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It was the morning after Josh left, and after last night's encounter with Blurry, Tyler didn't sleep much. He tried to sleep but when he did, the nightmares came and Tyler didn't enjoy them but he didn't enjoy being awake either with Blurry constantly messing with his head. Tyler didn't believe his ears and was scared of his own head, so he didn't sleep and just when Blurry has seeming to calm down and fade away it was almost time for his first class. Theater class.

He didn't hate the class, but he didn't enjoy it either. At the end of the class, at the end of the year, each student had to present to the whole class what one book, one play, one poem, one anything they read from that year inspired them to make, and Tyler was terrified of that. Luckily there could be groups and he had his friend Mark by his side.

Today they had to get in groups of three and produce a song that represented a play written on a piece of paper that they had to pull from a hat. They were then supposed to show the song to the class tomorrow. So they got together with their other friend in that class, Jocef Michael, and pulled a piece of paper from the hat.

"A Doll's House."


Josh went with his family today to visit his grandpa at the hospital. They went up to his room and to their surprise he was sitting straight up talking to the nurses all fine like.

"Josh!" exclaimed his grandpa.

"Hey, grandpa. Are you doing any better?"

"Are you kidding? I feel fine!"

Josh laughed, his grandpa was always a strong fighter and knew how to bring the mood up in the situation.

"Enough about me, now Josh, you still drumming?"

"Yeah, yeah."

"But he's going to choose a real, fine paying major choice." his Mother chimed in.

"Right." Josh exhaled.

"Listen here Josh."

He looked to his grandpa, knowing he was either gonna say something really witty or something really helpful.

"Do what makes you happy, don't listen to your mother. Follow your passion, I didn't get to and I want you to, okay?"

"Dad!" Josh's mom said.

Josh laughed, "Thanks grandpa."

"Now give me a hug, I need to take a nap."

They hugged and Josh said 

"I love you, grandpa. Take it easy on yourself."

"I love you too, Josh. Ditto to you."

Short but sweet, the hug ended and the whole family left for his grandpa to take a nap.

When they got to the house, Josh got a text from Tyler.

[Tyler]: Okay man, this is an odd request but since you're in my town, could you do me a favor?

[Josh]: Sure, what is it?

[Tyler]: I need you to go to my house and get something from my room.

[Josh]: Dude what...

[Tyler]: I know, I know if you can't do it I completely understand but I just thought since you were in my hometown you could get it. It's just another song journal, there's this one song on it I'd really like to finish.

[Josh]: I mean, okay I'll do it but that's prolly going to be the the second weirdest thing that's prolly happened to me since college started.

[Tyler]: What's the first?

[Josh]: When some dude gave me five bucks at a record store to help me play this sick drum kit.

[Tyler]: That dude was me!

[Josh]: I am so aware

[Tyler]: Wow haha, but how's your grandpa?

[Josh]: He's doing really well! Thanks for asking.

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