Facing The Dark

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Tyler woke up with a jolt. He felt someone holding him and looked up to see Jenna.


"Tyler? Are you alright?  It looked like you were having a nightmare."

He looked all around the room. Debby fell asleep in her chair and Mark was asleep too. So was Josh, no surprise there.

Jenna started playing with Tyler's hair.

"Are you alright? You were screaming in your sleep."

"Yeah, I guess it was just a nightmare."

"Do you want to tell me about it?"

Should I? He thought. Tyler had never told anyone about his nightmares. Maybe Jenna could help.

you really think she could?

There was Blurryface.

that was a really messed up dream I caused.

only to get the point across.

we are one.

i am the personification of you.

face it.

you are your insecurities.

"Maybe talking about it will help. That's all I want to do, Tyler."

He looked into her eyes, and he was so glad her eyes were the beautiful blue they are.


Tyler sat up in his chair.

"So basically, maybe, you should know some back story first."

"Okay, go for it." She said.

"So, you know how there's that voice in that back of your head?"

Jenna nodded in agreement.

"Well, the voice I have is a pretty rough guy. He likes to raise my anxiety and beat on my insecurities and doubts. When I was in high school, with this voice and all the bad thoughts he was raising, I decided to give him a name. To give my insecurities and doubts a seat at the table. Whenever I face this voice, my vision and everything goes blurry so I named him Blurry."

Should he tell her about the face?

Tyler continued, "A couple of months ago, I also came across that Blurry has a face. I'd draw it out for you, but it's honestly too terrifying to note. So after that incident I renamed him Blurryface."

"Blurryface..." Jenna repeated.

"Going back to my nightmare now, I dreamt that I woke up and you were gone so I went for a walk and riding down the elevator I scared a family and I didn't know why. Then I got to a bridge and there was someone on the bridge singing one of my songs, that I had never shown anyone. When I got closer I realized that that someone was me. I was so confused when I realized that my hands were all black. I forgot to mention but Blurryface also had black hands and a black neck. Anyways, realizing that my hands were black, that made me figure out that I was Blurryface. I screamed out for myself, Tyler, but then he, I climbed over the railing and screamed the rest of the song and fell off the bridge. Then it got even more confusing..."

"Do you want to continue telling the story?"

Tyler nodded his head.

"I screamed running to the bridge but there was nothing there. Everything was building up and there was so much confusion and I grabbed onto the railing of the bridge as I realized my hands weren't black anymore. I couldn't take the confusion anymore so I climbed over the railing and I screamed more of the song and fell off the bridge like the Tyler before me did. Then I woke up..."

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