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Aria has a free day today as it is Friday and she doesn't have any Friday classes she has plans to go to the movies with Grant Tyler and Alison together but has to wait until Grant finishes his class and for Alison to drive to the school with Tyler
"You have anything planned for today"leela asks sitting on her bed
"Just a movie date tonight but that's it"aria says
"Ooo"Leela says
"Don't ooo my sister and grants brother will be with us"she says making Leela laugh aria gets up putting on a red hoodie and jogging pants on she sits on her bed
"Alright I'll see you later if your back"Leela says
"Bye Leela"aria says
The door shuts and aria phone goes off
"Hey I'm here let me in"Alison says
"Okay I'm going"aria says walking down the steps to the front and grabbing Alison
They walks back to her dorm
"Ali"aria says hugging her
Alison laughs hugging aria back
"You act like you won't see me in a week for Christmas break"Alison says
"Doesn't mean I don't miss my little sister"aria says
"Your older by three minutes"Alison says
"And I'm still older"aria says laughing Alison rolls her eyes sitting in aria bed
"So how's college life treating you so far"Alison says
"It's good lots of homework and stuff for classes I did a play a week ago"aria says
"How has Grant been"she asks
"Good he has been in more plays than I have and he doesn't have as much homework"aria says Alison laughs
"When are we meeting the guys"Alison asks
Aria looks at the clock
"Grant finishes class in an hour so he will call me when they are ready to go"aria says
Alison nods aria sits on the bed turning on the small tv that's in the dorm
"Oh look what's on"Alison says clicking on a glee episode with Grant in it
"Oh gosh"aria says laughing
"I missed this"Alison says leaning her head on aria arm she turns to look at her
"I've been gone four months"aria says
"Yes four months is to long"Alison says
"How has asher been with senior year"aria asks
"He has been good I haven't heard him complain he has been hanging with Leo like usual"Alison says
"Every time I call him he is going to bed"aria says making Alison laugh
"Yeah he has been going to bed early for practice"Alison says
Aria nods when her phone rings
"Hello"she says
"Hey Ari I'm home if you guys wanna come over"Grant says
"Okay we will be there soon"aria says getting up Alison shuts off the tv getting up they walk down to the lobby
"We should get coffee"aria says
"Sure"Alison says as they walk to the coffee shop they order and get their stuff they walk to grants place
Aria walks in walking into the living room Alison behind her she places her cups of coffee on the counter
"Hey"Alison  says the guys look at them Grant walks over bear hugging aria
"I got you coffee"aria says handing Grant his job
"Thank you"he say keeping one arm around her shoulders
"Ready to go"Tyler asks
"Mhmm"Alison says they all walk to grants car aria gets into the passenger seat Tyler and Alison in the back Grant drives to the theater and parks they all walk in
Grant and aria take a photo

Aria has a free day today as it is Friday and she doesn't have any Friday classes she has plans to go to the movies with Grant Tyler and Alison together but has to wait until Grant finishes his class and for Alison to drive to the school with Tyle...

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Ariamont:fun little movie date night (📸 Tylergust10)
Tylergust10:ready for the horror movie
Alisonmont:you better be kidding Tyler
Grantgust:he is joking I think...
Ariamont:you two are trying to be funny and it's not funny by any means
Hannababe:ooo date
Grantgust:Hanna your not funny
Hannababe:never claimed to be Grant
Ariamont:🙄 you two always something
User56:she said date does that mean they are on a date
User36:I'm doubtful maybe she just said that meaning all of them were out together
Aria puts her phone down
"I got the tickets and if you guys get the snack"Tyler says they nod Grant walks with Tyler to get tickets while Alison and aria get snacks and drinks they walk to the theater and sit down in their chairs
Aria sits next to Grant putting a popcorn in between them they got tickets to watch a family weekend or something aria and Alison weren't exactly listening when agreeing on a movie
A worker comes in
"Hi sorry you three can I just see your ID's I just need to Make sure you are over 18"the guy says
Alison Grant and aria nod
They all hand over their ID's aria and Alison just turned 19 and Grant turned 20 so they are over 18
"Your all set"the guy says handing back the ID's he leaves aria and Grant look at each other as Tyler and Alison laugh
Aria has her phone out and starts a video

Ariamont:you two are trying to be funny and it's not funny by any meansHannababe:ooo dateGrantgust:Hanna your not funny Hannababe:never claimed to be Grant Ariamont:🙄 you two always something User56:she said date does that mean they are on a date...

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Ariamont:so apparently we look younger than 18 we just got carded Tylergust10:well you guys got carded I didn't Grantgust:yeah cause they saw your card up at the front Leelamont:I mean you and Grant and your sister all don't look over 18 you all h...

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Ariamont:so apparently we look younger than 18 we just got carded
Tylergust10:well you guys got carded I didn't
Grantgust:yeah cause they saw your card up at the front
Leelamont:I mean you and Grant and your sister all don't look over 18 you all have baby faces
Kyleharris:yeah you three have baby faces Tyler is just old
Tylergust10:geez thanks Kyle
Hannababe:you do have a baby face aria
Ariamont:geez thanks Han love you too
Hannababe:❤️ you know you do
Emilyfields:I mean so does Grant and Alison
Grantgust:thank you guys you are all the best I don't have a baby face
Alisonmont:neither do I
Aria puts her phone down as the movie starts they watch it they finish the movie and all get up leaving the theater
Aria walks behind Tyler and Grant with Alison
"Marriage"Alison says
"What"aria says looking at her confused
"Have you thought of marriage"Alison asks
"Of course I have if your asking have I thought of it with T then no"aria says
"Why not"Alison asks
"Alison the same Grant we have known our entire lives"aria says
"Yeah why don't you"Alison says
"Alison he's the same guy who has always said I don't wanna  get married I don't want kids he's never wanted to or had a desire"aria says
"He was sixteen the last time he said that"Alison says
"He told me the same thing when he started daiting Ashley two years ago"aria Says
"Exactly two years a lot could have changed"Alison says
Aria rolls her eyes when she sees the look on her sisters face
"Alison no"aria says Alison walks to Grant talking to him Tyler walks to aria
"What is she talking to him about"Tyler asks
"Marriage"aria says
Tyler chuckles
"He would marry you"Tyler says
" your so sure he would"aria says
"Of course I am he is my brother he loves you he would marry you I've never seen Grant look at someone how he looks at you"Tyler says
"Oh yeah and how does he look at me"aria says intrigued
"Like you hung the stars and painted the moon in the sky which to him you might as well have"Tyler says making aria laugh
"Sure"she says they get to the car and back to campus
Alison walks to the front with Tyler
"I love you and I'll see you tommrow so we can hang me and you"Grant says
"Sounds good to me I love you too"aria says
Grant leans down kissing her she walks to her dorm falling asleep

Waiting for Superman -Grant GustinWhere stories live. Discover now