Work Deals

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Time skip two weeks
Aria gets up and gets ready for the day Leela already left for her classes and Grant is almost done for the day aria only has one class at 2:00 and then she is free for the day
She walks across campus to the school and goes to her class she sits next to Adam
"Hey aria"he says
"Hey Adam"she says
"The teacher isn't here so basically free class"Adam says aria laughs
A principal walks into the class
"Since there is no teacher you are free to go"he says
Adam and aria stand up and leave
"That was the only class I had today so I'm just gonna go back to my dorm and do nothing I guess"aria says
"Lucky you I have one more class left today and then I'm free"he says
She laughs she leaves going back to her dorm room and laying on her bed
Her phone goes off and she picks it
"Hey"she says
"Hey Ari can we talk"Grant says giving aria a pit of anxiety in her stomach
"Yeah sure where do you wanna meet"she asks
"I'm downstairs in the lobby I'll go to your room"he says
"Okay"she says hanging up the door to her dorm opens Grant looks tired and anxious
"What's up"aria says as he sits on her bed
"Do you remember when I auditioned to do a sting on 90210"Grant says
"Yeah I do what's up"aria says
"Well they really want me to go to LA to film so I'm gonna finish up school in LA"Grant says
Aria looks at him almost star struck
"That's great Grant you said yes didn't you"she says
"Wait your excited"Grant asks
"Your serious of course I am that's amazing"aria says
He smiles leaning into kiss her she straddles him as he deepens the kiss his hands trailing to her waist aria hand go up into his hair
He pulls away leaning his forehead against hers
"Wanna go for a walk"he asks
"Yeah come on"aria says pulling him up off the bed he chuckles as she walks down into the lobby and then out the door
Grant holds her hand as they walk toward the beach
"So your probably gonna leave this month or next"aria asks
"Sometime this month after Christmas break"Grant says
Aria nods leaning into him slightly he lets go of her hand slinging his arm around her pulling her into him
"But your leaving soon to aren't you for season two"Grant asks
"Yeah I am"aria says shivering from the cold
Grant takes of his jacket putting it around her
"Thanks T"she says
They get down to the sand
"What do you want for Christmas"Grant asks
"Nothing big T probably a book like every year"aria says
"Fine but I'm getting you something else"he says
"What about you what do you want"aria asks
"A kiss and a book"Grant says
Aria rolls her eyes
"A kiss really"she says
"Yes and a book"he says giving her a cheesy smile
She leans in kissing him standing on her tippy toes Grant leans down a little
He leans his forehead against hers
"Look at the ducks"he says she turns
"What ducks T"she says turning back to see him on one knee
"Omg"she says looking at him
"Aria Marie Montgomery I have loved you since the day I meet you and you don't understand how much you have saved me from myself and changed me for the better whether it be encouraging me to go after my dream or when I don't wanna leave for work you are my stone and my anchor but most of all you are my best friend will you make me the happiest man and marry me"he says
"Yes"aria says with tears in her eyes
"Yes"he says
"Yes Grant I'll marry you"she says he slips the ring onto her finger pulling her into a kiss
"I love you so much"Grant says
"I love you too"aria says
Holding onto his hand
"How are we gonna tell our family"aria asks
"Well we can let them figure it out I'm sure they will"Grant says
"Yeah they probably will"aria says he kisses her again they walk back to grants place
Aria walks into the house Grant behind
"Where are the guys"aria asks taking off her shoes
"They already left for break"Grant says
"Oh"aria says
"I love you"Grant says kissing her
"I love you too"she says pulling away a little and kissing him again closing the door behind him in seconds he picks her up and brings her to his bed sitting down she straddles him deepening the kiss
"We are going to take our time"she says
"Okay we can -do that"he says seeming suprised by her attitude
Placing her fingers delicately on his exposed collarbone.sliding them up his neck and holding his face.his hands moving to her thighs brushing up and down against the hem of her skirt.her hands moving back down to his shirt slowly undoing the buttons slowly grinding her hips onto his feeling the bulge grow he lets out a moan vibrating through her lips as she nips at his jaw and moves down to his neck.
Once his shirt is unbuttoned she pushes it down his shoulder grinding a little more again. This time it's her that moans the pressure sending a small jolt of electricity through her body.Grant feels the same as the pressure on her core Hardens more.she moves her hand faster than she wanted as she unbuttons his jeans and pulls the zipper down his own fingers traveling up her skirt and tugging at her panties as she does the same to the hem of his boxers
She lets out a moan almost a whimper when Grant moves his hand off of her he grabs her jaw and tilts her chin up exposing her neck.his lips begin to pepper her neck in kisses while one hand grabs her closer,lifting his hips higher he flips her onto her back she lets out a sudden breath as Grant nips at her collar bone.
She can feel his hand moving up her thigh that wrapped around his waist. He was holding back making the ache in her lower stomach burn that much more
While normally Grant is gentle with her his attitude changed as he grabs both her breast giving them a hard squeeze
"Mm"she whimpered. Grant chuckles his finger on top of her dress as he yanks it off revealing her bare chest giving her a kiss before leaning up tugging her dress past her ankles and tossing it aside,planting his hands on either side of her head and looking down at her
She blushes past his gaze waiting no time Grant leans down crashing his lips against hers he then begins moving down leaving a long trail of kisses between her breasts and towards her panties.He stops at the lacy hem before taking the panties off
His chest is heaving as he grins at her "sorry I'm getting a little impatient"he says
She lets out a little giggle as he moves down again and kisses just above her core he hoists her leg over his shoulder licking a long strip against her slit
"Grant"she breathes grabbing the side of the bed her fingernails digging into the cloth
One of grants hands snake around her waist and grips her breast as his lips wrap around her clit.her chest moves up and down quickly as he kneads her breast and when he starts to kiss her sensitive nub she lets out a cry
The electricity in her core growing and she can't control her hips as they buck toward grants face her left hand going into grants hair grabbing at anything and pulling.Grant lets out a moan spurring her in on her cry's soon she can say nothing other than his name,crying it over and over again like a prayer to the heavens when he pulls back
"Grant"she whines "why did you stop"
"You wanted slow right"he says he licks his lips as he moves back to work on her neck sucking large bruises until he reaches behind her ear.she traces her fingers down his chest until she reaches the hem of his boxers and then she pulls them down
Letting his member spring free she wraps her fingers around his cock.dragging her finger across his slit and then pumping twice
Grant lets out a guttural moan and then grabs her wrists pining them above her head with one hand he slides his other down her chest and cups her core she tries to squeeze her thighs together for any sort of friction but he keeps them open with his knee.
His fingertips teasing her for a moment making her bite her he leans down to give her more kisses he slips two fingers inside of her and she moans into his mouth.he pumps in and out she feels his thumb begin to circle her clit.he loves it in figure eights the pressure rebuilding inside of her
"Grant"she says as he pulls back "Grant I'm gonna -"
She squirms beneath him her legs stretching and twisting as she tries to pull her hands down from his being like iron around her wrists and all she can do is squeeze her eyes shut as her walls begin to clench around grants fingers
And then he pulls back again
He falls back onto the bed and pulls her up too sitting her on his lap his hands leave her for to long pulling a condom from his front pocket and then it's a blue and already wrapped around him.unable to take the pace any longer she sinks onto his cock.Grants mouth opens and she throws her head back as she lets him fill her
"Ari"Grant whispers into her ear.his breathe brushing over her neck his teeth nibbling on her earlobe
She begins to move grinding against his hips is just as much torture for him as it is for her she kisses him deeply their touches battling for dominance. His hands grip her hips making her pick up the pace. It doesn't take long for her to reach her climax and when Grant reaches out one hand to her clit rubbing it in circle she lets out a scream.the band inside her snapping and her walls clench around grants length
Grants cock begins to twitch inside her.she is still working out through her own high When Grant gives one final thrust into her reaching his own release
She thrusts a few more times as she comes down letting her breathing even out.grant fingers wrap around her hair and pulled her close holding their lips together again.its slow and almost lazy when he does it as if they have all the time in the world
The kiss ending with both their foreheads together but giving eachother small pecks unwilling to get off of his lap she tries to pull him closer but there is already no space between them
"Bed"she requests
He nods Grant nods and lays her on her back on the bed laying beside her snuggling into her she pulls the blankets over her
"I love you"he says
"I love you too"she says falling asleep

Waiting for Superman -Grant GustinWhere stories live. Discover now