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Twenty One Pilots were at it again working on a song called 'Lovely' but after working on it for a while, they decided to take a break. The song was turning out pretty great; at least that's what Mark had to say. Mark had been a great asset to the band. He helped produce, he advertised for upcoming shows, and he had a new idea too. 

"I think we should start selling stuff and advertising online." Mark announced.

"You really think so?" Tyler asked grabbing a taco out of the bag. 

They always had their meetings like this over Taco Bell.

"I think it could really help and make you guys be known. Maybe we could even do a music video sometime."

"I'm up for the music video and if you think it'll help then let's do it." Tyler said taking a bite out of his taco.

"Sweet!" Mark said.

"You guys can work on that. I gotta go pick up Debby for our date." Josh said getting up.

"Woot! Have fun, Josh!" Tyler said waving him away.

"I'll sure try!" Josh said leaving Taco Bell.

"So back to going public online." Tyler said.

"We've already put one video on the 'Twenty One Pilots' YouTube page." Mark explained.

"Right, right. The cover of 'Jar Of Hearts' but what else, how else can we make ourselves known?"

"We can utilize all social media. Twitter, Instagram, this thing called Tumblr? Everything. Then post on there, share the videos, start a shop online for merch!"

"That could work."

"And I can help with all that. I've started my own media under my own name too."

"Mark C. Eshleman? No offense but that won't really attract anyone..."

"No. It's Reel Bear Media." 

"Oh, that's cool then!"

"Well then. Shall we go shoot a video or something? We've been in Taco Bell for long enough."

"Let's do it."


The two were heading to Tyler's car when Mark stopped.

"This is good. Let's shoot on this street."

"Are you sure? I mean if that's what you feel then, frick let's go for it."

They first set their stuff down they were carrying in the car and Mark got his video camera out.

"What song are you going to sing?" Mark said as they walked to the start of the street.

"I'll see what song comes to me." Tyler said and they stopped.

"Works for me." Mark stood facing Tyler.

"I'm going to walk backwards, while you walk normally and just sing into the camera." Mark explained.

"Okay, got it." 

"And... action."

They started walking and Mark started recording.

"Down in the forrest 
We'll sing a chorus
One that everybody knows
Hands held higher
We'll be on fire
Singing songs that nobody wrote

Quickly moving towards a storm
Moving forward, torn
Into pieces over reasons
Of what these storms are for
I don't understand why everything I adore
Takes a different form when I squint my eyes
Have you ever done that?
When you squint your eyes
And your eyelashes make it look a little not fine
And then when just enough light
Comes from just the right side
And you find you're not who you're supposed to be?

The One I'm Not (Twenty One Pilots)Where stories live. Discover now