Road trip

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Time skip 1 day
Aria waits in the car as Grant gets gas he walks over to the window squishing his face against it she snaps a picture and posts it

Likes 39 comments 13Ariamont:this goof takes forever to get gasGrantgust:I do not Graciegustin:yes you do Tylergust10:my brother needs to shaveAriamont:your brother needs to tell me where we are going Ashermont:he still hasn't told you where you a...

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Likes 39 comments 13
Ariamont:this goof takes forever to get gas
Grantgust:I do not
Graciegustin:yes you do
Tylergust10:my brother needs to shave
Ariamont:your brother needs to tell me where we are going
Ashermont:he still hasn't told you where you are going
Ariamont:no do you know where we are going
Alimont:max don't
Grantgust:max I swear

Ashermont:take a chill pill I'm not gonna say anything

Ariamont:it's Grant and Ali when do you get listen to them just tell me
Ashermont:I promised I wouldn't
Ariamont:I'll remember that when you need a ride have fun running to school
She puts her phone away as Grant gets into the car
"Ty is right you need to shave and a hair cut before you leave"aria says looking at him
"I know I will before I leave"he says
"So wanna tell me where we are going"she asks looking at him as he leaves the parking lot
"It's a surprise"he says looking at her
"If you say so T"she says
"It's not far anyways"he says getting on the highway
"If you say so"she says leaning back looking out the window
He chuckles at her impatience and turns up the radio
"So you planning on telling that girl before you leave later"she asks
"Maybe I don't know"he says
"Come on don't chicken out"she says
"The only thing is I don't know if she feels the same"he says
"Well how are you gonna know if you don't ever even talk to her"she says
"I guess you were right"he says pulling into a driveway
"What the heck where are you going"she says when he gets out of the car
"Just stay here I'll be right back"he says she nods and looks at her phone
The passenger door opens
"Okay close your eyes"he says she closes her eyes and feels something put on her lap
"Grant if this is a box of spiders"she says
"No it's not Ari just open your eyes"he says she pulls the top off of the box off
Revealing a Australian shepherd she picks up the dog out of the box

"Omg t"she says "He is yours"he says pulling out the driveway as she plays with the dog "What"she says looking at him "Yeah belated birthday gift he is yours"he says looking at her "Omg did I ever tell you how much I love you"she says "All the tim...

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"Omg t"she says
"He is yours"he says pulling out the driveway as she plays with the dog
"What"she says looking at him
"Yeah belated birthday gift he is yours"he says looking at her
"Omg did I ever tell you how much I love you"she says
"All the time"he says laughing
"Your so cute"she says petting the dog
"What are you gonna name him"he asks
"Whiskey"she says
"Whiskey really"he asks
"Yeah he reminds me of whiskey"she says making him laugh
"We will be home in a hour do you want something coffee food"he asks
"No I'm good t thanks tho"she says
"No problem I'll drop you off and then head to the airport with my family"he says
She nods leaning back on the seat debating on if she should tell Grant she has feeling for him or if she is better off just leaving it alone since he has a crush on a girl anyway
He pulls into a petco
"Come on we have to get stuff for whiskey"he says
She laughs getting out with the dog she grans grants hand pulling him
"I'll grab the bed  and tag and leash and you get the collar and food"she says
"Alright"he says she lets go of his hand and goes to get the bed and tag a normal rage with a lighting bolt symbol on the front with his name under
Grant walks back with food in his hand a flash colar
They walk to the register
Aria grab her purse to pay
"I got it Ari"he says taking out his wallet moving her out of the way
"Grant seriously"she says
He chuckles handing the girl the cash
"Yeah aria I am"he says
She rolls her eyes at him
"Can I have your number"the girl at the counter says looking at Grant
And aria can feel something form in her stomach but doesn't say anything
"Well I can't I have a girlfriend"he says
Aria looks at him starting to think when did he get one did he tell the girl and just didn't want to tell aria
"Well she doesn't have to know"she says
"Actually she does cause she is standing right there"he says looking at aria the girl looks at her
"Hmm"she says looking at him
"You ready to go babe"he says she stops herself from laughing
"Yeah come on whiskey"she says looking at the dog and walks out with Grant
"Your a goof you could have just said you weren't  interested"she says
"Well I didn't wanna be mean"he says
"Oh sweet Grant"she says as they walk to his car she gets in the passenger seat
"Alright I'll drop you off alright"he says
She nods as they get to her house she gets out of the car
Asher walks out with Leo in basket ball shorts
"Mila Hanna and em are here"he says
"Okay"she says picking up the dog
"Who's that"Leo asks looking as the dog runs at him
"That's is whiskey Grant got him for me"she says grabbing his bed as Grant grabs the dog food
"He's so cute"Hanna says walking outside
"Thank you were is Spence"aria asks
"Ultrasound appointment with Melissa"she says
"Oh Ali left already"aria asks
"Just left a few minutes ago"max says she nods Grant walks back outside
"Speaking of leaving I have to go home and then the airport"he says
"Alright you need to call me when you get there safe alright"she says
"I will"he says hugging her squeezing her
She squeezes him back
"Bye t love you"she says
"Bye Ari love you"he says getting in his car and leaving
"Whiskey come on"she says the dog follows her
Her friends walk in behind her
"How was the road trip"they ask
"It was fun we went to a coffee shop and drove around"she says
"That sounds like fun"Hanna says sitting on the couch
"Wanna watch a movie"Emily asks
"Yeah sure"Camila says walking in
They all look at aria
"Yeah sure"she says they look at her confused
"You alright"Emily asks
"I think I'm in love with Grant"aria blurts out
"Finally"they all say in unison
"You have to tell him"Hanna says
"Funny thats not happening" aria says
They all roll there eyes watching the movie for about thirty minutes
"I can't do this"aria says grabbing her keys and running to her car she heard her friends calling her but she doesn't look back
She gets to the airport and runs in looking at the flights
She says grants family leaving and Grant getting ready to go to his gate
"Grant"aria yells
He turns back to look at her  smiling and so does his family she runs to him
"Aria what are you doin-..."he starts but gets cut off by her lips pressing to his as she kisses him
He kisses her back grabbing her waist she pulls away
"I wanted to do that before you left"she says
"Aria"he starts
"Look if you don't like me it's fine I just needed to get it off my chest..."she starts but is cut off as he kisses her again
"I wanted to to"he says
"We can talk when you get back"she says
He nods
"I'll call you when I land"he says she nods and he kisses her head walking away
She sees Gracie and Tyler smirking as she turns pink she runs back to her car not wanting to look at anyone and drives back to her house
She walks to her room where her friends are
"So what happened"Spencer asks
"Well we might have kissed"she says
"What!!"hanna says almost yelling
Making aria laugh as they all  sit and talk

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