"Its Not goodbye, its see you later"

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Aria gets up and feels arms around her waist she turns and sees Grant in the same position he feel asleep
She slips out of his grip and walks to the bathroom and the down stairs to the kitchen
"Good morning aria"Tyler says
"Morning Ty"aria says
"Where is Grant he wasn't down here this morning"Alison says walking in with Gracie
"Oh he.."aria starts but gets cut off
"I went upstairs because somebody got freaked out so I slept on the floor"he says
Aria rolls her eyes
They all start laughing
"Whatever you all packed for today"aria says
"Yeah I am we still on for later"Grant asks
"Yeah about that I would but I realized I promised em I would help her study for a makeup test I'll see you before you leave to say bye"she says
"Okay"he says sounding sad but trying to hide it
"What was later"Gracie asks looking at the two
"We were supposed to go get something but we can't"aria says getting up
"Speaking of which think you can drop me off at Hanna's her and Caleb are gonna help me with some stuff before I leave"Alison says
"Yeah I can I'll do it before I go to em's"aria says
"Wait Caleb's back "grant and Tyler ask
"Yeah he got back yesterday "Alison says looking at the two
They both nod
Aria walks up the steps Grant following
"I'm sorry for ditching you I forgot I promised em"aria says
"It's fine Ari I get it"he says
"I'll come say bye before you leave"she says
"Sounds good"he says looking at her he sits on the bed
She throws herself on top of him
"You sound annoyed"she says laying her head on his chest
"No babe I'm not I'll go out with Tyler"he says she lifts up her head her cheeks rosy red
"What did you call me"she asks
He looks at her confused
"Ari"he says
"No"she says
"Oh babe"he says chuckling
"You called me babe"she says
He laughs
"I know I did yesterday to"he say running his fingers through her hair
"Oh I probably heard you I was annoyed with missy"aria says
He chuckles
"I should go before Ali gets mad"she says
He nods getting up aria grabs her purse and phone they walk down together
"ill see you later alright"aria says grant nods aria walks out to her car alison runs out of the house after her
"alright ill drop you off at Hanna's and pick you up later"she says
alison nods aria drops her off and drives to emily's house aria knocks on the door
"hey aria" emily says letting her in she walks inside
" hey em"aria says sitting down
"you didn't go home last night did you"she says
aria looks at her tilting her head
"grants clothes and unless you raided his closet"emily says smiling
"yeah me and alison spent the night"aria says
"oooo anything interesting happen"emily says wiggling her brows
" like what"aria says
"like did you kiss grant again"emily says
"I told you we both decided we are better off as friends"aria says sitting at the table
"sure you are"emily says
"alright back to the matter at hand focus on your test"aria says pulling a book in front of the two
they study for a little bit
"alright i'm bored lets watch a movie"emily says pulling aria off her chair
she laughs getting up and sitting on the couch
"dream wedding"emily asks
What happened to movies"aria asks
"i changed my mind so dream wedding"she says again
"fine small intimate gathering, immediate family ,12 dozen white dahlia's,and long white dress with long sleeves"aria says
"sounds like you have it all planned out the same "emily says laughing
"yeah but i wont be getting married anytime soon it might change"aria says
"aria babe it hasn't changed since were six I don't think it will be changing much anymore"hanna says walking into the living room with camila and Spencer
emily laughs
"wait a sec wasn't alison supposed to be with you and caleb"aria asks
"I didn't even know ali was back"hanna says aria gets up grabbing her stuff
"where are you going"Spencer asks
"to find my sister"aria says going to her car she drives to a coffee shop where alison normally goes she runs inside and doesn't see her aria moves and bumps into someone
"i'm sorry"she says
"its fine ari don't worry about it"a voice says
she looks up seeing grant
"what are you doing here"she asks
"i came with tyler but he ditched me like somebody else today"he says half smirking
"i apologized for that"aria says looking at him
"i know babe i'm joking speaking of which weren't you supposed to be helping emily"he asks
"i did and then hanna walked in by herself no Caleb or ali she said she didn't even know ali was back"aria says
"strange well while you look for her we should hang out together before i leave"grant says
"sounds like a good idea"aria says they walk out of the coffee shop he grabs her hand dragging her into a bookstore
"woah slow down grant"she says
"sorry i just saw a book i wanted"he says she laughs wandering the aisle and picking the books she wants
"ready"she asks walking to grant
"yeah"he says taking the books out of her hands and running
"grant"she says running behind him she runs down the steps to see him at the cash register already with a bag she gives him a death stare making him laugh
"Come on"he says grabbing her hand pulling her out of the store
"Where do you wanna go now"she asks
"Well we have to find my brother because I have a plane to catch in less than an hour"Grant says
"How were we walking around for two hours"she says
"I know when you come to LA there is a ton of places I wanna go to with you"he says
"Yeah maybe after prom"she says
"Really"he says smiling
"I'm not making any promises but maybe"she says
"Wait a sec are you going to prom"he asks
"Yeah even tho I don't have a date"she says laughing
He looks at her
"I'm sorry"he says
"It's fine t I'll go with the girls as a group if not I'll drag Leo or something"she says
Tyler comes over with Alison
"Tyler"aria says enthusiastically
"Aria"he says just as happy making Alison and Grant laugh
"Can I ask you a question over there"aria says grabbing his arm pulling him
"Umm yeah"he says looking at her confused
They walk over to a tree "are you dating  Ali "she says looking him in the eyes
He looks at her confused "what makes you say that"he says looking at aria confused
"Come on I saw Hanna earlier she didn't even know Ali was back and you ditch Grant and just randomly bump into her"aria says
"Okay fine we hear been with each other a couple of months already just trying to figure everything out actually she was supposed to tell you yesterday"he says
Aria just nods holding back a smile they walk back over to the two
"Well I have to go catch a plane so"Grant says
"Bye Grant"Alison says she walks over hugging him
"Bye Ali"he says
"I'll get a ride back I'm gonna hang around the shop"Alison says
"I can give you a ride back"Tyler says looking at her she nods Grant looks at him
"I'll give you a ride to the airport "aria says
Grant nods as they walk to the parking lot they get in her car
"What did you and Tyler talk about"he asks
"Nothing really just needed to ask him a question but nothing important"she says
"If you say so"he says looking out the window she laughs as they arrive at the airport she gets out of the car
He grabs his small bag she walks into the airport with him they stop right before the gate
"I'll call you when I land"Grant says
She nods he hugs her
"I'm gonna miss you"she says
"I'm gonna miss you to"he says looking at her he leans down kissing her
She pulls away once they call the gates to board
"I'll see you t"she says he nods walking to board she walks out to her car and drives home
"Asher mom"she calls
"Hey sweetie"her mom says
"Where is asher "she asks
"He went to go drop off Leo at the airport with Alison I guess Tyler dropped her off at Leo's"she says
"Oh"aria says feeling her heart sink
She hears the front door shut and her two siblings walk in laughing
"You guys hungry"their mom asks
"No mom I'm good I'm gonna head to bed early before my flight"Alison says
"Yeah me too"aria says asher shakes his head and walks towards the steps they all walk up together
"Aria has a boyfriend"asher says jokingly once they get closer to their rooms
"Look you guys have to promise me that you won't tell anyone"aria says
"Relax aria we wouldn't ever do that to you cause we know you would do the same for us if we asked"Alison says aria nods
"And that's what I'm about to ask the two of you me and Mackenzie are daiting but can you please not tell mom or dad or anyone yet just for a little"asher says
"Yeah of course asher "aria and Alison say
"Thank you"he says going to his room
"And you know about Tyler"Alison says
"I do I won't say anything either does asher know"aria asks
"I told him in the car"she says
Aria nods
"I really was going to tell you each time I tried to something happened"she says
"It's okay Ali I get it"aria says
She nods they walk their separate ways going to their rooms

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