New years eve

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Aria gets up and gets ready Grant isn't in bed beside her anymore she walks to the kitchen
"Jett whiskey"she says petting them
"Morning babe"Grant says giving her a hug
"Morning"she says kissing him
Everyone walks into the kitchen all having breakfast
"Is Kyle coming over tonight"Tina asks looking at Grant
"Yeah I'm pretty sure he is"he says
They nod
"We are gonna need your help getting stuff for tonight"aria mom says they all nod
They all get told what they need to take care of of and who is going with them aria Grant asher Hanna and Tyler are a group together
"You guys are snacks"Emily's mom says
They all nod she tells everyone else their things
"Alright we will be back"Hanna says as they all walk out pretty much everyone already left
"Snacks that simple enough"Tyler says
"Yeah except they put the people who get distracted the most in one group"asher says
"Mhmm this will be fun"Grant says walking Jett and whiskey on their leashes
"We don't get distracted easily right Han"aria says turning to no longer see Hanna by her side instead she is looking at a store
"Hanna come on"aria says grabbing her arm
"Alright I'm going It's snack and stuff the shop isn't far"Hanna says
Aria looks at her as they both start laughing max bumps into someone since he isn't looking straight
"Oh I'm sorry"max says looking up
"It's fine ash "Kyle says
"Hey ky"Tyler says
"Where you going"Grant asks
"To see you actually"he says
Grant chuckles
"We are going to the grocery store"Hanna says
"Wow they put everyone who gets distracted easily into one group"Kyle says
"We don't get distracted easily"aria says
"Really is that why your brother is over there flirting with a girl"Kyle says they all turn all the guys chuckle
Aria rolls her eyes
"Asher"aria says walking over to were he is talking to a blonde girl
He rolls his eyes at aria
"Yes what do you want I'm in the middle of a conversation "he says
"Sorry your majesty but we have to go to the store"aria says
The girl laughs
"Hi I'm Madelyn"the girl says sticking out her hand
"Hi I'm aria"she says taking her hand and shaking it Hanna walks over
"It was nice meeting you max"the girl says
"Nice meeting you to"Asher says aria looks at him seeing he looks a little upset
Aria and Asher  turn around and before she is able to ask max if he is okay
"You should come to our party tonight"Hanna says
The two siblings shoot her a look
"Are you sure I wouldn't want to intrude"Madelyn says
"No you wouldn't be I can give you the address"Hanna says
"Okay"she says Hanna typed something in and hands her back the phone
"I'll see you tonight then Asher "she says
"Yeah see you tonight"Asher says smiling Hanna walks in front hiding between Grant and Tyler
"Hanna I'm gonna kill you"Asher says walking towards her aria right behind them
"What did she do"Tyler asks looking at max and aria
"She invited Madelyn to the party tonight"aria says
" you did the same when we met Caleb and invited him to some party we were having"Hanna says looking at aria
"That wasn't me"aria says looking at Hanna
"I could've sworn it was"Hanna says
"Nope your thinking of mr. gustin over there he invited Caleb to my birthday cause you kept talking about him  and he was tired of hearing it"aria says
"Oh yeah I wanted to kill him"Hanna says
"Kinda how I wanna kill you now"max says almost lunging aria grabs him
"Relax she will go tonight hang around her if you want we will too and make sure mom doesn't embarres you"aria says
He rolls his eyes as they walk to the grocery store and get snacks
Aria walks with Kyle kind of in front
"We should cut through the park"Grant says from behind them
"Okay"they all say
"He was telling me about the LA thing"Kyle says
"Yeah he's leaving Monday I mean so am I at least we will still both be in LA"aria says
"Yeah then he has an audition for arrow doesn't he"Kyle asks
"Yeah he does"aria says
They walk into the park Grant takes the dog to the bathroom as Hanna takes a photo of Grant Kyle  Tyler and aria together

 gustin over there he invited Caleb to my birthday cause you kept talking about him  and he was tired of hearing it"aria says "Oh yeah I wanted to kill him"Hanna says "Kinda how I wanna kill you now"max says almost lunging aria grabs him "Relax sh...

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