Grants Birthday

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Time skip three weeks January 14th
Aria sits on her apartment couch doing school work that she needs to catch up on
Hanna walks into the living room
"You gonna go to grants to drop off the present"Hanna asks
"Yeah I am and then I guess our families are coming up here then I guess to the casino with you guys"aria says
Hanna nods she turned 21 three weeks ago so she had her big celebration with everyone aria and Alison are the ones who have to wait for their birthdays to turn twenty since they are later in the year
Aria leaves and heads to grants rental she knocks on the door and hears Jett barking
"Hey"Grant says opening the door
"Hey babe happy birthday "aria says walking in
"Thank you"he says kissing her
She hands him a gift bag
"You didn't have to get me anything"he says
"Yeah I did it's your twenty first birthday"aria says sitting on the counter
"Okay before I open this I need to tell you something"he says standing between her leafs both hands on the counter
"What's up"she asks
"Remember when I went and auditioned for arrow to play Barry Allen"Grant says
"Yeah"aria says
"Well the audience reacted well to the character and they want me to play the flash on the cw"Grant says
Aria nods
"Which mean I'm gonna do my sophomore year online"Grant says
"That's amazing babe"aria says
"Seriously"he asks
"Yes seriously honestly Grant that's amazing"aria says kissing him
"I'm happy your excited"he says
"When do you leave to Vancouver"aria asks
"Two months "he says
"Well then that's two months that me and you have together"aria says
He smiles at her
"I love you"he says
"I love you to"she says he kisses her again
"Open your present"aria says against the kiss
He chuckles pulling away and opening it he pulls out a box and opens it it has a silver cross necklace
"I love it thank you Ari"he says
"No problem"aria says smiling she gets off the counter sitting on the couch
"Jett"aria calls he runs over laying on her stomach
"I wanted to snuggle you"grant says making a pouty face
"Well so does Jett"aria says laughing he lays on sits on the opposite side of the couch
"What time is everyone supposed to get here"Grant asks
"Umm I talked to my mom earlier she said they would be here at the hotel in an hour we have to meet them at the casino "aria says
"Good that gives me time to do this"he says moving hovering over her Grant jumps off of her stomach and onto the floor
He kisses at her neck she starts to laugh
"Grant"she says laughing
"Stop that tickles"she says laughing harder until he starts to suck on her neck she knows there will be marks left
"Grant"she says in a breathy tone
"Yeah"he whispers
"I wanna shower before we go"she says he nods chucking against her neck he gets up
She gets up grabbing a towel with her bag of clothes she brought for the casino
She walks to the bathroom getting into the shower closing the glass door
Still riled up from Grant she washes her hair and her body the bathroom door opens
"Aria you got to hurry up or we are gonna be late "Grant says
"Your only saying that Grant I know what time it was when i got in here"aria says her eyes closed as she washes the conditioner out
"Yeah"Grant says as he taps his finger against the glass door and aria cocks her head giving him a look even though he can't see her through the steam "and that was twenty minutes ago"
"Beauty takes time"she replies dipping her head back into the stream "I have to exfoliate and shave and-"
"If your not out in five minutes I'm coming in there"he says
"You promise"she asks and his muted groan makes her chuckle
"That's not nice"he says his voice rough Grant taps on the door again with more force before leaving the bathroom saying over his shoulder "you're the one who said we couldn't be late"
"I'm almost done"
Aria hears his sarcastic harrumph and she shakes her head she sighs lifting her hair off of her neck letting the hot water attack her muscles she was actually incredibly relaxed
Her body becoming sensitive to the water she looks at the open door they have time
She is so focused on the water on her muscles she doesn't hear the door close behind her
"Grant"she says 
"I'm here"he says
"Grant what are you-"she says staring to turn towards him aria gasps when his hot skin rubbed against hers the words effectively dying on her lip
He turned her around again wrapping his arm around her from behind
Grant anchored herself to him with his left arm his right hand immediately sliding between her legs his fingers graze her and aria cries out
Grant hikes her closer pitching three fingers inside her
"Oh god"aria cried her walls clenching at the sudden intrusion there was hardly anything to stop him she moaned his name loudly
Grant pushes his face into her his stubble rubbing a raw line on her shoulder and up the column of her neck
She was mindless her hips moving to meet his thrusting fingers Grant ducks down spreading  her two legs more the shower head adding more pleasure
Aria let's  out a short yelp her back bowing
Grants hand moving faster and sensation on top of sensation aria sobbed out his name her nails digging into the metal shower head as her release  came at a frightening intensity
She was aware of every single thing and just as quickly every single part of her started to tingle with awareness with need grants hand moving faster and aria lost all sense of herself
"Oh god don't stop,don't stop,don't stop...ohgodohgodohgodohgod"she babled over and over the words slipping out the only thing mattering the feeling of grants  fingers inside her
She grabs the arm banded across  her waist her other hand flying out to the glass door for anything to hold on to as his hand moved
"Grant Grant I'm I'm..."aria whimpered her voice echoing against the shower wall "Grant!"
Aria came with a loud keening cry around his finger a sheet of white of pleasure skating over her eyes
Aria didn't remember dropping the shower head or grants fingers slipping out of her her body was liquid as he gently pushed her forward she leaned against the shower wall before he thrusts in
"Aaahh"aria cried the force of it driving her against the wall as he gripped her hips hard starting at a punishing rhythm she cried out with each thrust her skin so alive with the sensitivity that she felt another orgasm start to grow
It was almost to much and aria babbeled as much the words barley making sense as he thrusts into her each one growing more powerful his grunts mixed into her cries and her nails started to hurt from holding onto the wall fixtures so hard his hold on her hips yanking her up so she was on her toes
She didn't feel him move until it was to late he draped over her his hips moving rapidly wet skin slapping skin he moved the streaming water  right against her clit
Aria came instantly her pleasured cries turning into soundless gasps as the harsh water pushed over her Grant growling  her name thrusting harder until he joined her with a loud cry of his own his furious thrusts uneven as he filled her
He slips out of her a small moan leaving his lips at the loss of connection before he gently pulled her back up wrapping his arms around her from behind her
Aria was breathless sparks dancing across her eyes trying to catch her breath Grant swept up a hand over her breasts and a pitiful cry left her as he wrapped an arm around her chest and nuzzled his face in her neck
"We're definitely going to be late now"he said sounding like he doesn't care and aria smiles
"No we don't actually have to be there until 4:30"aria says
Grant freezes be behind her "You changed the time"Grant asks
"No"aria replies turning her head toward him leaning back enough so her lips grazed his "I just let you believe it was at two"aria says cutting off his response with a kiss
"Now we have time for a real shower"aria says Grant chuckles as she showers and he showers washing his body off aria gets out of the shower and gets dressed

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