Pep rallys

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Time skip three weeks
Aria slams her lockers shut walking with her friends
"So have you talked to Grant at all"Hanna asks
"Yeah when he has breaks we text"aria says looking at her
"No about you know"Emily says
"You guys can say it it was one kiss"aria says
"Actually it was two kisses"Gracie says walking by them
"Wait what"they all yell
"Thanks Gracie"she says
"No problem what are future sister in laws for "she says laughing and winks at aria
"Omg you are all jumping the gun"she says
Making them all laugh the walk toward the gym door to go in for the Pep rally asher and Leo walk up next to them
"Hey Aria wanna be in the school play"Leo asks
"Sure why not"she says
"Really"everyone says shocked and confused
"Yeah it seems fun acting singing"she says
"I don't think I have ever heard you sing"Hanna says
"She is really good"asher  says
Aria rolls her eyes at him
"He's right she does sing really good"a voice says from behind them
They all turn around seeing Grant
"Grant"she says running to him and hugging him
"Missed you to Ari"he says
"What are you doing back"she asks as they walk to everyone
"Well I have break and I came to talk to you in person"he says
They all look at her
"Talk about"asher asks
"Nothing"Emily says shoving him into the gym
"I'll meet you guys in there"aria says
They all nod and walk in Grant pulls her to a secluded spot
"What did you wanna talk about"she asks
"You said we could talk about what happened at the airport when I came back and I'm back so"he says
"Maybe later Grant not now"she says
"Fine"he says pulling her into the gym she goes to the bleacher and sits on the floor Grant sits behind her
The Pep rally starts and she leans back into the softness of the bleacher
She slowly leans in more to it as the game goes on
"Comfortable"Grant leans down whispering smirking
She goes pink looking at him and gets up he catches her arm
"Ari I was kidding where are you going"he asks looking at her
"I'll be back"she says he lets go of her arm she walks into the hallway her friends walking out after her
"What happened"Hanna asks
"I kept leaning into Grant during the game"she says
"What's the big deal you have snuggled with him before"Emily says
"I don't know he wants to talk about what happened"she says
"Isn't that what you wanted"Spencer asks
"I don't know I guess"she says the bell rings and everyone starts to walk out
"Shit come on"aria says grabbing her back pack
"What now"Emily asks
"He's out walking with Kyle can I go over your place"she says looking at Hanna
"Yeah if you want to but don't you wanna spend Time with him before you don't see him"she asks
"I mean.."aria starts
asher and Leo walk over
"Are you alright"asher asks
"Yeah I'm fine"she says
Grant walks over
"Aria you ready to talk or you gonna keep avoiding me"he says
"I'm not"she starts
"Alright that's it"he says picking her up and holding her like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder
"Grant put me down I left my bag"she says looking back at her friends who look amused while her brother and his friend look confused
"Not until you talk to me"he says walking outside till they are far away from the school
He puts her down
"You can't just kiss me then avoid me"he says
"Grant.."she starts
"No aria I have liked you since we were younger and that's not fair to me either you kiss me then avoid me I've wanted to tell you how I feel forever but every time I try to you had Someone else what was I supposed to do,scream it from the roof tops that I liked you"he says practically almost yelling
"Grant okay stop yelling"she says grabbing his hand
"Ill stop once you talk to me"he says
"Fine I like you too I have for a while now maybe not as long as you but I have been to stubborn to admit it than you were talking about the girl you had feelings for"she says
He starts laughing
"What is so funny"she says looking at him
"I was talking about you"he says she shoved him slightly
"Where do we go from here"he asks
"I don't know"she says
"Well do you want to try dating"he asks
"Grant if something happens between us we are gonna regret it we won't be close anymore"she says
"I swear to you that if anything happens between us we will stay close"he says looking her in the eyes
"Promise me that if something happens we won't be those best friends who don't talk anymore"she says
"I promise"he says grabbing her hand she stands on her tippy toes kissing him
"Let's keep this to ourselves just for a little please"she says
"I was thinking the same thing let's see where this goes"he says
She nods as he leans down kissing her again
"Come on"she says walking back inside he follows behind her
"You still coming over my place or have you changed your mind"Hanna asks
"I changed my mind I'll talk to you tonight ill see you tomorrow "she says
They all nod
She grabs her bag and keys and walks back to Grant
He looks at her "have you talked to Ali at all"
"Nope not with the time difference"she says
He nods
"Your place or mine"he asks
"We'll depends have you seen your siblings and mom"she asks
"Nope"he says
"Than your place"she says he nods and get in her car with her
She drives to his house they walk inside
"I'm back"Grant yells
"Grant omg"his mom says running to hug him
"Hi mom"he says laughing and hugging her
Tyler walks down the steps
"Grant"he says
"Ty"he says hugging him
"Aria"Tyler says hugging her
"Hey Ty"she says hugging him they let go and Grant walks to the couch aria sits next to him on the other recliner
"You should come around more aria it's lonely when Grant is gone and you can show Tyler how to cook"Tina says
Making aria laugh
"Ma"Tyler says looking at her
"I can show you how to cook Ty"aria says looking at him laughing he rolls his eyes at her and walks upstairs
Tina walks upstairs after him
"What do you wanna watch"grant asks
"How about teen wolf"she says
"Sure why not"he says
Aria turns to the tv not realizing Grant snapped a photo of her

"she starts "No aria I have liked you since we were younger and that's not fair to me either you kiss me then avoid me I've wanted to tell you how I feel forever but every time I try to you had Someone else what was I supposed to do,scream it from...

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Grantgust: love hanging with this girl even tho she hates getting her photos taken @ariamont
Ariamont:I hate you
Grantgust:you love me
Graciegust:aria I bought cookies wanna help me make them
Ariamont:ughh yeah!!are you here
Graciegust: 🤣almost there
Grantgust: @graciegust I'm hanging with her today
Graciegust:oh boo hoo you'll be with her all week
Grantgust:@graciegust 😒
User56:omg look it's Sebastian smythe
User30:who is this girl hanging with Grant
Grantgustinbra:his best friend since childhood
Aria puts down her phone
"You know I hate getting my photos taken"she says
"Yeah but you look cute"he says laughing
She jumps on him
"Oof Ari that hurt"he says
"Should of thought of that before taking a photo of me"she says
Making him laugh
"Come on one photo"he says
Making her roll her eyes he grabs the back of her head pulling her into a kiss
"Woah that is not what I was  expecting to walk into"Gracie  says making aria and Grant jump apart
Making Gracie and Tyler laugh
"Relax guys it's just me "Gracie says laughing
Grant stands up pulling Aria with him and pulling Gracie into one of the rooms
"Listen Grace can you please not tell anyone"aria says
"Yeah just keep it between us"Grant says
"Yeah I can do that"she says
"Thank you"Grant says looking at her
"So you gonna help me make cookies"she asks
Aria laughs nodding walking out with her
They walk into the kitchen
Grant sits on the counter
"Are you gonna help"Gracie asks looking at him
"Nope just watch"he says
Making aria laugh
They finish making the cookie dough and put it into the oven
Grant starts eating the cookie dough
"Your gonna get a bad stomachache"Gracie says
"I'll be fine"he says
"If you say so I don't wanna get a call saying you feel horrible"aria says
"I won't"he says
"Well I have to go home before it gets late I'll see you later alright"aria says hugging Gracie
"Alright I'll see you aria"Gracie says walking out of the kitchen
"I'll call you when the cookies are done"grant says
"Sound good G"she says
"I'll see you tommrow alright"aria says leaning against the counter
"Alright be safe okay"he says
"I will"she says he leans down kissing her
She walks out going home and goes to bed knocking out as soon as her head hits the pillow

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