Christmas day and vacation

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Aria gets up her friends all ready left to go see their family Grant is the only still at her house
"Grant"she says
He moves mumbling something aria can't understand she turns pinching his arm lightly he just moves she pinches his arm again he rolls over facing her
"What's the big idea"he says smiling at her
"Well if you don't go home Now your gonna miss present with you family and packing for tonight"aria says smiling at him
"Oh yeah"he says rolling over on top of her
"Grant your heavy"she says giggling
He chuckles digging his face in her neck taking off some of the weight
"Do I have to go home"Grant asks
"Yes you wanna be able to open gifts with your family and pack"aria says
He pushes himself up kissing her she reaches up her hand going to his neck pulling him closer
"Grant"she mumbles
"Fine"he says kissing her head
"I love you"she says
"I love you too"Grant says he walks out aria gets up and showers getting ready for the day and puts on her glasses

Outfit Aria walks down the steps turning on tv the pilot episode of pretty little liars comes on Alison walks down the steps with the rest of their family "Merry Christmas"Alison says hugging her sister from behind "Merry Christmas"aria  says They...

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Aria walks down the steps turning on tv the pilot episode of pretty little liars comes on
Alison walks down the steps with the rest of their family
"Merry Christmas"Alison says hugging her sister from behind
"Merry Christmas"aria says
They all sit opening presents aria opens her stuff up getting a lot of pajamas and books
Aria gives them all hugs as they hang out and have breakfast
"What time do you leave today"Alison asks
"6:00"aria says
"So you'll here for like five"aria mom asks
Aria nods playing with the bracelet her aunt gave her
"I still can't believe your engaged"asher says sitting next to her
Aria smiles at him
"Yeah me neither"she says leaning her head on his shoulder
Aria mom and dad are dressed up even though it's only 1:00
"Where are you guys going"she asks
"Well we have a date and a work thing so we probably won't be back till pretty late"her dad says
They all nod
"Actually we have to head out now"her mom says
"Okay I love you guys I probably won't see you"aria says standing up
"Probably not"her dad says squeezing her
"I love you stay safe alright"her mom says kissing her head
"I will"aria says
"love you"aria dad says
"Love you too"aria says as they leave
"What are you up too today"aria says looking at her siblings
"I'm going over to Tyler rental today to see him before he leaves and I have to finish packing"Alison says
Aria nods
"And I'm going to see Leo before he leaves to film again and go see Mackenzie"he says
"Oh fun"aria says laying on the couch her legs across max lap
"Not as fun as your gonna have four days on the beach"asher says
"Trust me they won't spend much on the beach"Alison mumbles but both siblings catch it aria goes red and chuck a a pillow at her
"Don't be dirty Alison"aria says
"How do you know your not the dirty one what id she meant you guys would be in a restaurant or on the boardwalk or shopping"asher says
"We both know what she meant by that"aria says
"I mean she could be right"asher says laughing
"Alright I'm done with both of you"aria says getting up and going up the steps
She finishes packing her bag going down the steps with her suitcase purse and phone
"Whiskey"she calls the dog comes next to her
"Oh baby"she says
"You gonna take him with you to LA"Alison asks
"I should I can have him in the trailer with ac and check on him in between scenes"aria says
"Yeah"Alison says
"When do you leave"max asks looking at Alison
"I leave to LA  and to Vancouver next week"Alison' says
"What about you"Alison asks
"After new years  to LA finish up school online while I film"aria says they both nod
There is a knock on the door asher answers it Grant walks in
"Hey you ready"he asks
"Mhmm"aria says grabbing her suitcase he grabs it putting it in the car
"I love you guys I'll see you soon"aria says
"I love you too"they both say aria hugs them both and leaves she gets in the car with Grant it's already dark
He puts his hand on her thigh letting it rest
"So you never told me where we are going exactly you just said beaches"aria says
"Maui in this little house like cliffside looking into the beach"he says
"That sounds Bueatiful"aria says he nods as they get to the airport they get their bags out and checked and sit waiting for there plane
Grant text  on his phone to god knows who aria just scrolls through her instagram until there gate gets called they board the flight aria watches definitely maybe on the tv while Grant sleeps
They land and take their bags out getting into the rental car
Aria looks out the window the entire time till they arrive where they are staying Grant grabs the keys aria helps bring in the bags and lays on the bed
"Omg this is so comfortable"aria says
Grant chuckles laying next to her
"Yeah it is"he says pulling her into him
"We might wanna call our parents tell them we made it okay"aria says
"Yeah your right"he says getting up and walking to the balcony
Aria calls her mom
"Hey hun"her mom says
"Hey ma I just wanted to let you know that we are here and that we are safe"aria says
"Okay baby have fun"she says
"I will I love you"aria says
"Love you too"she says hanging up
Aria put her phone down Grant is still on the balcony she sighs getting up and going to the balcony rubbing grants shoulders
"Mhmm yeah but I'll talk to you after"he says hanging up
Aria smiles at him
"Hey baby"he says pulling her into him
"Hey babe"she says he leans down kissing her
They walk to the bed room aria starts to take off her clothes leaving her in underwear and a bra
She turns to look at Grant his jeans doing nothing to conceal his hard on
Aria walks over sitting on the edge of the bed
"You alright"she says looking at him he looks at her with a straight face
"Not really"he says looking at her
"Mmm"she says as Grant twitches
"Aria"he says his cheeks burn with embarrassment
"Grant"she says her handing dropping to grants thigh the light pressure made Grant twitch again and suck in a breath
Aria starts to  slowly slide up higher grants thigh making the wet spot glaringly apparent against his strained jeans
With a giant head tilt aria hand climbs up his hip and slowly center
Grant gasps unable to tell aria to knock it off when he wanted her to keep going
"Oh fuck please keep going..."he moans aria smirks
A light teasing finger tracing up his length
Then aria pulls up in one fluid motion grabbing her towel and clothes
He groans when she moves away making her laugh she had been teasing Grant just to get a rise out of him
"I'm gonna shower"she says walking into the shower Grant lays on the bed painfully throbbing against his jeans he moves  his hand palming himself through his jeans to get some relief but every time he  closes his eyes he sees aria he moves his hand groaning having a bad case of blue balls 
Aria walks out of the shower with pajamas that consists of silk shorts and a silk Tshirt
He looks at her his erection getting worse as he groans
She sits down on the bed again
"I called to get some more towels there are barley any"she says
"Mhmm"he says barley listening focused on the throbbing in his pants she looks at him her hand splayed on grants thigh just as pointing it sliding up she grazed Grant like before an unmistakable stroke of the finger and fuck Grant was going to cum right then and there
There is a knock on the door aria pulls away with a wink leaving Grant trembling
She opens the door
"More towels"the man says
Aria smiles grabbing them
"Thank you"she says closing the door and taking them to the bathroom
She sees Grant still on the bed
"You alright"she's says teasingly
"I'm fine"he says cheerily sarcastic she hears him get up
She walks out of the bathroom grants hands pinning her to the wall he kisses her longs and hard
"Can I help you with something"aria says teasingly "hm Grant"she shifts so that her thigh is pressed into Grant right there
Grant melted as he sags forward hands trembling as they clings onto aria shirt
"God Grant have you been like that since I showered"aria says
"I keep thinking about you"Grant says canting his hips into aria thigh
"And that didn't help"she says
"I wanted you"he says
"And what do you want now"her words breathy and light as she presses into Grant in kind letting him basically hump her leg but it still isn't enough
Grant sags further forward his hands going slack from aria shirt as he grinds desperately wanting this so bad,he can feel his heartbeat in his ears "I just want to cum"he says brokenly resting his forehead in her shoulder
Her phone rings "I have to get that"she says moving him
"Aria"he says in a howl
"Hello"she says answering the phone
"Hey I just wanted to make sure you were okay"Alison says
Aria turns to look at Grant who is still panting
"Mhmm we are fine"aria says
"Okay i love you"Alison says
"Love you too"aria says hanging up she sends a text to asher letting him know she is okay and going to dinner so there are no more interruptions
Aria walks over to Grant pushing him against the wall deciding to have a little more fun with him
She drops to her knees
"Oh fuck"Grant says
Aria laughs quietly leaning closer he frantically tries to unbutton his pants but aria grabs his wrists
"Slow down this is my show remember"she says
He looks at her and nods she slowly and teasingly unbuttons his jeans and pulls down his boxers
Lowering her head and wrapping her lips around grants cock the noise that leave Grant sounds like an animal being slaughtered
His hands going to her hair making a makeshift pony's tail
"Please aria"he says
pushing her head slightly
"I warned you to be patient"aria says aria moves forward again sucking making his hips stutter and his hands claw back at the wall
"Aria"he moans when his phone rings and aria gets up
"Fucking shit"he says fixing his pants and answering it walking back out to the balcony
Aria laughs finally done messing with Grant he walks back in throwing his phone somewhere he sits on the bed she walks over as he wraps his arms around her digging his face in her stomach
Aria brings her hand down palming him through his jeans
"Please aria I just wanna cum"he says aria laughs to herself pulling him up he groans again
"Strip Grant"she says he strips eagerly aria strips out of her clothes she pushes Grant onto the bed and straddles him he shudders in anticipation as she lines herself up with him sinking down
She moans
She bounces slowly he whines at how slow it actually is
"We are only getting started Grant"
She bounces faster both of them moaning Grant burying his face in her neck
She lifts up and slams back down Grant practically screams and whimpers
"Good"aria asks
Grant answers but all aria hears is gibberish aria starts to bounce faster he arches and thrusts into her wanting to increase the speed
Little by little aria increases the pace until Grant is nothing but a bundle of nerves
"You close"aria says looking at him
Arms trembling on aria waist Grant slams back harder she moves faster as he finally cums
"Aria"he moans out
She bounces a couple more times cumin after him
She gets off after coming down from her high as he passes out on the bed
She puts on her underwear and goes to the bathroom running the hot water and plugging the shower to let the water sit she picks up her towel and places it with one for Grant
She walks to the bed sitting next to Grant running her knuckles up and down his spine Grant shivers opening his eyes
He gives her a soft smile she leans down kissing him soft and tender full of love
"I'll be right back"aria says getting up and shutting off the water as the tub is full of hot water
Grant tries to roll over to seem semi useful but he is blissfully boneless aria walks over again pulling him up as best she can and bringing him to the bathroom as he leans on her back he steps into the tub sitting down
"You gonna get in with me"he says sleepily
"Mhmm"aria says getting in sitting across from him
He smiles at her sleepily
"I'm so hungry"he says she laughs
"I'm sure we can find some food"she says he blushes wishing he could blame it on the water
"I like having time alone with you"he says
"Me too but I mean when we go to your office campus house"she says
"It's not the same as now being able to do anything without worrying about anyone walking in on us"he says
"Yeah I get it"aria says
"Plus never mind"he says unable to not smile because aria is smiling
aria foot brushes  against his rib
"No tell me"aria says looking at him heavy lidded
"Well I was wondering if you wanted to move in together"Grant says
"Really"aria asks smiling
"Yeah I mean if you want too we can get a place together"he says
"I would love that"she says
Aria looks at him  wanting a kiss his moves his legs beneath him to drift towards Grants side of the tub carefully climbing on top of him she lets her hands feel her way up grants body up his stomach and chest to his shoulders
As aria settles on top of him she feels him tense but then relax, she brushes  past his cock making him twitch
He leans in to capture what she wanted starting off soft but pushing the kiss deeper with a slow slide  of his tongue .aria arms wrap tight around his neck and they kiss like that until Grant starts to unconsciously rock into aria hard all over again
"Once not enough for you Grant"aria says laughing
He rolls his eyes at her blushing
"We might have to do something about that"
"No teasing this time"
"No teasing"aria agrees
"Then food"Grant says
Aria laughs
"one thing at a time  let's start with not turning into prunes and helping you with this"aria says grinding up into him turning him breathless in seconds
"Then food but first yes that"Grant says kissing aria soundly before getting out of the tub
They dry off without warning aria knocks Grant back against the wall and drops to her knees
"No tricks this time"Grant says when aria grips his base
"No tricks"aria says sucking on grants cocks bopping her head up and down
Grant moaned as much as he had in the bedroom because aria didn't let up
Going at a faster pace not slowing down until Grant cums
Grant couldn't move from the wall other than to maybe sink to the floor.aria grabs him putting his weight on her back and leading him to the bed
She lays him down as he throws a blanket over himself
"I'm gonna go see if I can get something to eat don't move"aria says
"Possibly not for the rest of my life"Grant jokes sprawled out on the bed
Aria laughs getting dressed and leaving the house the closets thing being a raising canes
Aria gets food and walks back opening the door taking off her shoes and sitting on the bed
Grant sits up looking at her
She hands him his food
"Tommrow we will go do something"Grant says
"Well I mean we did something together today"aria says smirking
Grant chuckles eating they finish eating aria gets up brushing her teeth and throwing stuff away
She lays in bed Grant resting his head on her chest
"I love you"he says
"I love you too"aria says running her fingers through his hair his breathing becoming calm she looks to see him knocked out
She laughs to herself falling asleep

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