Got Your Back.

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This is a request from my @4madsxx bestie! It's about Charlie helping Dior from a crazy fan! Enjoy!

*Dior's POV*
I'm about to go to take some pictures! Aah! I'm so excited! My amazing, the one and only Charlie Bushnell, is going to be taking me. He's so kind! I am really starting to crush on him, if I'm being honest. When we got there, we saw a lot of people already wanting photos. Charlie was like my bodyguard. I took a few pictures with fans and all.

When we got to the, what I like to call the 'main stage', we took pictures with the PJO cast. It was great! I'm almost sure I looked like a million bucks. I had on my red and black dress with shiny red heels. My hair was in a tight ponytail. Like, Ariana Grande, type. My curls were still popping out. Leah tho, she looked beautiful, as always... Our outfits ATE.

Charlie was looking so fly! He had on a silky black suit. He knew about style, ya hear? We took some pictures by ourselves. I really enjoyed it. When we were taking our pictures, Charlie looked at me with a smile. I smiled back and I felt a little bit... What's the word? Nervous? No. Maybe, a bit attracted to him. "Why couldn't the photographer take any more pictures?" He asked me with his handsome grin. "Why?" I asked him with a smile. "Cause, they can't see anymore." He said with a chuckle. I laughed so hard! "That was such a dad joke!" I said quickly slapping his chest. He laughed and looks at the camera's again to get some more pics.

When it was around time to go get dinner, a lot more people asked for pictures of me and Charlie. There were a bit more fans than last time. I also signed a few books. I guess a lot of people like me or Clarisse. When I was taking a picture with someone, another person came up and grabbed my shoulder. I shrieked not knowing what or who it was. As I turned around, I saw a teen who looked no older than 19. "Can I take a picture?" He yelled "Um... Hey!" I shouted as he grabbed my arm. I tried to get off of him without hurting him. Charlie came over and elbowed the guy's arm. "Ow! What the hell, man?!" The guy said rubbing his arm. "You can't just come up to her and grab her like that!" Charlie said holding my hand. His fingers were interlocked with mine and I felt a race of love inside me. He kept fussing but, I was just stuck on the fact of how he's holding my hand unconsciously. "...So, maybe next time, you should show some respect." I heard him finish his sentence. He looked over at me and took my arm with his hand and rubbed his other hand on top of my arm. "Are you okay? It looks a bit red. Yup, now my crush on him is definitely growing. "Y-Yes. Thank you." I said with a bit of shock and a lot of gratefulness. He let my arm go and nodded.

*Charlie's POV*
Me and Dior took some pictures with fans. A lot of people there seemed to like Dior. I wanted to make sure she was still safe. In all truth, I actually have a slight crush on her. She's the most lively, funny, caring person I know. When we taking Pictures, I hear Dior shriek. I tried to turn around to check on her, but the fans were holding my back. I didn't worry yet because, she didnt keep yelling. When I turned back around to take picture, I heard Dior shout "Hey!" I immediately saw what was going on and tried by best to stop the aggression. I fussed at the guy for being so stupid. I turned back around to make sure Dior was okay. Her arm had a little bit of red but, she's so strong.

Later on that night, we went for dinner and she told me I was holding her hand. I didn't realize if all. I just wanted to make sure Dior was safe. She I said. She's important to me. I like her.

Charlie and Dior Where stories live. Discover now