To Lose

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*Please read with chapter with care. Stay Alive |-/*

Ichthus was a week ago and Twenty One Pilots were getting recognition. There were a couple people at the college who stopped Tyler on his way to class to tell him that they were fans. This made Tyler overjoyed. They were becoming something in their little hometown. Maybe the release show will be good. Tyler just had to make sure his theater teacher was on board with his plan.

It was about ten minutes until Tyler's theater class was over and no one was really paying attention. There was a month of school left and they only had one assignment left: the final project. The teacher talked about it all throughout the school year. To recap, each student has to present to the whole class what one book, one play, one poem, one anything they read from throughout the year inspired them to make. Tyler was lucky to have been inspired by the play 'All My Sons' and create his band. He was lucky to have Josh by this side to make the band happen too. Once the class got out, Tyler went up and asked the teacher a question.

"So for the final project, do we have to perform in class?" He asked.

"Yes, Tyler. That's the logical approach."

"Well, uh, you see, I was hoping that maybe instead my final project presentation could be not shown in class because it'd be difficult to perform in here."

"What is your presentation going to be?"

"I was inspired by the play 'All My Sons' and named my band by the inspiration so, I was going to have my band mate come and we'd play a song or two, but it's pretty small in here and we going to have a CD release show soon and maybe-"

"If it makes things easier, I can grade you from your show."

"Really? Thank you!"

"It has to be on school campus though."

"Oh, okay. Thank you so much. I'll go check out the details now."

"I look forward to it!"


Tyler went home and talked to Mark about the whole situation. Josh was sleeping still for some reason.

"So we have to have the CD release show on school campus." Tyler explained sitting down on the couch.

"Really? Okay, how do we manage that? I assume there's a stage on campus somewhere." Mark said laying down.

"There's one on the west side, an outdoor one. We have to see if we can rent it, I think."

"Okay, should we go do that now?"

"Yeah, better early than late. Should we get Josh?"

"Hmm, maybe let him sleep. I checked on him right before you came in and he was still sleeping. He's not dead though he changed positions from the last time I checked on him. I don't know why he's sleeping still... he's been like this ever since we got back from Kentucky last week."

"Really? Okay, we'll check on him when we get back then. I hope he's okay..."

Tyler and Mark then left the house and drove to the college campus.


When they got there they drove to the west side's office and walked in.

"What can I help you guys with today?" The gentlemen behind the counter said.

"Hi, we're looking to use the stage?" Mark asked politely.

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