Cultivation Fairy Cannon Fodder

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  Jiang Fei raised his eyes and saw the face of a strange man at a glance. He had elegant features and a bit of pretentious gentleness. He was dressed in a blue robe, and his dark hair was tied into a high ponytail with a green hairband. A little boyish.

  Jiang Fei couldn't help but chuckle in her heart. Although this body was already a mortal body and could not be seen as a blindfold, she could still see the bright reminder on the man's head.

  Rong Shu favorability: 10.

  "Girl?" Rong Shu called her in a low voice.

  Jiang Fei looked slightly startled and murmured: "Have we met before?"

  Rong Shu narrowed his eyes slightly, he had seen her before, she was the one in his pocket, he still smiled on his face: "What do you mean by this, girl?"

  Jiang Fei suddenly reacted and said with embarrassment, "I admit my mistake." Realizing that she was still in his arms, her ears turned red, and she stood up from his arms in a hurry, saying with lingering fear, "Thank you, sir, for saving me."

  But he sneered in his heart.

  A hero saves a beauty? What a vulgar plot.

  Chapter 96 Cultivation Fairy Cannon Fodder 17

  In the bustling market, passers-by breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that a "mistake" had turned around, and their eyes fell on a man and woman on the street.

  The man wears a green shirt and has dark hair, while the woman wears white clothes and fair skin. Standing together, they match each other very well.

  "How could the girl be alone outside?" Rong Shu took half a step back and looked at Jiang Fei with a smile, "What happened today is too dangerous. The girl may be frightened. I don't know where the girl lives. I might drop by and give the girl a ride." Procedure."

  Jiang Fei'er's blush gradually faded, he shook his head and said with a smile, "No need, my home is at the foot of the mountain. I planned to go out to buy some snacks and story books, but I never thought I would encounter such a thing."

  Rong Shu raised his eyebrows: "What a coincidence."


  "I just moved here and bought a house at the foot of the mountain," he said, turning slightly sideways and making a "please" gesture, "Girl, if you don't mind..."

  "That's a coincidence," Jiang Fei looked at Rong Shu, "Young master saved me, how could I mind."

  Rong Shu smiled and walked back side by side with Jiang Fei: "You still don't know the girl's name?"

  "Me?" Jiang Fei smiled, "My name is Jiang Fei."

  "Jiang Fei," Rong Shu repeated playfully between his lips and teeth. He naturally knew that he had saved her life after all.

  The next moment, Rong Shu smiled slowly and said, "My name is Rong Yu." He dropped the word "She".

  "Master Rong." Jiang Fei nodded gently to him.

  As he spoke, the house was already in front of him, and Jiang Fei stopped: "Thank you, Mr. Rong, for seeing me off. Mr. Rong, if you don't mind, can you go in and have a cup of tea?"

  It was a completely polite tone.

  Rong Shu nodded unceremoniously: "Okay."

  When he finished speaking, he saw her somewhat astonished eyes, lowered his eyes and smiled lightly, then walked into the house.

  But she frowned slightly when she saw the too simple objects in the house. The best "medicinal materials" should be kept in the most luxurious rooms. Did she really live her life as a "human"?

  Isn't she unwilling to give up?

  In the world of cultivating immortals, her physique was considered to be that of a proud person of heaven. Given time, it would not be impossible for her to be able to cultivate to the stage of transcending tribulation.

  Now, all his spiritual roots have been damaged, leaving only a useless spiritual body that is inherently incapable of cultivation.

  "This place is a bit crude..." Jiang Fei said and walked towards the house.

  But all I heard was the woman's soft and choked voice coming from inside the house: "Brother Wu Nian, please don't drive me away, okay?"

  Jiang Fei opened the door and saw Lin Ningyan leaning in Yun Wunian's arms.

  The girl's eyes are red and her eyebrows are beautiful. The boy is dressed in white, elegant and handsome. There is a bit of ambiguity with the teapot slowly smoking hotly beside him.

  Childhood sweethearts, a happy life.

  Jiang Fei pondered for a moment, then took half a step back as he heard Rong Shu getting closer and closer behind him.

  There was indeed a figure beside him. The next moment, Jiang Fei felt someone holding his shoulders, and Rong Shu pretended to be worried: "Miss Jiang?"

  Yun Wu Nian heard the movement and reacted quickly. He pushed Lin Ningyan away from his arms and turned to look at the door. His body froze in the next moment. The confusion in his memory just now, the strange woman's "Master" Suddenly disappeared, leaving only the person in front of him.

  ——Jiang Fei was looking at him calmly, but his face was slightly pale. Beside her, a strange man was holding her shoulders, his eyes full of concern, as if he was intimate.

  Yun Wu Nian's eyes were fixed on the hand on Jiang Fei's shoulder, and his brows were slightly furrowed.

  I just felt that hand... was particularly dazzling.

  Rong Shu was also looking at Yun Wu Nian. He could detect the faint anger in the young man's eyes, and...

  Love locking spell!

  Rong Shu understood. No wonder the last time he saw Xin Qi, the love-locking spell was no longer on his body. It turned out that it had been transferred to this mortal.

  Does Ruoxin know that he made a wedding dress for someone else? How does he feel?

  Rong Shu sneered in his heart and was about to look away, but he noticed something at the next moment and half-squinted his eyes.

  The young man in front of him was restless, and he actually let out a bit of immortal light. He didn't look like a mortal in the human world, but his body was indeed that of a mortal.

  "Sorry, Xiao Wu Nian, Miss Lin, I have disturbed you two." Jiang Fei finally spoke up and broke the silence with a smile.

  Yun Wu Nian moved his lips and turned slightly pale.

  Rong Shu's eyebrows flashed slightly.

  No thoughts?

  Yun Wu Nian?

  The Immortal Lord who is going through calamity on Wu Nian Mountain?

  Rong Shu couldn't help but smile. His "medicinal materials" really impressed him.

  First, there is the demon demon, and then there is the immortal in the world of immortality.

  One is looking for her all over the world, and the other seems... to have some affection for her.

  It's just... Rong Shu glanced at Lin Ningyan's face aside, waiting for the calamity to end, his "medicine" might be broken again.

  After all, Immortal Master Yun Jue had few emotions and few desires. If there was any trace of human love left, it was all given to his disciple Tang Feiyan.

  Now that Yun Jue's immortal light has leaked out, it is feared that the immortal and demon worlds will soon notice that Yun Wu Nian is here.

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