To Meet Josh

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The blue-haired man turned around and Tyler noticed it was the same guy he gave his five dollars to back at the record store. Confused he didn't say anything. They guy then asked

"Are you Tyler Joseph?"

Tyler responded "Yeah."

The guy stuck his hand out and said "I'm Joshua. Josh for short and thanks for the five dollars back at the record store, I really appreciate it. Those drums were amazing."

Tyler shook Josh's hand and said "No problem, I don't know what came over me when I did that." He laughed nervously.

Josh looked anxious and nervous and Tyler didn't know why. Maybe he felt the same as Tyler did.

Josh then asked "Do you mind if I drum some more? It's kinda a thing I gotta do..."

Tyler nodded and said "No go ahead. I understand what you mean by that."

And he did. Tyler knows what that means. He has to do things too. Things being his writing and putting them to song. Josh began drumming again and Tyler decided to unpack some things. He put his clothes in the dresser, and his keyboard on his bed. That was it really. Tyler then sat on his bed and took out his journal to add more to his song. He had this thought in his head while driving that he had to get down. It seemed to go with the drums.

I'm taking over my body, back in control, no more shotty,
I bet a lot of me was lost, Ts uncrossed and Is undotted,
I fought it a lot and it seems a lot like flesh is all I got,
Not anymore, flesh out the door, swat,
I must've forgot, you can't trust me,
I'm open a moment and close when you show it,
Before you know it, I'm lost at sea,
And now that I write and think about it,
And the story unfolds,
You should take my life, you should take my soul.

He felt something hit his head and looked to see half a drumstick. 

"Ouch" Tyler said.

"Dude I'm so sorry! Are you alright?!" Josh said.

Tyler responded "Yeah I'm good. Your drum skills are mad though. Like in a good way." He chuckled.

"Thanks. Do you play anything?" Josh said. Tyler had this big gulp of fear surround him but then proceeded to get the keyboard from the foot of his bed and said

"I play a little, I'm not so good."

"I'm sure you're good, you should show me sometime. We are roommates aren't we?" Josh smiled.

"Yeah, we are." Tyler smiled back.

Tyler liked Josh, not in like, a romantic way, but in a way that seemed that they could be really great friends. Something about him made him feel okay, like he already knew him. Why did it feel that way?

"Well then, are you hungry?" Josh asked.

"Uh yeah sure." Tyler mumbled.

"Okay then let's go to Taco Bell. I've been craving it since I got here. I go there a lot it's my favorite place, next to home."

Tyler's eyes lit up. "Dude, me too!"

"What!? Let's go now!"

The two then agreed to take Josh's car and drove to the nearest Taco Bell where they stayed for a while just getting to know each other.

"How long have you been playing drums?" asked Tyler.

"Since like, I don't know. I would always go to my local record store at home and play their drums until they kicked me out, and I never really had drums of my own. So maybe since seventh grade or so? I didn't get my drum pads until junior year of high school, so it was hard to like uh. So how long have you been playing piano or keyboard or whatever?"

"Well my mom got me a keyboard for me one year and I had it stashed away in my closet, but one night I just decided to take it out and play it. I figured it all out on my own and yeah so maybe about since sophomore year of high school or whatever."

Tyler wasn't going to tell him really why he used his keyboard. To fight Blurry? Yeah like that wouldn't weird his new friend out.


The conversations went just like that and continued on when they got back to their dorm. They talked to the dead of night. Tyler learned that Josh has dyed his hair multiple colors before too. They talked about music and how much writing meant to him, though not diving into the deeper part of it. Then Josh brought up the idea:

"We should play music together!"

"Like my piano and your drums?"

"And your writing! I'm sure it would be sick!"

"I don't know Josh. That's crazy."

"Well maybe just a jam session one day?"

"That can work."

The duo smiled and after realizing it was after two o'clock AM they both agreed to hit the hay and go to sleep.

Tyler had an actual good night's sleep for the first time in a while and with a new friend by his side, he was full of joy.

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