Christmas break and bowling

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Aria gets up putting on a sweater and jogging pants Grant already put her bags in her car for break she grabs her keys purse and phone and walks to her car
Grant is standing outside on his phone
"I'll see you at the house"aria says every year both family's come together and celebrate Christmas together meaning they spend the whole week getting everything set up at aria house
"Mhmm I'll see you at the house"he says kissing her
"I love you"she says
"I love you too be safe okay"he says she nods and gets in her car turning on the radio as she drives she sings along to her music about 10 minutes from her house she gets her family coffee she gets to her house as her phone rings
"Hey babe"she says
"Hey you home"he asks
"Yeah I just got here what about you"she asks walking with the coffee to the front door she opens it and walks in
"Yeah I just got here"he says aria hears the door slam over the phone
"Alright then I'll talk to you later"she says
"Okay I love you"he says
"Love you too"she says handing up
Whiskey runs in tackling her
"Whiskey baby"she says petting him
"Hi aria"her mom says hugging her
"Mom"she says hugging her tight
"Bug"she hears she turns to see her dad
"Dad"she says hugging him
"I missed you guys"she says
"We missed you to"they say Alison and asher come down the steps
"Aria"asher says running at her and hugging her
"ash"she says laughing
Hugging him not caring about them seeing the ring or not
"I missed you"he says
"I missed you to"she says holding on to him
"We see who the favorite is"Alison says
"Umm I saw you two weeks ago when we went to the movies I haven't seen asher since I left"aria says
Making her parents laugh
"How's school been"he dad asks
"Good you know stressful as always"aria says
"I bet"her mom says aria hugs Alison
"I brought coffee"aria says
"Oh I love you"Alison says running to grab coffee making aria laugh
"Hanna and the rest of the girls are back I saw them this morning"asher says
Aria has the biggest smile come over her face
"Go"her mom says aria grabs her keys coffee and purse
"I'll see you guys later"Aria says running out the door
She gets to Hanna house knowing that where they will all be
She walks in the door being wide open she closes it behind her and walks up the stairs
"Hey"aria says walking into the room
"Aria"Hanna says tackling her into a hug
"Aria"Camila says soon enough it's a group hug all the girls laughing aria lays on Hanna bed as all the girls talk her left hand resting on her stomach subconsciously
"So how is school"Emily asks
"It's good stressful with all the plays and homework but worth it"aria says
"That's good we should go out do something just us"Spencer says
"Food and movies"Camila says
"Yeah I like that idea"aria says
"Yeah I.."Hanna starts staring at aria
"What"Emily asks looking at Hanna
"When did you get engaged"Spencer asks
"Yesterday"aria says
"Congratulations"Camila says
"Thank you"aria says
"So does anyone else know"Emily asks
"Nope Alison will probably figure it out we have to figure out how to tell our family's"aria says
"They will be happy especially your moms they will be ecstatic"Hanna says
"True you guys coming over after like every year"aria asks
"Yes we are"Emily says aria smiles they finish eating and go to the mall to go shopping Hanna jumps on Emily's back  aria takes out her phone taking a photo of them laughing

"Hanna starts staring at aria "What"Emily asks looking at Hanna "When did you get engaged"Spencer asks "Yesterday"aria says "Congratulations"Camila says "Thank you"aria says "So does anyone else know"Emily asks "Nope Alison will probably figure it...

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