Los Angeles

21 0 0

Time skip three months
Aria gets up and gets ready

She runs down her steps going into her kitchen Alison is back from finishing filming arrow aria has got a role on the show pretty little liars so have most of her friends like Hanna Emily and Spencer who wanted to try acting to see if they would e...

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She runs down her steps going into her kitchen Alison is back from finishing filming arrow aria has got a role on the show pretty little liars so have most of her friends like Hanna Emily and Spencer who wanted to try acting to see if they would enjoy it
"So where is asher"aria asks
"Out with Mackenzie"Alison says making aria nod
"Where are you gonna tell mom and dad you are going"Alison asks
"I told  them I'm going to LA to go look before I leave to go film"aria says
"Which isn't a total lie"Alison says
"No it's not"aria says
"You all packed to leave"asher asks walking in
"Yeah I am I have my ticket and passport"aria says
They both nod
"We will drop you off at the airport"asher says
Making aria nod
"When are you gonna tell mom and dad about you and Grant"Alison asks
"Soon I think I have to talk to Grant I don't know I just have a weird feeling about telling them"aria says
"Yeah I get it"asher says aria grabs her keys
"I'm gonna go say bye to Hanna before she leaves to North Carolina with Caleb"aria says
"Yeah I saw her earlier she is freaking out"Alison says
"Sounds about right"aria says walking out she gets into her car getting two coffee and going to Hanna's  house
"Hi Ms.Miller"aria says walking in
"Hi aria hanna is upstairs in her room"she says
"Thank you"aria says walking up the steps and into Hanna's room she walks in sitting on the bed with the coffee's
"Aria hey"Hanna says turning around
"Hey you finished packing"Aria asks
"Yeah almost I just need to put in my hair brush perfume toothbrush and hair ties"Hanna says
"You nervous about going to see Caleb family"aria asks
"Yeah I am but you know I'll have to relax myself"Hanna says
"Yeah I know but it'll be fun"aria says
Hanna nods "what about you are you packed"
"Yeah I am"aria says
"Why would you want to go to LA anyways there isn't anything special"Hanna says
"I told you guys I wanna go see where we are filming and go to the shops"she says
"We leave in two weeks you'll see it then"Hanna says laughing
"Yeah still I wanna do something for this break plus when we get back it's graduation so"aria says
"True"Hanna says
"And plus she might wanna go see grant who is still filming in LA" Emily says walking in with Spencer and Camila
"Why would I wanna go visit Grant in LA"aria says
"Because he is your best friend and you haven't seen him since prom"Spencer says
"Yeah I mean one day he has filming at night or has the day off I'll hang out with him"aria says
"Well maybe something will happen you know with the kiss"Camila says
"That was over four months ago Mila nothing happened then nothing is going to happen now"aria says rolling her eyes
"If you say so aria"Hanna says making the girls laugh
"Whatever you guys either way it'll be fun going to LA by myself I haven't gone on a solo trip since sophomore year"aria says
"Yeah where did you go again"Spencer says looking at her
"New York"aria says smiling
"Here we go"Emily says laughing and grinning
"Oh how I would love to live in New York the city the lights Broadway being right there omg I would love it"aria says
"Well maybe after you can move there"Mila says
"Yeah maybe"aria says
"Or move with me to LA"Hanna says
"You sound like Ali bugging me to move to La with her"aria says
"She has a point she doesn't wanna be alone in between with hiatus"Spencer says
"I feel like that would be fun living with your sister just the two of you"Hanna says
Making aria laugh she looks at the clock
"Holy crap I'm gonna be late for my flight"aria says jumping up making her friends laugh
"Bye aria"Hanna says hugging her aria takes a photo with Hanna making them both laugh
"Bye guys I'll text you when I get to LA"she says
They all nod as she goes to her car she gets home and sees her stuff outside with her siblings
"Sorry guys lost track of time"she says making them laugh
"We figured"Alison says getting in the car aria gets in the back seat
"When are you coming back"asher asks
"A week we have graduation plus I don't need to stay any longer than that"she says
Both her siblings nod they get to the airport she gets out of the car
"I'll see you guys"she says hugging Alison and then asher
"Okay be safe text us when you get there"Alison says
"I will I'll text you when I get to the air b n b"aria says
"Okay max"says hugging her again
She walks into the airport and gets to her gate she goes on her phone and onto instagram

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