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*Please read with chapter with care. Stay alive |-/*

Jenna was leaving for a day to go explore Ohio and although Tyler didn't want her to go, he sent her off with a goodbye kiss. This left time for the duo of Tyler and Josh to finally move in with Mark and also to have more bro time together. They had had less of that ever since they had their ladies come into their lives.


When Tyler and Josh moved into Mark's house the next day, they got to pick which bedroom they wanted. There were three stories to Mark's house. There was the basement, the ground floor and the second floor. Tyler and Josh got to pick between the bedroom on the ground floor or the one on the second floor. After a game of rock-paper-scissors, Josh had won the bedroom on the second floor, meaning that Tyler got the one on the ground floor.

Tyler and Josh moved everything in they had from their dorms. Which wasn't much but they had almost everything in their rooms already. Everything except a bed. Which they didn't mind so much, because they were going to go shopping this week for a real bro adventure.


It was the first night of Tyler moving in and Tyler laid down on the floor with a pillow and a blanket.

This is a good home for us.

A new start.

This will be great.

Tyler was confused on what Blurryface was saying.

Oh, you don't understand?


You're not the smartest.

But dang.

There's no ceiling fan in this room.

Tyler's eyes shot open. He didn't want that ever brought up again.

Too bad.

I remember that night all too well.

Shall we?

Tyler couldn't move. He couldn't reach for his phone. He couldn't call for help. He was having trouble breathing.

"Okay." Tyler whispered.

Good. It went like this... You had just gotten home from that job you did. You worked late that night and didn't listen to me in the car, so I had you listen in your room. The place I loved. Remember? You were lying down like you are right now. You couldn't write to fight me either because you had, what did you call it? Oh yes, writer's block. Just an excuse to mask that you arEn'T goOd AT wrITInG... You laid there staring at your ceiling; your ceiling fan. You had your necktie from work in your hands, fumbling with it. You sat up staring at it. Looking at your ceiling fan, I was telling you what was the truth. You were woRThless. No oNE loved you. You were better off DEAD. Staring at your idle hands, you got up and started tearing up. What a cry baby you are. You placed a chair under the ceiling fan. Do you remember what happened next, Tyler? I sure do.

"Stop" Tyler whispered. 

Tyler was able to move now and sat up off of the floor.

You tied the necktie around the ceiling fan. You were listening to me. You know why? Because we are one. I am the only one who cares what you think. No one else does.

"Josh. Jenna. Mark." Tyler said as he started pacing around his room, snapping the rubber bands on his wrist.

They don't care. Remember what happened next in your room that night?

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