LA part 2

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Aria gets up  to see Grant still knocked out on the bed naked the memories of the night before making her smile she gets up and showers getting ready for the day she walks back into the room to do her hair just as Grant gets up
"Good morning sleeping beauty"aria says laughing
"I know I am a beauty" he says walking into the bathroom making aria laugh even more as she grabs all her stuff she is going to set with him and then they are going to hang out
Aria gets up and grabs her shoes Grant walks out fully dressed
"What do you wanna do today"grant asks
"Don't you have to go to set"aria asks
"Yeah after maybe we could go walk around"Grant says drying his hair
"Sounds good to me"aria says
"Oh and bring a bathing suit"Grant says kissing her head and walking out of the room she grabs her bathing suit and puts it in her bag
She walks into the kitchen
"Ready"Grant asks
"Yeah I'm ready"aria says they leave and get to the set
"Aria"Naya says walking to her
"Naya"aria says smiling and walk towards her Grant walks towards Darren
Aria and Naya sit down together
"So you gonna go explore together today"Naya asks
"Yeah we are Grant wants to take me a bunch of places apparently"aria says making aria laugh
They walk around as aria gales pictures since she got permission too since most of the episodes have been released
Aria sits in her chair as Grant films his scenes

Aria gets up  to see Grant still knocked out on the bed naked the memories of the night before making her smile she gets up and showers getting ready for the day she walks back into the room to do her hair just as Grant gets up "Good morning sleep...

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Waiting for Superman -Grant GustinWhere stories live. Discover now