First day back

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Aria runs around her room in a rush to get ready for the day her starting senior year is big
especially with being a cheerleader.

Aria runs around her room in a rush to get ready for the day her starting senior year is big especially with being a cheerleader

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Her best friend starting acting and this might be the last year they are together in the same school.
"Ari let's go we are gonna be late"her twin sister Alison yells
"I'm going"she yells back picking up her bag and running down the steps
"Who's driving"Allison asks
"Asher is"aria responds walking out the door max meeting with them the trio walk to the car all getting in there designated seats arias being shotgun
"Do you need me to pick up Grant to"asher asks
"No he told me his parents got him a present so he wouldn't need a ride"aria says looking at her phone
Her best friend Thomas Grant gustin is planing on becoming an actor and has already gotten some roles so they are trying to make the best of their time together in the same school
"Alright then coffee"Allison asks from the backseat
"Yeah sure"Asher responds pulling into the nearest Dunkin' Donuts and going through the drive threw
Aria doesn't say anything she just sits lost in her thoughts
Her two siblings share a look of confusion but move on with their conversations they finally arrive at the school and walk in together
"Asher"one of his friends Leo yells throwing a football that max catches before it can hit aria in the face
"Really leo"aria says
"Sorry Ari didn't mean for that to almost hit you in the face"Leo says Allison scoffs between the two
"Football players all the same"Allison says
"Hey that's hurtful"Asher remarks in a sarcastic tone causing the two sisters to roll their eyes
"Ari"her friend Camila says running at her and hugging her her other friends walking behind  hanna,Emily,Spencer all have been aria's friends since kindergarten
"Mila"aria says hugging her back
"I missed you so much"Camila says
"I was pretty much with you the entire summer"aria says
"No you were with..."emily starts but doesn't get to finish since she is cut off
"Ari"Grant says hugging the girl and spinning her around in the hallway
Making her siblings and friend laugh
"T put me down"aria says hitting the boys back as he places her back on the ground
"I was not with him the entire summer"aria says
"Sure you weren't"Asher says causing aria to elbow him
"Come on we have so much to catch up on you two"Camila says grabbing arias hand starting to pull her away
"I'll see you later t"aria says grabbing Allison's hand pulling her with them
Only her siblings and friend notice the look of pure love and adoration on the boys face and eyes
Aria walks behind her friend's and sister as they talk she stays lost in thought a million things racing through her mind
"Ari are you listening"Allison asks
"Hmm what sorry"the girl says finally looking at her sister
"You have to pick up your cheer uniform from the gym before class"Hanna says
Out of the all of them ashley and aria are the only ones  who cheerlead  Allison much like Grant loves acting and is hoping to go to school for it she has also gotten small parts in shows
"I'll go now I'll see you after class"she says running to the gym and walking to the table grabbing her bag with her name and uniform
"Hey babe"her boyfriend Eric says wrapping an arm around her shoulder kissing her cheek
"Hi Eric "she says he grabs his jersey for football
Grant walks in with Natalie holding her hand as she walks to grab her uniform
"Hey aria"she says
"Hi "aria says holding onto Eric's hand Grant smiles at her and Eric as him and Natalie leave
"I got to go to first period I'll see you later alright"she says kissing Eric before he can respond she is already out of the gym she runs to her first period and sits in her seat next to Grant
The teacher starts the lecture and just like that the school day is over
Aria walks to her locker with Grant
"I- I ... um got casted to be on glee"Grant says
"What Omg that's great"aria says squeezing him
"Yup and we are shooting here so I don't have to leave"he says
"That's so great Grant I'm happy for you have you told Natalie "she asks
"No yet I'm waiting for the right time"he says
She nods as the pair walk out the door
" asher you have the keys I'm driving"aria says
"Yeah I have to stay after for practice"he says tossing her the keys
"Right I forgot about that well have fun"aria says Camila , Allison ,Emily and hanna run up right beside her and Grant
"Can we have a ride"Camila asks
"Sure do you need one"aria asks turning to Grant
"Nope remember that present I told you my parents got me"Grant says pulling aria by the hand
"Wow Tommy this is nice"aria says looking at his black mustang convertible
"Thanks"he says
"Well I should get going I have a lot of work and I have to drop off the girls s still"aria says hugging him
"I'll see you tommrow ari"Grant says
"See ya"she says running to her car
"He still has a crush on you"Camila says
"Who t no he doesn't"aria says
"Sure the way he looks at you"Allison says
"I don't know what you are talking about"aria says focused on the road her sibling and friend share a look
"Alright bye Camila"aria says hugging her
"Bye Ari by Allison"Camila says walking to her house
The two girls arrive home and go to their rooms aria does her homework and lays in bed thinking about what her friend and sister said

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