To Become Best Friends

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After Josh's family left, Tyler excused himself to go to bed. He wasn't tired physically, more mentally. He had had so much social interaction with great people, and he needed some time to himself. Though time to himself was something he quite dreaded. 

He walked into his room and shut the door behind him. It was dark and Blurryface became immediately known to him.

Oh Tyler, you poor soul.

Don't you miss our times here?

"Not really." Tyler whispered walking around his old room.

He looked at all his high school basketball awards. He was a champ; he had so many awards.

Don't forget about that scholarship you turned down.

Tyler walked away from his awards and sat on his windowsill and looked to the night sky outside.

You think twice about your life, right?

No one would miss you if you just jumped out your window right now.

"Josh would." Tyler whispered, looking around his room for a mirror. There was one by his bed. Tyler got up and looked at himself in it. Blurryface was staring him down, smirking.

Are yoU sURe?

It'S alL an ACt, TYLER.

No oNE CoUld evER lOvE SOMeoNe liKE yOU.

So worThlesS and BroKEn and diRty.

Tyler stared into Blurryface's red eyes.

"You're not going to control me." Tyler said shakily as he balled his fist.

I haVE BeFOrE.


yOUrcei IinGfA N!

It waS riGHt in THis veRY RoOM.

no OnE camE tohELp yOu theN.

wHO WiLl nOw?

"I can. I can help myself." Tyler said taking Blurryface all in.

Blurryface looked exactly like Tyler, except the face of course, but he also had black all on his hands and neck. 

"You're not me, Blurryface."

Oh what are you gonna do?

PuNCh mE?!


Tyler took his fist up...

And let it go and drop by his side.

SeE, yoU'LlNe VERb eaT Me!

Blurryface put his hands around his neck and Tyler began to have trouble breathing. Tyler knelt to the ground and Blurryface followed until Tyler laid down out of sight of his mirror. He never experienced Blurryface like that and he didn't want to again. Tyler laid there looking up at his ceiling. He looked to his right and noticed his ceiling fan. He was terrified of his ceiling and didn't want to wake the memory from that one night so he tried to sleep for the light of the morning.


It was the next day and Tyler and Josh both agreed to drive back to campus the next night so that they could get a day of rest before their morning classes the day after. They don't know why they signed up for morning classes but they did and the two set off in their own cars for the campus. They both left at the same time, at preciously 6 o'clock PM. So that they could get to their dorms at midnight and sleep. Just sleep.

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