A Person Or Thing That Is Doomed Or Cannot Be Saved

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It was a sunny day at the college and the boys were working on their song "Kitchen Sink" still and it was coming along pretty well. They were getting into the second verse, when Josh's phone rang.

"I'm sorry, I should answer this though. It's my mom."

"Go ahead."

Josh answered it.

"Hey mom... yeah i'm good... what's up? what happened?"

Tyler saw how Josh's face went from happy to scared in a matter of seconds.

"I'm coming down there. I'll leave now... okay... bye."

Josh hung up and Tyler looked at him.

"Josh, what happened?!"

Josh looked at Tyler, who looked so concerned for him.

"My grandpa is in the hospital. I have to go see him, Tyler."

"Josh, I'm so sorry."

Josh began packing.

"You're leaving now?"

"I'm sorry, yes."

Josh then remembered something. 

"Tyler, you should come with me!"

"What why?!"

"Your family lives in the same city my grandpa does, don't they?"

"I mean, yeah, but Josh. I don't know."

Tyler wasn't ready to go back to his house, his room. He wasn't ready to go back, he was already going back in a couple weeks for Thanksgiving anyway.

"I think I'll stay here Josh. I'm already going to visit them in a couple weeks. They don't need me to bug them anymore."

"Okay, it was just an idea. I'll be gone for a couple days. I don't really care about school right now."

"Okay, be careful Josh. I hope your grandpa is okay."

"Me too, man."

"See yah."

"See yah."

And he left.

Tyler was left by himself for the first time in a while. He didn't know if he liked that or not.


Josh drove with no stopping. He turned his music up so loud so that his thoughts wouldn't overcome him. Luckily he bought that Switchfoot CD and wasn't listening to crappy pop music the whole way. When he got there he met up with his family who were staying at their grandpa's house. They talked about college and friends, and Josh explained how everything was fine and he had a really great roommate, then Josh asked

"How did grandpa end up in the hospital?"

"He was working on something is the backyard and I guess it was a little much for him to handle and he had a heart attack." his Mom responded.

Josh almost started crying. He loved his grandpa. They had a great connection and his grandpa actually supported his passion for music.

"We'll visit him tomorrow, but let's talk more about college. Have you decided a major yet?"

Josh froze. He hadn't decided one yet.

You disappointed your parents.

Way to go, Josh.

How will you explain to them that you're a failure?

The voice was back and Josh didn't like it.

"No, no not yet mom."

He was shaking and his words proved it too.

"I'll fin-find one soon."

"Are you still drumming?"

He hung his head down.


"You know we support you and your drumming but maybe if you weren't drumming all the time, you'd of picked a major by now."

You're worthless with your drumming.

You just hit things.

Josh had enough.

"I'm going outside."

Josh stepped out to the backyard. His grandpa's place had always been a safe place for him, especially the backyard. The backyard was huge and lead into a forest where Josh liked to spend his time. He wandered back there and just walked until he got to his tree. He found this tree when he was little. There was something about it. It wasn't the tallest tree, or the biggest, but Josh found something he loved about it. Maybe because the branches were low enough for him to climb it. Which he did, not so high so he could fall, but enough to see his grandpa's house from where he sat. He sat on a branch and found the marking he made when he was little. It read "Forrest." He knew that forest was spelled with one 'r' but this way it made 'for' and 'rest.' He sat there and calmed himself, looking as the sunset in the distance matched the galaxy color above.

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