Vacation part 2

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Aria gets up getting dressed

Aria outfit Grant comes behind her wrapping an arm around her waist "You sure you wanna wear that"he asks "Yeah you don't like it I can change"aria says "No love it on you"Grant says grabbing her hand pulling her out of the house "I made dinner re...

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Aria outfit
Grant comes behind her wrapping an arm around her waist
"You sure you wanna wear that"he asks
"Yeah you don't like it I can change"aria says
"No love it on you"Grant says grabbing her hand pulling her out of the house
"I made dinner reservations for tonight"Grant says
"Oo fun"aria says
He chuckles as they walk on the board walk to all the different shops
Arias phone rings so she answers
"Hey mom"she says
"Hey Ari sorry to bug you I just wanted to say that me and Tina both decided to rent one hugs house in New York for new years right by all the theaters"she says
"Are you serious"aria says excited
"Mhmm I know it's a lot but I just wanted to tell you it was a last minute thing"she says
"No I like it I'll talk to you later"she says
"Okay bye hun"her mom says aria hangs up Grant looks at her
"Guess we are going to New York for new years"aria says Grant smiles
"Broadway show"he says
"Yeah"aria says smiling ear to ear he loves that smile on her face the kind that brightens any  room she is in
They walks through a bunch of shops
They buy there stuff at the gift shops and continue walking to a breakfast place aria sits down and Grant snaps a photo of her she takes a photo of him when he isn't looking and one when he is
"So for New York are we leaving here going home and then going to New York"Grant asks
"Yeah meaning I have to take my two suit cases with me of stuff I need for LA"aria says
"Yeah I forgot your finishing up school online"Grant says
"When do you leave"aria asks
"Same day as you"he says
"Oh"aria says looking at him
He holds her hand as they go back and change into bathing suits and walk out to the beach aria sees Grant take a photo as they walk she takes out her phone posting the ones she took

Aria outfit Grant comes behind her wrapping an arm around her waist "You sure you wanna wear that"he asks "Yeah you don't like it I can change"aria says "No love it on you"Grant says grabbing her hand pulling her out of the house "I made dinner re...

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Liked by:Alisonmont,Hannababe,calebblack,Spencerhay,sashapieterse,maxmon,leoamell,30,000 others Ariamont:much needed,lots of fun spending time with you babeTylergust10:Grant needs to shave Grantgust:@tylergust10 you say this all the time your just...

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Liked by:Alisonmont,Hannababe,calebblack,
30,000 others
Ariamont:much needed,lots of fun spending time with you babe
Tylergust10:Grant needs to shave
Grantgust:@tylergust10 you say this all the time your just jealous you can't grow a beard
Tylergust10:yes I can
Hannababe:you having fun
Ariamont:yeah tons
Alisonmont:see ashermont I told you
ashermont:haha yeah @alisonmont
Ariamont:cut it out you two
Emilyfields:I wanna know what that's about @ariamont
Grantgust:yeah me too @ariamont
Ariamont:no you don't
User56:they are daiting
User c: @user56 yes
Aria puts her phone down looking at Grant he smirks at her
"So what did Alison say that you don't want me to know"he says nudging her softly
"Nothing important just her and ash being insane"aria says

Liked by:Alisonmont,Hannababe,calebblack,Spencerhay,sashapieterse,maxmon,leoamell,30,000 others Ariamont:much needed,lots of fun spending time with you babeTylergust10:Grant needs to shave Grantgust:@tylergust10 you say this all the time your just...

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Liked by:tylergust10,Spencerhay,emilyfield,Hannababe,calebblack,tobycav and moreGrantgust:much delayed Aria grabs his hand walking towards the water as they get in swimming around for a little They get out of the water walking around "Wanna go bac...

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Liked by:tylergust10,Spencerhay,emilyfield,Hannababe,calebblack,tobycav and more
Grantgust:much delayed
Aria grabs his hand walking towards the water as they get in swimming around for a little
They get out of the water walking around
"Wanna go back we can hang then dinner"Grant asks
"Yeah that sounds good"aria says they walk back and change laying on the bed aria turns on the tv Grant lays next to her she lays her head right under his arm the spot she claimed years ago as her own
She turns to look at him slowly tracing shapes on his chest
"What time is dinner"aria asks
"7:30 we have some time"
Aria nods
Aria nods closing her eyes when she wakes up to someone lightly shaking her
"Yeah"she groans
"I thought you would wanna get ready babe"Grant says
"Mhmm"she says getting up
She walks to her suitcase and picks up a dress

Liked by:tylergust10,Spencerhay,emilyfield,Hannababe,calebblack,tobycav and moreGrantgust:much delayed Aria grabs his hand walking towards the water as they get in swimming around for a little They get out of the water walking around "Wanna go bac...

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Her dress
Aria does her hair and puts on her heels
"Ready"Grant asks she nods and grabs his hand they walk to the restaurant
They sit and eat their food
They finish eating and head back to the hotel aria changes and lays in bed Grant does the same they both fall asleep

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