Joshua Dun

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Joshua Dun packed his suitcase in the trunk of his car and closed it shut. He looked back to the house he spent his whole life in and thought about all the memories made there. He couldn't believe he was actually leaving, no matter how much he didn't want to. Although he enjoyed the days of that house so much, and though he dreaded the night to no end, he didn't want to leave. His parents and siblings came out of the house to send him off, hug him and say their farewells.

He wanted to make his parents proud so he decided on his path of undecided in college until he found something he really loved. His parents approved of that and sent it off. Though he already found what he loved, but like his parents said "Wake up, you need to make money!" He then set off for the eight hour drive to some college his parents liked.


The drive was pleasant. A beautiful meadow view, with crappy pop music to drown his thoughts. It was nice. Josh started thinking back to his family. His mom and his dad, who he loved dearly. They always made sure to make home feel like home. His two sisters Ashley and Abigail, and his brother Jordan. They were the best siblings he could ever ask for. It was the best home life he could ever imagine. He just didn't know what caused his insecurities to get the best of him. He always blamed himself in the dead of night. The demanding voice inside him agreeing and telling him he was gone, he hated it. It always came back to the morning where he could see his loving family and where it seemed everything was alright for then.


After driving for about four hours, Josh decided to take a break and pulled into a nearby little shopping area. He looked at all the shops. There was a little cafe, a grocery place, a record store and a gift shop. Saddened by the fact there was no Taco Bell, he went inside the grocery place to see what he could score for ten bucks, wanting to leave another ten bucks to see what he might see in the record store.

He scored on a big bag of chips and a soda for four dollars, leaving him six more dollars for the record store. He smiled and set his food in his car before heading into the store. Upon entering, something beautiful caught his eyes. It was a SJC drum kit, one he had been dying to play, let alone have, since he took on drumming. He went up to the store manager and asked

"Is there anyway possible you'd let me play those drums over there?!"

The store manager raised an eyebrow at him and snarled "If you buy something you can play them as long as you like, kid!"

Josh thanked him and hurried around the store looking for something he could buy for sixteen bucks.

He set his eyes on a Switchfoot CD. He checked the price and it was twenty-one dollars. Disheartened he looked around for something less than that. Checking the whole store, there was nothing that was sixteen dollars or less. He counted his money again and yet he still had only sixteen dollars. He looked around and saw that there was a person staring at him the whole time he was scrambling to buy something. It was a man about the same age as him, though he looked lost and confused for some reason. They locked eyes and the man started walking towards him. The man then handed him a five dollar bill and said

"Here. Play the drums." Before exiting the store.

Sure it was the weirdest thing Josh had probably ever experienced but he didn't care so much at that moment. He bought the Switchfoot CD and played the drums he had always imagined of playing. These were different than the ones he had played in his local record store when he was in high school. Something about it felt great, it felt better. Maybe it was the mysterious man who helped him and his dream. All he knew is this wasn't as bad a day as he thought it was going to be.


After the four hour drive from the record store where he played his heart out, Josh finally reached his destination. He sat in his car, soaking it all in and had this overwhelming sense of fear come over him.

What if I fail? You will.

What if I disappoint my parents? You're going to.

What if I don't make money? You won't.

What if.. What if.. What if?

He looked to his hands and fumbled with his sleeve. The demanding voice in the back of his head wasn't making anything better but he tried to pushed it off for later. Though the fact that he had a roommate didn't make anything else better either. He wasn't good with talking to people, new or old. Though realizing he had been sitting in his car for about ten minutes now, he put on his happy Josh "mask" and proceeded to get his stuff to his room.


Josh stood there in front of his new dorm, waiting for himself to knock on the door. He didn't know if his roommate was there yet and was hesitant to meet him. He wasn't good at meeting new people, especially someone he would have to be living with for a while.

He stood there for what feels like forever and finally just decided to walk in. He opened the door and to his surprise, no one was there. A huge amount of relief flew over him and he fell onto the bed on the left side claiming it as his own.


After laying there for a little nap after the long car ride, he decided to unpack while also thinking of what to say to his roommate when he came. He didn't know anything about his roommate other than his name was Tyler Joseph. Kinda weird to have two first names as a name but he wasn't going to be quick to judge by a simple name.

He began unpacking his suitcase and placing things in the proper places. He didn't have much just a suitcase full of clothes, a toothbrush, shaving stuff (though he doesn't really shave much), and some decorative stuff he brought from his room. His mom didn't want him to take too much because she still wanted him to have a home back in Columbus. He made sure to bring the one thing he truly loved though: his drum pads. Sure it wasn't the same as regular drums, like the ones he played earlier, but 1.) he couldn't afford actual drums and 2.) it wouldn't fit in this little dorm. It was his one outlet and he hoped his roommate wouldn't mind it.

Speaking of roommate, where is he? Josh thought.

It was almost five o'clock PM. He was sure his roommate was to be here by now. The store manager didn't let him play much, though contradicting his words when he said he could, so he wanted to get a chance to play his drum pads before the night dawned on him, because he knew if he didn't play for a least an hour the night would be terrible. Before he had his drum pads he had a different outlet that he didn't want to take up again. All those terrible nights, wishing for something anything to know him. He was getting anxious and scared and got his drumsticks and started hitting his drum pads like he hadn't hit them before.

He was lost in his mind, his drums until he heard a faint voice behind him say


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