Tyler Joseph

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Tyler Joseph began packing his suitcase to begin his future finally out of his room. There was nothing wrong with it of course, but the experiences caught in this room are ones he dreaded. He has a bunch of words in an order that he compiled to prove it. A BUNCH of words. All in his little outlet of a journal he kept under his bed for so long. Along with packing though, he has to find a way to fit his keyboard into his suitcase. Either that or he'll have to put it in his back seat. He doesn't want to destroy it because it's helped put his words into songs. Songs he's only shown his family a couple times. Song writing was an outlet where he found that he could say things that he wouldn't be able to talk about casually in conversation with people. He was able to have an outlet with music and he genuinely loved that. Though his parents didn't so much. They supported his music, no doubt, but they were concerned that Tyler was never gonna be successful.  "Wake up, you need to make money!" as they said. So he decided on undecided on college and his parents agreed with that and helped him with that.

He put his suitcase in his car and his keyboard in the back, hoping it would be safe. His family then came out to hug him and say goodbye. His mom held onto him for what seemed like forever. There was a loving, beautiful connection between them that Tyler loved. Then his dad, his two brothers Zack and Jay, and finally his sister Madison all hugged him and said their goodbyes. He then set off for the six hour drive to some college his parents liked.


The drive was terrible. During the summer before senior year of high school, some idiot decided it would be a great idea to steal his car radio. Tyler was left there with his thoughts consuming him whole. He couldn't stop thinking about how much of a failure he was. How much his songs sucked. He didn't know how to be known. The deeper, dark voice agreeing and tagging along too. 

You're a failure.

You're never gonna be successful doing what you love.

What are you even doing?

Why are you still here?

You're miserable.

"I'm not" Tyler faintly said. "I'll live another day. I won't be afraid." His vision was blurred and he remembered why he named the voice Blurry. 

Tyler then pulled into a nearby little shopping area to try and calm himself. He pulled out his song journal and began writing, adding onto his past song he was trying to finish.

I wake up fine and dandy but then by the time I find it handy,
To rip my heart apart and start planning my crash landing,
I go up up up up up to the ceiling,
Then I feel my soul start leaving, like an old man's hair receding,
I'm pleading please, oh please on my knees repeatedly asking,
Why it's got to be like this, is this living free,
I don't want to be the one, be the one who has the sun's blood on my hands,
I'll tell the moon, take this weapon forged in darkness,
Some see a pen, I see a harpoon.

He was calming now and noticed a record store in the shopping area. He decided to walk around there to try to distract himself for a little while before driving again. Upon walking in he noticed how small and unique it was. There were so many records and CD's he's never seen before, and a pretty sick drum set in the corner. Looking around he found what looked like a little guitar. He picked it up and strummed a little on the bottom string. He liked it, this little guitar. He took it up to the counter and bought the little guitar, which he found was called a ukulele. He had five dollars left so he decided to look around some more. He found a Switchfoot CD but seeing how it was twenty-one dollars, he put it back in its place.

Tyler noticed a man walk into the store and saw how the man's face immediately lit up as his eyes fixated on the drum kit. The man had hair as blue as the sky on a clear day. He heard the blue-haired man ask the store manager

"Is there anyway possible you'd let me play those drums over there?!" 

The store manager raised an eyebrow at him and snarled "If you buy something you can play them as long as you like, kid!" 

The blue-haired man then thanked him and hurriedly looked for something to buy. He didn't seem to notice Tyler staring at him with confusion. Tyler noticed how he stopped at the Switchfoot CD, checked the price and put it back. The blue-haired man then counted his money which Tyler saw added up to sixteen dollars. He had the extra five dollars to buy the CD. He noticed how the blue-haired man's face fell but then he looked up at Tyler and locked eyes with him. He then walked up to the man, handed him his five dollars and said 

"Here. Play the drums." And exited the store. 

Sure it was the weirdest thing Tyler had probably done but he didn't care so much at that moment. Tyler got inside his car, put his ukulele down and started writing again.

I'll stay awake,
'Cause the dark's not taking prisoners tonight.

Why am I not scared in the morning,
I don't hear those voices calling,
I must have kicked them out, I must have kicked them out,
I swear I heard demons yelling,
Those crazy words they were spelling,
They told me I was gone, they told me I was gone.

He knew that was this wasn't such a bad day after all.


He got to the dorm building pretty late, after deciding he should probably eat something after not eating breakfast or lunch, though he was used to days like that. He was also pretty afraid of living with a roommate who he's never met before, so that stalled him also. All he knew was that his roommate's name was Joshua Dun. Dun. Dun. Dun. Huh, Tyler thought, what an odd last name. Maybe he'd appreciate some Joshua Puns. Laughing to himself he got out of his car and just decided to just tough it out and grabbed his suitcase and his keyboard and headed to his dorm room. He hoped his roommate wouldn't mind if he played sometimes.

Once he got to his room he heard a sound of low-key drums. He didn't really mind of course, he knows himself how big outlets can be and maybe this was this guy's outlet to something. So he entered in and noticed a guy with blue hair banging away at some drum pads.

He set down his stuff on the bed to the right and it seems the guy didn't notice him at first, so Tyler faintly said 


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