Just... Doing what we do.

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I love the way Leah barges in on Dior and Charlie when @BonV0yage1234 writes so, I'm going to do a little something like that. Enjoy!

Charlie pulled her to his waist by her thighs, causing a gasp to escape from her mouth. Dior bit her lip and smiled. "You're so pretty." Charlie whispered in her ear, making her giggle. He slid is hands up to her waist, causing a bit of tension. They slowly leaned into a kiss. Or course, their tongues made through.

As they were making out, Leah came in. "Guys, have you seen Wa-" she was cut off by them making out. "Guys! You're so needy!" She whined. "Leah. You came in." Charlie said softly. "It's 10:00 in the morning!" She said with raised eyebrows.

"What do you want, sis?" Dior asked. "I was gonna ask where Walker was but, I'm sure you don't know now." She said with a rasied eyebrow. "Why are acting like that?" Dior asked with a smile. "Causssee..." she whined. "I don't know." She said shrugging her shoulders.

"Is it uncomfortable?" Charlie teased. "That's not what I said." Leah said with a small smile. "Good!" Dior said as she looked at Charlie and started kissing him again. Leah just stood there and started looking around. "Okay! You don't have to be weird about it." She admitted. Dior turned her head with a mischievous smile and said "I'm not being weird." Leah laughed from the 'Annabeth and Percy' joke.

"Nice one. But, have you seen Walker?" Leah asked as she was about to leave. "Last time I saw him, he was with you. No, sorry he went to the store with his mom to get something for y-... Um. For your dog..." Charlie said hesitantly. "For my dog?" Leah said with a confused expression. "Yup. Mhmm." He said with a nervous smile. "Okay. Uh, thanks." Leah said with a confused smile.

When she left Charlie sighed. "I'm so terrible." He whispered. "What do you mean?" Dior asked him, confused as well. "Walker's getting something for Leah since she studied with him on his math test a couple of days ago." "Ohh! Yeah you are bad." Door teased. "Oh my goodness, Di." He said with a smile.

"Anyways, where were we?" Charlie said with a mischievous smile. "Good question, Bubba." Dior said as he rubbed his chest. (Y'all know what happens next lol)

Also, PLEASE give me some Darlie ideas, I'd really appreciate thoose! If you guys would like a AU story, I guess I don't mind. 😘

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