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It was the next day and it was New Year's Eve. Josh and Tyler spent the day showing their families around campus and showing the sights near the college, then the families separated from the boys to let them do their own thing for the night. Tyler had his date with Jenna, so Josh was going to go hang with Mark and do who knows what.

Tyler, Josh and Mark were sitting at the house thinking and waiting for the time to pass until Tyler has to leave.

"What time did Jenna say to pick her up?" Mark asked.

"She said nine." Tyler responded.

It was currently eight-thirty, so Tyler had to leave soon to go do that.

"What are you guys going to do?" Tyler asked.

"I have no idea, Mark what are we doing?" Josh asked.

"We'll figure something out. I think I'll gather some of my other friends and we'll go on an adventure or something. Sound cool?" Mark said scrolling through his phone.

"Sure, why not. You better leave now, Tyler. Better early than late!" Josh said.

"Oh yeah. You're probably, right. Okay, have fun you two. I'll see you next year!" Tyler said getting up of the couch.

"You're so funny!" Mark said sarcastically. 

"Don't be nervous, man. Jenna seems to like you, it'll go great!" Josh said patting his friend on the back.

"You're right. I'm just over-thinking it. But do I look fine? Do you think what I decided to do is good enough for a date?"

Mark got off the couch.

"Tyler. You'll be fine. We have ice cream in the freezer if not, though. Bye!" Mark said pushing him out the door.

Tyler sighed but then got into his car and drove off.


Josh and Mark played Mario Kart for a while before Mark's friends started getting here. Only three other people were coming to, as Mark said, "Mark's New Year's Adventure Party but not," so they didn't have to wait long. Except for the last guest. Josh and Mark were socializing with the two guests waiting for the other guest to come, when the doorbell rang. 

"You're late!" Mark said opening the door.

"It's ten o' one. You said to meet here at ten, Mark." The girl said walking it.

"Oh, well everyone, this is Debby." Mark said introducing her. 

Debby had almost white hair and was wearing a black crop top shirt, black skinny jeans, a red flannel and a black beanie to top it all off. She was beautiful Josh thought.

"I'm Joshua. Josh for short." Josh said getting up and introducing himself.

"Nice to meet you, Joshua." She said smiling. Josh's heart could've melted from that smile right there.

"So, are we ready for Mark's New Year's Adventure Party but not!?" Mark asked pumping his fist in the air.

"What are we even going to do?" Josh asked. 

"Who knows?! Let's just get in my van and see where the night calls us!" Mark said running outside. 

Mark's two other friends laughed as they followed Mark to his van. Josh had completely forgotten their names because: 1.) He wasn't really good with names and 2.) Debby had completely blown his mind.

"After you." Josh said opening the door for her.

"Why, thank you." She said walking out. 

Josh locked the door and Debby and Josh sat in the back seat next to each other, while the other two friends sat in the middle and Mark drove.

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