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It was the evening and Josh was finally released from the hospital. The squad, Tyler, Josh, Mark, Jenna and Debby, all decided to meet back at Mark's place for dinner. With all this happening, Tyler remembered what he was going to tell Josh before all this happened.

"Josh, I just remembered. So we've got the release show date planned."

"Oh right! When is it?"

"June 21st."

"You picked it because it was the 21st didn't you?"

"Yes, that and also so that we would have enough time to plan and finish the album."

"Right, right. We have, what is it? Eleven songs done?"

"Yeah, and I'm working on two more right now."

"Awesome! Then we'll have thirteen songs! That's enough for an album right?"

"Yeah, I think so. Maybe I'll get inspired by something one day and start working on another song, but for now, thirteen sounds good."

"Woot! I'm stoked."

"You're awful happy." Mark chipped in.

"It's the antidepressants, no worries. Also being out of the hospital is great, I hate hospitals."

"I understand that." Tyler said.

"We're here." Mark said pulling into the driveway.

Once they pulled in they were followed by Debby and then Jenna.

"Follow me!" Mark said opening the door.

"So what are we going to eat?" Jenna asked as everyone filed into the house.

"You know what I want?" Josh asked.

"Don't say it." Mark said.

"Taco." Josh started.

"Don't do it." Debby added in.

"Bell." Josh ended.

Everyone sighed.

"Well, maybe let's stay inside. The doctor said to take it easy and rest." Debby said as they all sat on the couches.

Josh sighed, "Okay, but let's not make anything about me right now. I got all the attention I could ever ask for in the hospital, though I didn't like it and I don't want to repeat it now... I'm fine now. Okay?"

"Okay, Josh. Why don't we make something? Like cool people do." Mark asked.

"Yeah! I'm great at cooking! What should be make?" Jenna asked.

"What do we all want?" Debby asked.

Tyler had been silent ever since they walked into the house. He was overpowered by his mind telling him to keep quiet. 

i love it when no one pays attention to you.

it's MY turn now.

"I just really want a taco." Josh continued.

"Let's make tacos then!" Debby said.

"Come on, Tyler!" Jenna said.

Everyone got up and headed to the kitchen. 

"I'll catch up with you. I have a lyric to write down." Tyler said standing up.

"Okay, we'll be in the kitchen." Jenna said walking off.


Tyler sat.

you really think they want your company?

The One I'm Not (Twenty One Pilots)Where stories live. Discover now