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Aria gets up getting ready for work

Aria walks down the steps already two weeks into filming pretty little liars Hanna walks over "Ready"she asks "Yeah I am"aria says looking down at her phone "Waiting for something"Hanna asks "No I'm not"aria says putting her "More like waiting for...

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Aria walks down the steps already two weeks into filming pretty little liars Hanna walks over
"Ready"she asks
"Yeah I am"aria says looking down at her phone
"Waiting for something"Hanna asks
"No I'm not"aria says putting her
"More like waiting for someone to text her"Alison says
Aria rolls her eyes and grabs an apple
"Ready to go"aria says grabbing her keys
"Yeah okay I'm going"Hanna says following aria
"I'll see you guys later"Alison says
"See you later Ali"aria says getting into her car she puts her phone down Hanna eyes are glued to her phone
"Waiting for something"aria asks
"Yeah for Caleb to text me back"she says
Aria laughs as her phone rings
"Can you pick that up"aria asks Hanna nods
"Hello"Hanna says putting it on speaker
"Hey Hanna"Grant says
"Hey Grant"aria says
"Hey babe you on your way to work"he asks
"Yeah we are what about you how did your audition go"she asks
"I would say it went pretty well"Grant says
"That's good"aria says parking in the lot she grabs her phone taking it off speaker getting out of the car
"I'll let you go if your on set already"Grant says
"No it's fine I have a few minutes"aria says walking towards the set
"I miss you"Grant says
"We saw eachother not that long ago"aria says
"Yeah almost three weeks ago at graduation we saw eachother more when we were friends than we do now"Grant says
"Wow umm well maybe we can figure it out"aria says standing in front of the entrance
"Ari you know I didn't mean it like that I love you"he says
"No I know what you meant I feel the same but again work you just finished glee and don't even know if your staying in LA"aria says
"I know maybe we can do something tonight"Grant says
"Well Ali and Hanna are gonna be home tonight and you have roommates"aria says
"Oh well we can go out if you want"Grant says
"We can"aria says
"Wait actually I might know a place"Grant says aria laughs
"Okay if you say so I have to get to work but let me know"she says
"Alright I love you"he says
"I love you too"she says she hangs up and walks inside
"Places everyone"the director calls
Everyone walks to their spots
"This is still Ali's world we are just living in it"Spencer says as her character troian
"Spence has a point we have to  show this to the police"Hanna says
"Yeah and have A come after us"aria says her name is the only one who hasn't changed 
"Aria has a point this is all insane A will come after us"Emily says as shay
"Cut"the director calls they finish filming for the day
"You going back home"Hanna asks
"Yeah I'm going to change and then going out  with Grant probably be home later are you"aria asks
"Nope Caleb's in LA for a few days so I'm going out with him"she says
Aria nods getting in her car as Hanna waits for Caleb
Aria gets home and changes

Aria walks down the steps already two weeks into filming pretty little liars Hanna walks over "Ready"she asks "Yeah I am"aria says looking down at her phone "Waiting for something"Hanna asks "No I'm not"aria says putting her "More like waiting for...

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Aria walks out and gets back in her car driving to the address Grant sent her which brings her to a decent sized house
She parks and gets out of the car walking towards the house
She opens the door
"Grant"she says
"Come in"he says she walks in taking off her shoes she sees food on the table
"This is so nice"she says walking in fully giving Grant a hug
"I thought you would enjoy staying in after work"Grant says
"Yeah I do thank you"she says walking to the table they both sit down eating
"How was work"Grant asks
"It was good hectic"aria says they finish eating aria helps Grant with the plate
"Hey did you rent this house earlier"aria asks
"Nope it was my grandmas she left to my mom no one has been up here in years"Grant says
Aria nods as they sit on the couch watching tv she snuggles into Grant who wraps his arms around her
He puts on a movie on the tv aria sots up looking over at Grant
"What's up"he asks looking at her
"Nothing just thinking about stuff"aria says
"Oh yeah like what"Grant says turning his body to look at her
"Nothing just work and the fact that Ali is leaving tomorrow for the second season of arrow"aria says
"I know it's just just gonna be you and Hanna for a while in that house"Grant says
"Exactly and you don't even know if your staying in LA so"aria says
"I don't know yet I mean I might it's up in the air right now nothing is set in stone babe"Grant says
"I know"aria says leaning into him
"You want me to drop you off"he asks
"No I just wanna stay here with you for a little bit"aria says
He nods kissing her head
"Wanna watch a movie"Grant asks
"Yeah illegal tender"aria says
Grant chuckles
"You love that movie don't you"Grant says chucking
"Yeah I do"aria says laughing Grant starts the movie about half way through aria knocks out on his arm he picks her up laying her on the bed he turns off the tv and lays next to her falling asleep.

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