Chapter 6

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Raven and his group of student nurses was preparing for their 3 pm to 11 pm shift in the OB Ward inside the hospital's waiting lounge. They were all dressed according to the hospital's requirement and all their medical equipment is neatly placed inside their OB bags, ready to be used.

While waiting for their respective clinical instructor, they were all feeling a mixture of nervousness and excitement. The ward was always busy, and they knew that they would have to work hard to keep up with the demands of the patients.

"I'm so nervous," one student muttered. "I don't know if I'm ready for this."

"Me too," another added. "I hope I can do a good job."

"I just hope I don't make any mistakes," another students said, fidgeting with her uniform.

"We'll be fine," their team leader for the week chimed in, trying to reassure them. "We're here to learn, and we're going to be working with experienced nurses. We just have to stay focused and do our best."

Everyone nodded in agreement, including Raven, appreciating the sense of camaraderie that they all felt. Naputol ang usapan nila nang pumasok na ang hinihintay nilang clinical instructor.

"Good evening, students," she began, looking each of them in the eye. "I'm glad to see you all here. As you know, the OB Ward can be challenging, but I have no doubt that you're all up for the task. Remember that your main priority is to help the patients and to learn from the experienced nurses. I'll be around to answer any questions or offer guidance, but for the most part, you'll be working with your assigned patients and the experienced nurses. Do you have any questions or concerns before we get started?"

"None, ma'am." They all simultaneously replied.

"Okay. And don't you forget our number rule, okay? If in doubt...?"

Once again, they all said, "Ask."


Their CI led them to the station where they would be working, and they were greeted by the lead nurse. She introduced herself and explained the duties that they would be responsible for during their shift. She also went over some basic safety protocols and gave them a run-down of the patients that they would be working with.

Their team leader also introduced the group on behalf of them and asked permission to go on duty with their current learning competencies.

After the brief orientation, their CI took them to the patients that they would be working with and explained the specific needs of each one. The students were eager to start, but they also knew that they had a lot to learn.

As Raven sat down at the bedside of his patient, a pregnant woman named Kelly Gomez, he couldn't help but feel of nervous. Although he did practice with Hunt, the fact that he had never conducted an interview before made him sweaty.

He took a deep breath and looked Kelly in the eye. "Hi Mrs. Gomez, my name is Raven. I'm a student nurse, and I'm here to ask you some questions about your pregnancy. I promise to be quick and respect your privacy," he began, trying to sound as professional as possible.

Kelly smiled warmly, making Raven feel more at ease. She answered his questions calmly and candidly, and he was surprised by how much he enjoyed getting to know her and her story.

As he finished the interview, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. He had done his best to make Kelly feel comfortable and get all of the necessary information.

Time seemed to pass by in the blink of an eye, and before they knew it, the shift was over.

Their Clinical Instructor joined them and thanked them for their hard work, reminding them of the importance of patient care and of the responsibility that they had as nurses. She also reminded them of the progress that they had made and the growth that they had shown.

My Only SecretTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon