Darlie and a Kid. P4

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Dior and Charlie sat at the table eating a snack, while Jeremy played with his toys in his room. Dior couldn't stop thinking about Jeremy. Neither could Charlie but, he didn't want to be stressed out as well.

      "Maybe we need to call Kate, Charlie."
"Okay. But, Dior what would you say?"
   "I don't know, I just...

    "Charlie why do I feel like I'm alone in this? Like     you don't care?"
"Dior I do care."
    "Well, why aren't you helping me figure this out?"
"Because, I'm stuck Di."
     "Oh, you don't think I am?!"
"Dior, I know you are."

    "So, you're just leaving it to me?!"
"Dior, I hate when you stress. You know that!"
     "You still won't answer the question! Why aren't you figuring this out?!"

There was a moment of silence, and tension between the two. Both of them with wrinkled eyebrows, and a fast beating heart.

      "Charlie, you know I can't be his mom. I'm sure Kate wouldn't even let that happen."
"Dior, who is he gonna have? Kate isn't taking the proper care she should be taking."
     "Charlie. I'm 18." Dior said softly.

Charlie felt a bit overwhelmed. He nodded with a sigh, and placed his hand on hers and said "We're going to figure this out." "Yeah." She whispered.
The two softly smiled at each other.

All of a sudden they hear a loud bang. Both of theirs eyes widened as they scooted back and waited to make sure I just wasn't construction from outside. They, the heard a scream. "MOOOOOOMMM!!!!!" Both of their hearts dropped to their knees and ran to the boy.

(A/N: I may babysit sometimes and that is THE MOST scariest sound I could ever hear)

Dior slammed the door open to see Jeremy on the floor holding his shoulder, crying. "Baby, what happened?" Dior asked as she got down to her knees at his level, Charlie following her lead.

"I hit the bed! It hurts!" He cried "Okay, can I see it?" Dior asked, trying to stay calm. Jeremy took his hand off of his shoulder, and there has a bruise with a small scrap. "Oh sh-Charlie please go get some ice." "Okay." He responded, bolting off.

Dior held Jeremy in her lap, gently pressing the bruise to prevent more pain, and holding his hand. "Shh, shh, shh." She says as she rubs her thumb on his hand. Jeremy soon calmed down with tears all over his face.

Charlie came back with a soft cloth, a small bag of ice, a paper towel, and a few grapes.

He gave Dior the cloth and the ice. "Thank you." She whispered as she wrapped the cloth around the bag of  ice and gently pressed it against his shoulder.

"Here bud." Charlie said handing him the grapes. Jeremy took the grapes, slightly forgetting about his injury. Charlie used the paper towel to wipe his face. "You good, baby boy?" Dior asked. "Mhm." Jeremy replied quietly. "Okay." Dior answered. Charlie soothed his back, and Dior picked out a few pieces of lint from his hair.

Jeremy sunk into Dior's chest, filled with love and affection for her and Charlie. Charlie was about to walk out to get Jeremy some water. "Char?" He said quietly. He opened and closed his hands, wanting Charlie to be right beside him.

Charlie smiled and chuckled softly. "Okay. I'm comin'." He whispered. Charlie sat behind Dior, picked her up on his lap, and held onto her wait, with his hands on Jeremy's legs. Everyone had a grin and Dior closed her eyes and smiled as Charlie hissed her head.

Joy Here
I know this was short but I think I wanna do another one... You guys got any ideas?? Love you! 😘

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