"We are done"

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Time skip two days
Aria gets up getting ready Grant has yet to talk to her she walks down the steps and gets into the car since her siblings are already at school she walks into the building standing next to cody and Leo as they toss a football back and forth
Her phone dings with a photo that makes her stomach drop
A photo of Eric kissing another girl
"Hey aria are you alright you got all pale"Leo asks
"I'll be fine just as soon as I get this off my chest"aria says walking away
She walks towards eric grabbing his arm
"Me and you talk now"she says snaking all of his friends make oooing noises
"Well whatever you have to say you can say it in front of my friends so What's up"he asks
"This is what's up"she says showing him the photo as his face pales
"It's not what it looks like Ari"he says
"It looks like you kissing another girl look if you wanted to break up tell me okay don't go out of your way and cheat on me"she yells
"Like you didn't cheat on me"he yells back
"I never cheated on you what the hell are you talking about"she yells
"Like I don't know what you being friends with Grant would come with someone said they saw you two together Thursday kissing"he yells
"How the hell would I have been with Grant Thursday we got into a fight Wednesday and haven't talked since"she yells
"So who the hell was he kissing that someone swore it was you"he says
"I don't know maybe his girlfriend who dyed her hair black like mine we aren't all Cheater Eric"  she says yelling
"That's not fair"he says
"No what's not fair is seeing your boyfriend kissing another girl if you were done with this relationship you could have said so I would rather see you happy than you go behind my back and do it"she says
"I'm sorry"aria he says
"I never meant to hurt you"he says
"It's not a good excuse"she says
"Look aria I really am sorry the last thing I meant to do was hurt you"he says
"You know what Eric it hurt the moment I saw you with somone else but now looking back I guess I'm just holding onto the good we had"she says
"Aria please I really am sorry it won't happen again I really do promise"he says
"No I always hate you no matter what you say and there is no mistaking that my love is gone you lost me baby"she says poking her finger in his chest
"Aria no please don't do this I want to say the thing I never used to "Eric says getting on his knees in front of her Asher walks over with Leo
"Well come today it won't be useful you don't wanna hurt me but it's just something you do I don't know why o put up with it for so long because that love is gone and I will always hate you for this and looking back now I was just looking back on all the good"aria says
"Aria please"he says
"No I don't want to know you you lost me baby"she says
"I'm sorry aria I am"he say
"No sorry isn't gonna cut it Eric we are done this whatever we had is over"she says lowering her voice to barley above a whisper
"Aria please"he says
"No have fun with your new girlfriend we are done "she says walking away  and to the lockers to collect her stuff since the last period is over
"Hey you alright"asher asks following her
"Yeah I'm fine"she says grabbing her car keys
"Okay I have practice so I'll be home late"he says
"Okay what about Allison"she asks
"Rehearsals"he says
Aria nods walking out to her car and driving home
Grants pov
He walks through the hall waiting for natalie still feeling like an asshole for what he said to aria but it's what Natalie  wants or she said she would break up with him
He see Natalie  walking out with one of her guy friends who has his arm around her shoulders
He walks over to her as the guy leaves
"Hey babe"she says kissing his cheek
"Look Natalie  you don't want me to be close to aria as best friends anymore I respected that and talked to her I want you to do the same"he says
"Haha that's not gonna happen"she says looking at him
"Oh really and whys that"he says
"Because it's just not"she says
"You know what if your not gonna respect it we are done"he says
"Yeah okay if you break up with me you  aren't gonna get anyone better"she says
"You know what natalie I have put up with this for way too long long because your right I didn't think I could get anyone better but your just using me you like the look of having a boy wrapped around your finger"he says
"That's not true Grant"she says
"No it is you can do it with another guy I'm done we are done"he says pushing past her
"Grant"she calls but he doesn't turn around
He walks to the football field and finds Asher
"Where is your sister"he asks
"Why do you care you don't wanna be friends actually your not supposed to be next to her so what do you want"he says getting protective
"I want to apologize"Grant says
"She went home probably with her posé she got into a fight with Eric and they broke up"he says
"Why"Grant asks
"He cheated on her"cody says
Grant starts walking towards Eric as soon as the words come out of Asher's mouth
"Grant"Alison yells seeing him and the direction he is heading
He walks towards Eric
"Hey gustin"he says
Grant swings breaking Eric's nose within seconds the two are on the floor beating each other up
"Asher "Alison yells
Asher   and Leo run over pulling the two away Grant has a bruise forming by his eye
"Both of you inside to the office now"the coach says
Grant and Eric walk inside to the office
"Grant you have a one day suspension because you started the fight"the principal says
Grant nods
"Eric you have a detention"the principal says Eric nods Grant gets up grabbing his things and leaving
Aria pov
"I can't believe he cheated on me am I not good enough"aria says sitting on her bed with her friends
"No of course not that's not why Ari"Spencer says
There is a knock at the bedroom door
"Come in" aria says 
Asher and Alison walk in
"You might want to talk to Grant"Alison says
"What why would she"hanna asks
"Because he got into a fight with Eric and no one could talk to him it was like he was in a trance he wouldn't listen"Asher says
"Fucking Christ"aria says grabbing her leather jacket bag and keys
"Are you actually going"Spencer asks
"Of course I am I don't care what he said he is still Grant"aria says walking out
Third person
"She loves him"Spencer says
"They love eachother and both are to stubborn to admit it"Emily says
Aria pov
Aria gets into her car and drives to grants house
She walks and knocks on the door
It opens and grants sister and brother are standing there
"Hey Ari"Gracie says hugging her
"Hey"she says
"Grants up in his room we will be back soon"Tyler says
Aria nods walking in and up the stairs like she has done a million times
She walks into grants room
"Look I already told you grace I'm fine"he says
"I'm not grace"aria says
"Oh aria"he says looking at her the bruise more noticeable now
"Holy crap Grant"she says dropping her stuff
"It's not that bad"he says as she turns his head to face her
"Grant put some ice on it"she says
She grabs the ice pack off the desk and places it on the bruise holding it
"Look aria I'm sorry for what I said to you about us not being friends your right it's not what I wanted it was what Ashley wanted"he says
"What she wanted"aria asks confused
"Yeah I broke up with her she didn't want to do the same for me"he says
"She didn't want a boy to get in the way of her friendship"aria says looking at him
"I really am sorry aria"he says
"I know Grant I forgive you now tell me why you got into a fight with Eric"she says
"He cheated on you"he says like it's the most obvious reason
"I know but why get into a fight over it"she says
"Because your my best friend and I'll always protect you no matter what"he says
She smiles hugging him he hugs her tight as she practically melts into him that night falling asleep on his bed
Gracie's pov
Her and Tyler stand in the hallway looking at their brother and his best friend the same girl he has like for years and doesn't have the guts to say it
"They are so cute"Gracie says
"No it's gross"Tyler says
"Your just jealous"she says
"Of my little brother I'm not"he says making Gracie smirk
"I'm not but he does love her"he says
"Yeah he does even if he is to stubborn to admit it"Gracie says

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