Real Families

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It was Thanksgiving and Tyler and Josh were spending it with their families. They were in the same town, luckily. Tyler was at his family's house and Josh was at his grandpa's. 

Tyler was spending his time playing basketball in the park near his house with his siblings though it was just the four of them. Tyler thought of calling Josh to come and play but he didn't want to bother him, because he was probably spending time with his family.

Don't bother him, Tyler.

He probably forgot all about you and your band.

Were you guys ever really friends?

Blurryface was always here for family gatherings.

"Shoot the ball, Tyler!" Jay yelled.

He was distracted by Blurryface, wasn't like it was the first time.

Tyler shot it but it overshot and went over the hoop and kept rolling. Madison went to go grab it when someone else did. He saw a guy with faded blue hair coming closer with the basketball in his hand followed by three others behind him, one of them holding a basketball as well.


It was Josh, what the frick.


"Here's your ball, me and my siblings were just going to play too!"

Everyone introduced each other.

"We should do teams since we have more people now, yeah?" Asked Zack.

"Girls against guys!" said Ashley.

"IT'S ON!" Tyler added in.

The siblings all played in teams until there was a 'clear' winner.

"You guys cheated, come on!" Abigail said.

"How does one cheat at basketball!?" Tyler asked.

"It was fun playing with you guys, though! But we should head back now, have a good Thanksgiving!" Josh said.

And the Dun siblings left. 

"They're pretty cool." Jay said.

"Josh's sisters were really nice, I like them." Madison added in.

"Pretty hot, too." Zack chimed in.

Madison threw the ball at him, "Zack!" 

Tyler just laughed, he loved his siblings.


The Dun siblings went back home and were stopped by their dad. 

"Bad news." He explained.

"What? Is it grandpa!?" Josh asked concernedly.

"I'm right here!" His grandpa shouted from the sofa.

"Oh, well what is it?"

"Your mom doesn't know how to cook..."

"We've always known that... what happened this time?"

"She came to watch the game with us and forgot about the turkey in the oven."

They went to the kitchen to see a completely dried out, sad-looking turkey.

"What are we gonna do?" Jordan asked.

"We could go out?" Abigail provided.

"No one goes out on Thanksgiving!" They heard grandpa Dun shout from the other room.

 "I think I may have a wild idea." Josh said.


The Joseph siblings walked on home to the smell of a wonderful dinner coming from the kitchen.

"Welcome back you guys! It's nearly ready, but it should be done really soon." Their mom said hurrying into the kitchen.

Tyler's dad was sitting on the couch watching the game, so the brothers joined him as Madison went to help their mom in the kitchen.

The One I'm Not (Twenty One Pilots)Where stories live. Discover now