They call it puppy love

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Time skip 5 days
Aria gets up getting ready for the day

She walks down the steps "Mom"aria says "She's at work"asher says walking into the kitchen "And dad is at his work conference so what do you wanna do"aria asks "Well I'm supposed to go out with Leo before he has to go do the pilot for his show"he ...

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She walks down the steps
"Mom"aria says
"She's at work"asher says walking into the kitchen
"And dad is at his work conference so what do you wanna do"aria asks
"Well I'm supposed to go out with Leo before he has to go do the pilot for his show"he says
"I think I wanna try acting it's something I like"aria says
"You should I think you would be really good at it"he says
"Thanks I think that's the nicest thing you have said to me this whole week"she says
"Yeah don't get used to it"he says grabbing an apple and leaving
Aria gets in her car when her phone goes off
"Hello"she says
"What are you doing today"Hanna asks
"Nothing I was gonna go get coffee and go home since Grant has errands to do before he leaves"aria says
"Ahh so your gonna be bored all day with nothing to do since your best friend is busy"Emily says in the background
"You know that's not true do you guys wanna go out to the movies"aria says
"Yeah we have to ask Spence and Mila "Hanna says
"Have Emily call now and see what they say "aria says
"She just called they said yes so we all meet up at the movies today at 3:00"Hanna says
"Yeah sounds good I'll see you guys at three then"aria says hanging up when her phone rings again
"Hello"she says
"Hey do you wanna come over for a while before I run errands"Grant asks
"Sure"she says
"I'll see you in a few then"he says hanging up she gets to grants house and knocks on the door
"Hey"he says pulling her inside and kissing her
She pulls away
"What if you siblings or mom walks in"she asks
"They are all out"he says pulling her back in for another kiss as her arms go around his neck
The back door slams shut and Grant and aria jump apart
"Hey aria"Tina says walking in with a bunch of bags
"Hey Tina"aria says going to help her with the bags Grant follows helping
"Thank you guys"she says
They both nod
"Aria is gonna help me pack some stuff up to go back to La"he says
She nods
Aria and Grant walk back up the steps walks into his room with aria and closes the door
"What do you need help packing"she asks
"Not much just some clothes"he says 
She sits on his bed after pulling out some outfits for him
He pulls off his shirt making aria cheeks get hot and go pink as he pulls down his suit case
"Why are you shirtless"she asks
"Cause I'm hot you act like you haven't seen me shirtless before" he chuckles
"Normally you don't have abs"she says looking at him making him laugh
As he puts clothes into his suitcase
"You just gonna watch me pack"he asks
"Yeah it's really entertaining"she says making him roll his eyes
"What are you doing today"he asks
"Supposed to go to the movies with the girls wanna come"she asks
"No it's fine it's supposed to be a girls thing and I have errands"he says
She nods watching him walk across his room
"You should come back later we can have a movie night before I have to leave tomorrow"he says
"Yeah it sounds fun I can get snacks"aria says
He chuckles nodding sitting on the bed with her
"How long you have filming for still"she asks
"Couple more months at most I'll be back for graduation"he says
She nods leaning in and kissing him he pulls her closer deepening the kiss until she is straddling him
She kisses down his neck stopping and sucking on the spot where his shoulder almost meets his ear
"Ari"he says in a whisper
She hums grinning against his skin her phone dings with a notification
"You might wanna get that"Grant says 
"I will"she says kissing down his neck making his breathing get heavier
"Aria"he says again in a breathy tone
Her phone dings again and she groans picking up her phone seeing a notification from instagram

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