A Metaphor At Hand

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*Please read with chapter with care. Stay alive |-/* 

It was eight hours, twenty-three minutes, and forty-three seconds since the incident in the forest. Tyler was counting up the time that passed. Forty-six seconds, forty-seven seconds, forty-eight seconds. 

He was helplessly sitting in a chair next to Josh as he slept, in the hospital. Debby was sitting in a chair across from Tyler and Jenna was next to Tyler. Mark had left earlier to get everyone food. Tyler thought it was amazing to see all this support for Josh. He hoped there was support for him like this too.


It was so hard for Tyler to tell everyone what happened. Tyler decided to tell Debby first for Josh was closest to her. It was six hours hours ago...


After they admitted Josh into the hospital, they followed through with everything. The doctors gave Josh charcoal and had him throw up and he was given lots of fluids. He was brought back to a room, where Tyler and Mark saw him again. He was pale white and had all these things in him that Tyler could barely look at him. The doctor filled them in with everything going on with Josh. He was in good condition and could leave in the afternoon tomorrow. Since Josh was over the age of eighteen, the doctors didn't need to notify his parents but recommended to do so.

Josh laid in his bed, sleeping. Neither of them knew what Josh was thinking. Was he happy that they saved him? Was he angry? They let Josh sleep not wanting to figure out yet.


Mark wanted to call Josh's parents but Tyler immediately fought back telling Mark that he couldn't because of how it would break them. Mark and Tyler fought back and forth about it until Mark got a phone call. 

"It's Debby." Mark said, in a scared tone.

"Don't answer it. Wait, no, uh." Tyler said confused.

"I can't, I can't tell her. There's no way I could." Mark said sitting on a chair.  

"I'll tell her..." Tyler said taking Mark's phone. 

Tyler stepped outside Josh's room and answered the phone call.

"Hey Mark. Is Josh with you?"

"Hi Debby..."

"Tyler? Where's Mark? Why did you answer?" 

"Something uh, happened. Maybe you should sit down or something. I don't know." Tyler said as he sat down with his back against the wall.

"I'm sitting in my car. Is everything okay?"

"No, uh." Tyler started tearing up.

"Josh, uh, well."

"Tyler, please. Just say it."

"He overdosed... on pills." 

"Like accidentally?"

"Just come to the hospital, please."

"What? Tyler wh-."

"He tried to kill himself." Tyler blurted out, interrupting her.

Tyler heard the phone on the other end drop and the call ended.

Tyler sat there and just started crying. He kept thinking over and over about how he knew how Josh felt, and how he didn't want to lose him, and how much Josh meant to him.

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