Twenty One Pilots

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After the classes the boys had to attend every day, they met up in their dorm and just worked on "Kitchen Sink." It'd been a week since they started working on it and it was really coming along. Tyler had to find out how to fit Zack's part in there but aside from that it was nearly finished.

The two decided to take a break and to talk about being a band.

"So to be in a band, we need a band name." Josh said.

"Right, right. Do you have any ideas?"

"Not a clue."

"Okay well I think I have something. I was thinking about that the day we decided to become a band. We need a really good name for this band, and in my theater class yesterday, something hit me."

Tyler pulled out a copy of "All My Sons" from his backpack.

"Is that a book?"

"A play, actually."

"How did a play influence the name?"

"You see this play is called 'All My Sons' and long story short it's about a man who must decide what is best for his family after causing the death of twenty one pilots during World War ll because he knowingly sent them faulty parts for the good of his business. It's ends sorta in sad way, he commits suicide from being overcome with the guilt of killing those twenty one pilots."

"Okay, okay. The band name then, how did you interpret it from that?"

"I was thinking it could be Twenty One Pilots. The reasoning being from what I got from it was because it's like a constant reminder to make the right decision, even though the right decision may be the hard decision, even though that may be the decision that takes more work. If that made any sense at all."

"No, I totally understood that. I like that name. Twenty One Pilots... Looks like we got a band name."

"We got a band name! Yeah!"

The two were stoked, things were actually feeling good for once, they felt. 

"Wouldn't this mean we have to create more songs, to eventually be put into an album?" Josh asked.

"Yeah, yeah. I've got plenty of songs to show people, Josh. I think we'll be good. I've actually written two albums before... along with so many other songs."

"DUDE WHAT! Wait, Mark has that recording studio too, right?! Maybe he'd let us use it!"

"You're so right! Should we ask him?"

"Let's go right now, I'm driving."

It was a spur of the moment but the duo drove to Mark's place to ask him.

They knocked on his door and he answered.

"Tyler, Josh. Didn't expect you guys, what's up? Come in."

They went inside and sat in Mark's living room.

"So we kinda have something important to ask of you."

"I'm all ears." Mark said.

"So Josh and I created a band and-"

Mark interrupted, "Yes."  

"I didn't even finish..."

"I don't care, I've been waiting for this opportunity my whole life. Whatever you need, I'll be there. Need a video filmed? Got it. Need help with lighting? Got it. Need to record some songs? GOT IT!"

"Awesome, thank you Mark!" Josh said.

"Well, actually we're working on a song right now. It's almost complete, I just have to get one part down."

"NO WAY! Let's record it now, if you guys want."

"Can we?"

"Heck yes!"

"Then let's do it!"

The three went to Mark's basement and working on the production.

"What's the part of the song you have to fix?" Mark asked.

"Oh, well my brother Zack wrote some lyrics for the song so, I don't have to fix it, he just has to be available to record it."

"Oh oh, gotcha. Well in the meantime we can get the music done. What's the band name by the way?"

"Twenty One Pilots."


It was a couple days later and Thanksgiving was in three days and many students were leaving early for the holiday, but Tyler, Josh and Mark were waiting until the day before to leave. This gave them two full days to work on their music and they were overjoyed. Blurryface wasn't being an annoying part of Tyler and Josh's voice was dull too. It seemed working together on something they truly loved helped fight off their unknown voices. They finished the production for "Kitchen Sink" and started working on another song Tyler called "Anathema."

"Okay, rollback." said Tyler.

Mark hit play on the system.

"You will never know what's behind my skull
So won't you say goodnight so I can say goodbye.
You will never know what's under my hair
So won't you say goodnight so I can say goodbye.
You will never know what's under my skin
So won't you say goodnight so I can say goodbye.
You will never know what is in my veins
So won't you say goodnight so I can say goodbye."

"Good take! Josh, you get in there and make some beats."

Josh and Tyler traded places and went to work. It was sounding pretty great and Tyler was pretty proud of what it was coming to.

It's terrible.

Your voice is amateurish. 

YOu'll neVEr Be GOod enOUgh fOR ThiS WorlD.

He understood Blurry and the thing is: he didn't want to be good enough. He wanted his songs to sound that way, he didn't want to fit into a certain genre of the music industry. All Tyler wanted was to find people who understood his music like he does. He's found two so far since high school and he was okay with that. Josh and Mark believed in him and they understood his music, and he was prepared for what was to come next, if anything does.

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