Christmas eve

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Time skip a week
Aria gets up getting ready for everyone to show up at her parents since Christmas Eve in when they do a big party grants family and aria and friends come over and celebrate Christmas Day is when they open presents
"I'm gonna go out and get stuff for tonight"aria says
"Oh and Tina said you can bake at their house she won't be there just Grant maybe Gracie"aria mom says
"Okay so I'll probably bake and bring everything together after"aria says
"Sounds good"she says aria leave a and buys the stuff she need getting cookie mix and brownie mix along with cinnamon rolls she pays an leaves going to Tina's
She knocks on the door Grant answers the door shirtless with plaid pajama pants and messy hair
"Hey"he says  pulling her into a hug closing the door behind her his voice groggy
"Hey babe I didn't realize you would still be sleeping your mom called"she says
"Yeah she told me I took advantage that Gracie is out with her boyfriend last minute shopping to go back. To bed"he says not letting aria go
"Babe I have to start baking"aria says
"Come snuggle with me first"he says she laughs as he lets her go
"I promise let me do this and I will"she says
"Fine"he says following her to the kitchen
She laughs staring to bake things leaving the cinnamon rolls in the fridge
Aria put the brownies in the oven starting on the cookies
Grant walks behind her wrapping his arms around her waist
"Hey babe"he says
"Hey baby"she says smiling
"Need help"he asks
"I know how you are your gonna distract me"she says he chuckles
He kisses her shoulder  slowly trailing them up he stops
"Is this distracting"he says continuing to kiss her shoulder
"No I could focus like this"she says breathlessly mix outing the cookies in the tin
He moves up kissing and sucking on her neck she tilts her head to the side to give him more freedom
"This is definitely distracting"she says in a whisper
He chuckles
"Grant"she says he stops and looks at her
"Want me to stop"he says
"No"she says his hand go around her waist
"I have your Christmas present"he says
"Oh really"aria says leaning more into him
"Mhmm me and you four days this week on the beach"he says
"Grant that's amazing I thought we said nothing big"she says
"Yeah but I wanted it to be special"he says
"I got you something small"aria says
"It's the thought that counts"he says continuing to kiss her neck there is a knock at the front door she groans as Grant chuckles answering the door Kyle walks in with bags of stuff
"For tonight your mom said to bring it here"he says
"Thanks man"Grant says letting him in helping with the bags
"Hey aria"Kyle says
"Hey ky"she says
Picking up another pack of cinnamon rolls
"Wanna help"she asks looking at Grant he nods she hands him the cinnamon rolls he tries to to open it but can't aria grabs a pan for them Kyle takes the tube trying to open it but having no luck
"Let me see"aria says
"No we got it"Grant says
"If you say so"aria says grabbing her phone off the counter and walking into the living room turning on the tv a mothers nightmare with Grant pops up so she watches it as she hears the guys argue
"Are you guys alright"she asks
"Yeah"Kyle says holding the can of cinnamon rolls
Aria grabs the hitting the tube on the counter opening them
"Here you go"she says handing them back Grant rolls his eyes
Aria walks back into the living room as her phone dings with a instagram notification

 To bed"he says not letting aria go "Babe I have to start baking"aria says "Come snuggle with me first"he says she laughs as he lets her go "I promise let me do this and I will"she says "Fine"he says following her to the kitchenShe laughs staring ...

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