the bedroom door and runs out Alison gets up running after him and walks back in after a minute
"Your so mean"aria says laughing
"I'm not mean he threw a pillow at my face"she says
"I told you guys"Aria says
"Why did Grant just run out of the house like a bat out of hell"asher  says walking in
"Cause Ali almost killed him"aria says
"No I didn't"she says rolling her eyes aria gets up grabbing her purse her boxes are all in her dads truck
"Mom and dad are back I'm guessing"aria says max nods and she grabs her laptop and walks down the steps
"Ready"their mom asks
"Yeah I am"aria says grabbing her car keys she walks outside to see her dad
"Ready kid"he asks
"Yup"she says walking to her car and gets in Alison sits in the front seat and asher  in the backseat
"Last time we will be doing this for a while"Alison says
"I know someone is starting senior year tomorrow how you feeling"aria asks
"I feel fine not nervous"max says
"Yeah that normally goes away after a while"Alison says they blast music and sing along joking around they finally get to the school after three hours of driving
"We are here"aria says getting out after parking max and Alison get out
"Wow"asher says looking at the school their parents park right beside aria and get out of the car
"I need to go check in"aria says walking into the college
She walks to the front desk
"Hi I'm here to check in"aria says
"Sure first and last name"the receptionist asks
"Aria Montgomery"she says
"Here is your dorm key and your student badge"the receptionist says
"Thank you"aria says her dad walks in with a box her sister and asher behind him and their mom
They walk to the elevator and aria pushes the button to go to her floor they get off and walk to her room she opens the door
Everyone puts down a box next to aria's bunk
They finish bringing up boxes aria walks outside with her family
She sees Alison walk away to talk to someone
"Bye you guys"aria says hugging her dad and mom
"Bye ari"her parents say hugging her
"Bye asher don't cause to much trouble"aria says squeezing him
"I won't don't worry"he says squeezing her back
"Where is Alison"their dad asks
"Over there"asher says moving his head towards the direction Alison walked in aria looks and sees her talking to Grant and Tyler
Aria walks over to them and swings her arm around Alison shoulder
"You guys are leaving"aria says
"Alright I'm going"Alison says she turns and gives aria a hug
"Call me whenever you get the chance I'm gonna miss my talking buddy"Alison says making aria laugh
"I will don't worry and same goes for you"aria says Alison squeezes her she walks back to her parents aria looks at Grant and Tyler
"Came to sign in"aria asks
"Mhmm"Grant says
"Where is Tina"she asks
"I thought I told you me and Kyle are living off campus with another guy it's like a three minute walk"Grant says
"No this is news to me"aria says
"Oops"Grant says making Tyler chuckle Grant walks inside leaving the two outside
"Have you met your roommate yet"Tyler asks
"No her stuff is inside but she isn't"aria says
Tyler nods Grant walks back out
"All set"Grant says
Tyler nods
"Bye aria I'll see you tomorrow"Grant says kissing her 
"Bye"she says walking back inside she goes to the elevator and walks to her room she opens the door and there is a blonde girl with curly hair sitting on the opposite bunk
"Hi you must be my roommate"the girl says
"Yeah I am,Hi I'm aria"she says
"I'm Leela"she says sticking out her hand aria shakes it sitting on her bunk they stay up talking getting to know one another and then fall asleep

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